SLC S21 Week 4 - Herbal Remedies for Energy, Pain Relief, and Mental Clarity

in #herbalmed-s21w43 months ago

Assalamualaikum everyone..

Today I am back again to join this course. And I am very interested in learning about how to make herbal concoctions to increase energy, pain relief and concoctions for mental clarity.

My respects to our teacher @afzalqamar. Here I also want to invite my friends @itikna09, @rumaisha and @arinaz08.

Energy Boosting Tea or Powder: Make tea or add powder (such as ginseng or ashwagandha) to your drink to get energy and write down the benefits.

Actually there are many herbal plants that can be made into tea for energy boosters as mentioned in this course. However, I find it difficult to get plants like ginseng or ashwagandha. These plants are not available in my area. So I will choose some herbal plants that are around my environment to be able to make energy booster concoctions.

Here I will use two types of herbal plants, namely ginger and lemongrass. Both of these plants have very good benefits for increasing energy.

Ingredients I use to make one serving:


  • 1 piece of ginger.
  • 2 small stalks of lemongrass.
  • 1 spoon of sugar.
  • 300 ml of water for boiling

How to make:

  • Boil water until boiling.

  • Add the cleaned pieces of ginger.

  • Add the cleaned and bruised lemongrass.

  • Boil for 10 minutes,,

  • Strain the boiled water into a glass and add sugar.


Herbal ginger and lemongrass tea is an aromatic drink that provides benefits for increasing energy and maintaining body stamina if consumed regularly and in the right dosage.

Health benefits:

Ginger has many active compounds that contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that are useful for increasing immunity. Increase metabolism in the body and can keep the body fresh and reduce fatigue.

Ginger is also believed to be able to maintain and improve blood circulation, and this of course can help increase energy and keep the body's immune system stable.

Lemongrass is also useful in increasing energy because it contains caffeine and polyphenols. These two compounds are very important in facilitating metabolism and this helps the body to produce energy.

In addition, lemongrass is also very useful for helping to calm the nerve muscles, and this will provide better sleep quality. When the body is resting, new energy begins to appear and increase.

Sugar is a very important source of energy for the body and brain. Sugar can provide optimal concentration and memory stimulation.

It is important to consume sugar especially in the morning to keep the body healthy and energetic.


Pain Relief Oil: Make a pain relief oil using herbal ingredients and explain how the oil helps relieve pain.

Pain relief oil is one alternative to treat various complaints and pain in the body. There are several types of spices that can be used to make this recipe.

For that I will use only two ingredients in preparing this pain relief oil. I use Cloves and pure coconut oil.


How to make:

  • Take 2 grams of cloves and then break them and put them in a container or bottle.

  • Add 20 ml of coconut oil.

  • Close the bottle and store at a humid temperature for 1 week.

  • Strain the clove oil into the bottle with a soft cloth.
    And now it can be used for pain relief.


Benefits and how it works:

Clove oil is often used to relieve pain in toothaches. This oil has analgesic properties that can relieve pain. In addition to treating toothaches, clove oil can also help relieve joint pain.

Cloves are known to contain Eugenol which can kill bacteria and fungi. This is because cloves have natural antimicrobial properties.

In addition, cloves can also be used to treat pain in the epigastrium due to stomach disease. However, supervision from a health expert is needed in its use. Excessive use of cloves can actually be harmful to health and worsen the situation.

Coconut oil.
Coconut oil is known to have fatty acids that are very good for health. Coconut oil can also be used as a pain reliever for wounds and it helps wounds heal faster.

Coconut oil is also often used in the bone massage process because of its benefits for reducing pain and is very good for bone health. In addition, pure coconut oil is also very good for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

By combining cloves and coconut oil, it will produce a very effective pain reliever as an alternative to herbal medicine.


Mental Clarity Potion: Make an herbal potion for mental clarity from herbal plants that are commonly found in your area. Write down its health benefits and how it helps mental clarity and why?

To make this herbal medicine for mental clarity, I will use ingredients that I can easily get here. Here are two common ingredients that we use:

  • 5 red betel leaves.
  • 2 grams of cinnamon.


How to make:
  • Take 5 red betel leaves and wash them clean.
  • Then boil them with 2 glasses of water.
  • Add cinnamon.
  • Boil until the water reduces and only 1 glass remains,
  • Drink while warm, you can also add sugar (optional)



Benefits for physical and mental health:

Red betel leaves.

Red betel leaves are known to contain flavonoids and phenols which function as anti-infections by bacteria. Betel leaves also contain proteins that are very important for healing wounds and can overcome bad breath problems.

Betel leaves are often used as natural ingredients to make beauty and women's potions. Betel leaves are also used as natural antiseptics.

And another benefit of betel leaves is as a medicine to overcome depression and other mental problems.

By consuming betel leaves regularly, the brain will produce the happy hormone or serotonin, and that will make the mind healthier and can reduce excessive stress and depression.


Cinnamon has an aromatic scent that can calm the mind. This can make the brain more relaxed and reduce stress. Cinnamon also has antioxidants that are very useful for preventing protein from accumulating in the brain.

Cinnamon also has many compounds that can minimize the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

By consuming cinnamon concoctions, the mind will become healthier and can provide a better feeling of relaxation.

That's all my participation, hopefully useful 🙏

All images are mine and exclusive to Steemit


This is very detailed and detailed thank you very much for the invitation coming soon

Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungan anda,,
Saya berharap anda akan berpartisipasi dalam kursus ini.

Salam sukses untuk anda..

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