SLC S22 Week 1 - Herbs for children

Assalamualaikum my fellows I hope you will be fine by the grace of Allah. Today I am going to participate in the steemit learning challenge season 22 week 1 by @afzalqamar under the umbrella of steemit team. It is about herbs for children. Let us start exploring this week's teaching course.

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Teething Remedy: Create a teething pain remedy. Describe the preparation and application method.

Let us start creating a herbal remedy for the teeth pain.


  • Neem
  • Onion
  • Clove
  • Salt


These are all the ingredients which I will use in the herbal remedy for the teeth pain of the children.


I brought onions from the market to use them in the remedy because at that moment they were not available.


Neem leaves are also not easily available. There was a neem tree in my neighbourhood but they have cut it. So I send a child to bring some leaves of the neem from his house which is far from mine.


Inform cloves were also not available at home. I searched them but it vain. Then I went to the market and I bought some cloves. Here you can see the cloves.


I have taken some iodine salt to use it in the remedy.

Remedy Preparation


For the preparation of the remedy I have poured some water in the container in which I can easily put other ingredients and boil them.


I have separated the leaves from the branches. And now I have added the leaves in the co trainer and the furnace is already on.


I made the small slices of the onion. And then I have put those small slices in the onion as well.


Cloves are also the key ingredient in this remedy. So after adding neem leaves and onion I have added cloves in the pot.


I have added iodine salt in the container. It is naturally very useful salt for the growth and it is widely used in the dishes.


Now after adding all the ingredients I boiled the complete remedy for long time. I kept on boiling it until the water started bubbling. At that moment the fragrance of the ingredients was also coming and it was spreading all around.


After boiling it it placed it aside. The remedy was ready to cure the pain of the teeth for the children. The interesting this is that it can be used for the elders as well.

How the Remedy Helps in Teething Pain

Getting teeth is frequently joined by agony, enlarging, and inconvenience as the child's gums conform to the rise of new teeth. This regular cure joins the synergistic properties of onion, neem, clove, and salt to address these side effects, offering help while supporting oral wellbeing successfully. Every fixing assumes a particular part, and together, they structure a comprehensive answer for relieve getting teeth torment, diminish irritation, and forestall diseases.


Onion is a characteristic calming and gentle pain relieving, making it profoundly viable in decreasing expanding and facilitating torment in the gums. Antibacterial properties safeguard against contaminations can emerge because of gum disturbance or slobbering, which are normal during getting teeth. Onion squeeze likewise advances recuperating by quieting aroused gum tissue, offering prompt help to the child.


Neem is a respected restorative spice known for its powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and mitigating benefits. It relieves bothered gums, decrease redness and expanding, and make a defensive boundary against hurtful microorganisms. Neem additionally upholds generally speaking oral cleanliness, guaranteeing that the getting teeth process advances without confusions. Its normal mending properties make it a critical part in reducing the distress of getting teeth.


Clove is one of the best normal solutions for dental agony because of its high convergence of eugenol, a characteristic sedative. Eugenol works by desensitizing the gums, giving prompt help with discomfort while additionally lessening aggravation and distress. Clove's germ-free properties further forestall contaminations, guaranteeing the child's gums stay perfect and solid during getting teeth.


Salt, a straightforward yet strong normal sterile, assumes a pivotal part in keeping the getting teeth region spotless and liberated from hurtful microorganisms. It relieves gum disturbance, diminishes irritation, and helps in recuperating sore gums. By establishing a negative climate for bacterial development, salt supplements the impacts of different fixings, guaranteeing the gums stay sound and aggravation free.

How the Remedy Works as a Whole

At the point when joined, the fixings in this cure work synergistically to address the vital side effects of getting teeth. The onion's calming and antibacterial properties diminish enlarging and safeguard the gums, while neem's relieving and antimicrobial characteristics forestall diseases and advance mending. Clove gives fast help with discomfort by desensitizing the gums and lessening irritation, causing the child to feel more good. At long last, salt goes about as a characteristic cleaning agent, forestalling bacterial development and supporting the general upkeep of oral wellbeing. Together, these fixings structure a complete cure that mitigates getting teeth torment as well as supports gum wellbeing and forestalls entanglements, offering comprehensive consideration for the child's getting teeth stage.

Application Method

Cleanliness is basic while applying this solution for guarantee the child's security. Clean up completely with cleanser and water to take out any likely microorganisms. Set up a perfect implement, for example, a cleaned q-tip, a piece of delicate dressing, or at the tip of your finger, which will be utilized to knead the child's gums tenderly.

Apply the Remedy

Take a modest quantity of the pre-arranged cure on the tool. Utilizing delicate, round movements, tenderly back rub the child's gums, zeroing in on regions where teeth are arising or where the child seems to encounter the most uneasiness. This back rub activity not just gives quick alleviation by mitigating aggravated gums yet in addition guarantees the dynamic fixings enter really to convey their advantages.

Frequency of Application

For best outcomes, apply the cure 2-3 times each day. Ideal times for application incorporate after dinners, to clean and calm the gums, and before rests or sleep time, when the child's uneasiness is frequently at its pinnacle. Predictable use oversees torment, decrease expanding, and keep up with gum wellbeing all through the getting teeth stage.

Monitor and Maintain Hygiene

While applying the cure, screen the child to guarantee they don't ingest a lot of the blend. Albeit the fixings are regular, the cure is planned for outer utilize as it were. Moreover, set up a new group of the cure day to day to keep up with its intensity and cleanliness, lessening the gamble of tainting or bacterial development.

By following these means and utilizing the joined force of onion, neem, clove, and salt, this cure offers a protected, viable, and regular answer for getting teeth treatment, giving help and guaranteeing the child's solace and prosperity.

Research Assignment: Research three herbs safe for children and explain their health benefits.

Herbs have for quite some time been perceived for their regular mending properties, and when utilized fittingly, they can give various medical advantages to children. This report investigates the medical advantages, security contemplations, and commonsense utilizations of three spices — eucalyptus, cilantro, and fennel — that are known for their children safe properties when utilized accurately.

1. Eucalyptus


Security Considerations:
Eucalyptus is viewed as safe for children when utilized remotely in profoundly weakened structures, like in fume treatment or skin applications. Be that as it may, it ought to never be ingested by kids under 12, as its strong mixtures might present dangers in the event that not regulated as expected. Direct use of undiluted eucalyptus oil isn't prescribed because of expected disturbance. Continuously counsel a pediatrician before use.

Health Benefits:

  • Respiratory Support:
    Eucalyptus is prestigious for its capacity to ease respiratory trouble. Its normal mixtures, for example, cineole, assist with clearing nasal clog, lessen hacking, and advance smoother relaxing. This makes it particularly helpful during colds or influenza.
  • Antibacterial and Antiviral Properties:
    Eucalyptus contains normal antimicrobial specialists that battle microbes and infections, assisting with diminishing the spread of diseases and backing quicker recuperation.
  • Stress Alleviation and Relaxation:
    The invigorating fragrance of eucalyptus significantly affects the psyche, advancing unwinding and better rest, especially for children encountering distress because of ailment.

Application for Children:

  • Add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus rejuvenating oil to a diffuser or vaporizer to assist with clearing nasal entries and straightforwardness relaxing.
  • Utilize a financially pre-arranged eucalyptus chest rub explicitly intended for kids, guaranteeing it is weakened and safe for youthful skin.
  • Make a relieving steam by adding 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of boiling water (keep the children at a protected distance to breathe in the fume).

2. Cilantro (Coriander Leaves)


Wellbeing Considerations:
Cilantro is safe for kids when utilized as a food fixing. It tends to be presented as a component of a reasonable eating regimen in soups, purees, and different dishes once a child starts strong food varieties. Screen for any hypersensitive responses, albeit these are interesting.

Health Benefits:

  • Supplement Powerhouse:
    Cilantro is plentiful in nutrients A, C, and K, as well as minerals prefer potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These supplements support sound vision, resistant capability, and bone improvement in developing children.
  • Stomach related Aid:
    Cilantro advances processing by animating the discharge of stomach related proteins, alleviating bulging, gas, and heartburn, which are normal in children.
  • Normal Detoxifier:
    Known for its chelating properties, cilantro assists the body with disposing of weighty metals and poisons, giving an extra layer of security for kids in conditions with likely openness.
  • Safe Boost:
    Its antibacterial and antifungal properties upgrade resistance, assisting kids with warding off diseases and remain solid.

Application for Children:

  • Mix cilantro into purees, soups, or smoothies to help their dietary benefit.
  • Add finely slashed cilantro to rice, pasta, or mixed greens to upgrade flavor and supplement content.
  • Use cilantro leaves as a trimming to steadily acquaint children with its unmistakable taste.

3. Fennel


Security Considerations:
Fennel is safe for kids when utilized in moderate sums. Fennel seed tea is a well known home solution for colic, gas, and other stomach related issues in babies and small kids. Guarantee fennel tea is arranged daintily and try not to over-think the blend. Continuously acquaint new spices progressively with check for responsive qualities.

Health Benefits:

  • Stomach related Health:
    Fennel is generally commended for its capacity to calm the stomach related framework. It lightens colic, eases gas, and lessens stomach cramps, giving solace to kids delicate bellies.
  • Craving Stimulation:
    For fussy eaters or kids recuperating from sickness, fennel can invigorate craving and work on in general assimilation.
  • Healthful Benefits:
    Fennel is a decent wellspring of nutrients C and A, as well as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These supplements support safe wellbeing, bone turn of events, and generally development.
  • Respiratory Aid:
    Fennel's gentle expectorant properties assist with clearing bodily fluid and mitigate hacks, making it useful during colds or gentle respiratory contaminations.
  • Quieting and Relaxing:
    Fennel tea makes delicate narcotic impacts, which can assist with quieting anxious kids and advance better rest.

Application for Children:

  • Plan fennel tea by soaking ½ teaspoon of squashed fennel seeds in steaming hot water for 5-10 minutes. Cool it to a tepid temperature prior to offering it to the children.
  • Use fennel seeds or powder sparingly as a flavoring in soups, stews, or heated dishes.
  • Present fennel-injected water as an invigorating, gentle stomach related help for more established children.

Eucalyptus, cilantro, and fennel are protected and compelling spices for kids when utilized accurately. Eucalyptus upholds respiratory wellbeing and unwinding, cilantro offers fundamental supplements and detoxifying properties, and fennel alleviates stomach related issues and helps respiratory wellbeing. By integrating these spices mindfully into a kid's consideration routine or diet, guardians can improve their children wellbeing normally. Continuously counsel a medical care proficient prior to acquainting new spices with guarantee security and suitability for the children's particular requirements.

Herbal Remedy for Bedwetting: Make herbal remedy to cure the bedwetting probelm in kids. Write the recipe, preparation steps, and observations.

Let us start a wonderful herbal remedy for the children for the cure of the bedwetting. Bedwetting problem is seen in many children even elders as well as toddlers.


  • Star Anise
  • Bay Leaf
  • Garlic


Here you can see all the ingredients which I will use in this remedy to create bedwetting cute for the children. You can see start anise, garlic and bay leaf at one place. So if you also want to create this remedy collect these ingredients in your hand.


In my country bay leaves are available in kitchen. Because in many dishes these are used specially in the spicy dishes. They increase the taste and fragrance of the dish. We use them in the meat curry and rice.


I think no one is there who does not know about the star anise. It is widely available in the whole world. This star anise has a shape like the star and it is the sign of it's identification. It is also available in kitchens so it is easy to use this herb as well. It is used in the spicy dishes. They have a unique taste and fragrance which attracts everyone to the dish.


Here is garlic. I think every home in the whole world have this herb. Each home use this herb on a daily basis. Even in the fast food sauces and in every curry it is the essential part. So it is also available easily at each home and it is also the part of our remedy. Now let's start the preparation of this bedwetting remedy.



Water is the solvent in this remedy. It will be used to boil all the herbs in it and to extract their benefits in it and then it will be used as a remedy. So I have taken some water in the container to boil the ingredients in it.


We need to be very careful for the quantity of the herbs which we are going to use for the remedy. The leaves are very effective and warm in nature. So I have put a precise quantity of the leaves in the water. The gas furnace is also on and water is being heated already.


How can we forget star anise. So now it is the turn to use star anise in the water. Seeing the quantity of the water I have just added 1 star anise in the remedy. It is enough for the water quantity I have in the container. It is bigger in size. We can also put it by breaking it into pieces. But I have put it whole. After boiling it will become soft.


Here it is the turn to add garlic slices. I peeled off the garlic. These are the fresh garlic. Then I cut the big garlic into slices so that they can be dissolved in the remedy easily. Now all the ingredients have been completed in the remedy. Now we have to boil all these ingredients in the water.


Here you can see I am boiling the ingredients in the water continuously. The water is bubbling but I am still boiling it to make the remedy more thick and effective. The water colour is changing. The quantity of the water is also decreasing because of continuous heating.


Now we can see I have turned off the furnace. The water quantity has decreased to minimum. And this liquid is ready as a remedy for the bedwetting. Now all the effects of the ingredients have been added into the liquid and the water of the liquid is different than the pure water. So in this way you can also make a bedwetting remedy for the children.

This regular cure consolidates bay leaf, star anise, and garlic — spices known for their restorative properties — to help oversee and possibly diminish bedwetting in kids. These fixings focus on the underlying drivers of bedwetting, for example, bladder control, nervousness, or gentle contaminations, in a delicate and comprehensive way.

Ingredients Benefits

1. Narrows Leaf

  • Benefit: Narrows leaf has quieting and mitigating properties that can assist with further developing bladder capability and diminish evening time urinary recurrence. It alleviates the sensory system, which can help youngsters who wet the bed because of nervousness or stress.
  • Observation: Ordinary utilization of cove leaf tea before sleep time has been seen to further develop bladder control in kids after some time, decreasing mishaps.

2. Star Anise

  • Benefit: Star anise is known for its calming and loosening up consequences for the muscles, including those of the bladder. It likewise has gentle diuretic properties that control urinary result during the day, lessening the probability of bedwetting around evening time.
  • Observation: When remembered for a cure, star anise helps balance urinary examples and helps kids in acquiring better evening time bladder control.

3. Garlic

  • Benefit: Garlic has strong antimicrobial and calming properties. Assuming bedwetting is connected to gentle urinary plot diseases (UTIs) or bladder aggravation, garlic can help by tending to the hidden contamination and diminishing irritation. Also, its inherent capacity to further develop flow might uphold by and large bladder wellbeing.
  • Observation: Remembering garlic for the eating routine or cure has been noted to mitigate side effects of diseases that might add to bedwetting, prompting enhancements in bladder dependability.

Advantages of the Remedy as a Whole

This home grown mix chips away at numerous levels:

  1. Strengthens Bladder Control: Narrows leaf and star anise work on the working of the bladder muscles, decreasing evening time mishaps.
  2. Soothes Uneasiness and Stress: The quieting properties of cove leaf and star anise assist with loosening up the youngster's sensory system, which is essential for kids who wet the bed because of profound triggers.
  3. Addresses Fundamental Infections: Garlic's antimicrobial activity targets expected contaminations or aggravations adding to bedwetting.
  4. Regulates Urinary Patterns: Star anise upholds a fair urinary framework, guaranteeing that the kid doesn't encounter an overactive bladder around evening time.

Observations and Expected Results

  1. Week 1:

    • Some decrease in the recurrence of bedwetting might be noticed.
    • The kid could feel more quiet and more loose before sleep time.
  2. Week 2:

    • Perceptible improvement in bladder control.
    • Less evening mishaps, particularly in the event that the bedwetting was pressure actuated.
  3. Week 3 and Beyond:

    • A huge decrease in bedwetting recurrence.
    • Further developed rest designs and expanded trust in the kid.


  • Counsel a pediatrician prior to beginning the cure, particularly in the event that the youngster has fundamental medical issue or sensitivities.
  • Guarantee the youngster stays hydrated during the day, as limiting liquids can once in a while deteriorate bedwetting.
  • Keep a steady sleep time routine to support the quieting impacts of the cure.

This normal cure, when joined with strong nurturing procedures and consolation, can be a compelling and delicate way to deal with overseeing bedwetting in kids.

I invite @chant, @suboohi, @irawandedy to join this learning of the herbs for the children.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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