The True Superhero
Since I was in first grade, I am very interested in finding out how to get my own super power. I am very much fond of Volta, Super Inggo and Pedro Penduko, they were all Filipino superheroes that I used to watch on television. Growing up in a media oriented society, the influence of these characters can't be denied on our daily lives. Growing up, I eventually realized that they don't have super powers like those that I wanted to have. They were just characters that the makers use in order for us to relate and to realize that our weaknesses is not a bad thing after all. It's the same that all our strengths are not always good for us.
This is to remind us that even in our darkest hours, we should always believe that everything has a purpose. Your weakness might be the reason that you will be on top someday. Your strength may also be the reason that you will fail. We don't know what we are up to in the future. But the very first thing that you should remember is that as long as you don't give up, top or bottom, you can deal with it with a power that every superhero might have , "courage".
Be courageous, be happy, be brave, be Kind. :-)
Be a true Superhero of your own life.