SLC S21 Week 4 - Herbal Remedies for Energy, Pain Relief, and Mental Clarity.

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Hello &. Namaste to Everyone

Now a days many diseases are increasing just because of bad lif style and people are depending on medicines. People are facing low energy problem so they take medicine, people are facing pain problem so they use pain killer medicine, people are facing mental or low memory problems so they consume medicines but in ancient time, people used to take home made remedies and trust me it worked magically. We actually forgot the power of home remedies and in this post, we will recall that power of home remedies.

Energy Boost Tea or Powder


Herbal Tea Powder

Tea is most popular energy drink, but in India tea is most popular and people have different-different reason to consume tea that why India has become biggest consumer of tea.

Today I am going share my recipy of energy Boost Tea or Powder because it works not only as energy drink but also as medicine which works in cold, cough and fever too.

Key IngredientsAmount
Black PepperLittle quantity
cinnamonLittle quantity
clovesLittle quantity
cardamomLittle quantity
Fennel SeedsLittle quantity
Ginger1 piece

Benefits of Herb :
Black Pepper


Black Pepper Herbs

Black Pepper herbs is good resource of Vitamin c and anti oxidant. It is help to boost immunity power. It has power to protect from viral infection also so when we use this herb in tea, it works like good immunity boost drink.

Benefits of Herb :


Cinnamon Herbs

Cinnamon is very powerful herbs because now a days people face digestion problems so this herb help to digest food easily and fast because it has some good compounds which breaks food particles easily. It also helps from gastic problem.

Benefits of Herb :


Clove Herbs

Cloves is very important ingredient of Powerful tea. It has some good properties to save us from fungle infection, viral infection. It has some anti cancer properties also. If I feel teeth ache, or headache so this herb works magically in form of tea ☕

Benefits of Herb :


Cardamon Herbs

Cardamom is powerful and popular herbs which is found in every kitchen because it is use not only in tea but also it is use in sweet dishes, food also. It has good fiber which helps digestion problems and make immune system strong. It helps to get rid of acidity problem.

It is also use as mouth freshener because it has some anti bacteria properties. It also helps to control Blood pressure. This herb works with tea like medicine to prevent from cold-cough.

Benefits of Herb :
Fennel Seeds


Fennel Seeds Herbs

Fennel Seeds are very good herbs which is use in tea and also as raw after having meal because it has good properties to kill mouth bacteria so it is use as mouth freshener. It helps to prevent constipation problem and make immune system strong. It also helps to control diabetes.

Step by Step making process of Herbal tea Powder & Finally Tea using above herbs

Herbal tea powder making process


Process is very easy, as per needs I took black pepper, cinnamon, cloves,cardamom, fennel seeds in a bowl as per my requirement because I make this powder for whole month. I can store this powder as much as I want.

Herbal tea powder making process


Now, it is time to roast this ingredients in low flame. So I switched on gas at low flame and put pan on gas and roasted all ingredients for 5 minutes.

Herbal tea powder making process


Now after roasted these ingredients, final step is to let it be for cool and then we grind all ingredients in mixture grinder and convert into fine powder.

Step:4 Final Step:
Herbal tea powder making process


After grinding, we got fine powder so now we poured this powder into small jar so I can use it whenever I make my herbal tea.

Now to make tea, we put pan on Gas on low flame and took 1 glass of water and let it boiled and then I grinded a piece of ginger into water and mix tea powder and let it be for boiled for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes I added this herbal tea powder which I made above and boiled for again 2 minutes.

Finally I added milk and sugar and boiled for 3-4 minutes and then I filtered into small cup and My herbal tea is ready to drink.

Pain-Relief Oil

Now a days stress level is increasing day by day, people face back bone pain, legs pain or whole body ache problem so there are many ointment and pain relief medicines are available but do you know we can make pain relief oil by using our kitchen ingredients and it is as simple to make and trust me it is far better and very effective in pain relief.

Key IngredientsAmount
Mustard Oil4 Table Spoon
Fenugreek Seeds1 table spoon
Garlic1 piece
Ginger1 piece

Benefits of :
Mustard Oil


Mustard oil is good for all type of pain, because it has good resource of Omega -3 Fat acid which helps to get rid of swelling and body ache and also it has magnicium which helps to get rid of all type of body pain. It is highly use for body massage.

Benefits of :
Fenugreek Seeds


Fenugreek Seeds has properties of Protein and Amino acid which makes bones strong and it gives good relax to bones when it gets add with mustard oil. It's effect gets double with oil.

Benefits of :
Garlic Paste


Garlic is very useful in all aspects. It is good resource of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and protein which is highly help to prevent all type of body ache. Garlic oil is good pain relief oil and I use this oil in winter season especially.

Benefits of :
Ginger Paste


Ginger is good resource of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, anti oxidant, It has also anti bacteria and anti fungle properties. Garlic oil is very good pain relief in all aspects.

Making Herbal Tea process
Step By Step


We took few seeds of Fenugreek, 1 piece of garlic chopped, 1 piece of ginger. Now first I putted pan on gas and poured 4 table spoon mustard oil and boiled for 5 minutes and then I added all herbs ingredients into this mustard oil. I made it boiled again for extra 5-10 minutes so all herbs left their properties in oil.

After this, we let it be for cool this oil and after few minutes, we filtered this oil into clear Jar..

Now oil is ready for pain relief. It is very good in muscles pain, back pain and it is good home remedies.

Mental Clarity Remedy:

This is very common problem and people use to depend on medication but kitchen ingredients play major role to have good memory.

Key IngredientsAmount
MilkHalf Cup
Turmeric Powder1 Table Spoon
Almonds5-6 almonds

Benefits of :


Milk is complete food, it is rich in protein. Milk has good properties of melatonin harmons which gives proper sleep so mind gets relax and it helps to get rid of mental problems. Milk also help to increase memory that's why school kids use to to drink milk because they need good memory power.

Benefits of :
Turmeric Powder


It is proven that turmeric powder is good for mental health because it has some good properties which increases memory power, maintain stress level. It has also Vitamin c and Vitamin E which is good for mental clarity. I usually consume pinch of turmeric powder in milk which is best herbal medicine for my mind.

Benefits of :


Almonds are very well know for mental clarity, memory power and mental health. It has good omega 3 fatty acid which is good for mind. It has good properties which help to increase mind skills and mind function works good after consuming almonds. I usually take 3-4 almonds daily in my milk.

Making Process of Mental Clarity drink


Is is very easy to make this herbal drink. I took pan and placed on gas at low flame and I poured milk and made it boiled and then I added pinch of turmeric powder, almonds paste, sugar and made boiled for 5 minutes and drink is ready.

All Images by @yourloveguru

In this beautiful contest I would like to invite @aviral123, @edgargonzalez, @chant


Cc: @afzalqamar


Excellent work you have done in each and every one of these home remedies, which are very beneficial for our body and best of all, very natural.

Thank you, Your words are mean a lot to me. I like to be natural and these herbal drinks I always consume so I have written what I take .. I am happy you liked my work.

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