Catalyst On the Prowl
Hey Family!
We’ve finally been able to arrange a solid plan b for having a place to stay. We still need help finding other options, but it works for the now and definitely helps us get other resources in order.
We’re committed to helping the environment recover from a past juju influence, and so far that #heromission has been relatively successful.
We were finally able to get another cuffbelt done. We’re kind of hoping to sell it or trade for more stoner fairy supplies.
Drum circle was fun today. There was a relatively small turnout but we got to meet and smoke out some more Rainbow Family folks and got to trade some Juju and some stories.
We still have daydreams of being able to see the other juju stuff; Rainbow folks have a tendency of bringing those thoughts to the surface. Even if it’s just daydreams though, we’re still meeting cool folks and for the now that’s helping us stay grounded.