Natural Wart Removal? Yes, Please!
The basis of this recipe is a "fire-tonic" I modified the original recipe. A great video on this is from learning herbs, and Rosemary Gladstar. You can watch it down below. It really is an ancient recipe that has been used for centuries. I made my fire tonic (or cider) specifically for topical applications (hence the lavender).
Currently, I am using it to get rid of a few warts I've had for YEARS. Yes, years. The solution takes about a week and a half to complete. But it kills the wart down to the root, so it never comes back. There is also an internal tea that needs to be taken after the wart dissipates, but that's for another blog post. I am doing lots of videos on this process on my Instagram story! You can watch my progress there. This post is just outlining the recipe. After my wart is good and GONE... I'll write more about that.
Yes, warts need to be treated with an internal tea bath. Why?
But common warts are actually an infection in the top layer of skin, caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus, or HPV, family. When the virus invades this outer layer of skin, usually through a tiny scratch, it causes rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of skin – creating the wart.
There is a fast method, and a slow method to make this recipe. I made it using the slow recipe. Some people say slower is better. I am more of an in between girl, slow is great until my patience runs out. That's why I included a recipe for you all that you could make in an evening. I'll start with the slow recipe.
Slow Recipe for Topical Healing Fire Cider
Combing all of the following ingredients in a 32 oz. mason jar:
- 4 TSP of Lavender
- 1/2 Cup of cut Horse Radish
- 1/2 Cup of cut Ginger
- 1 Inch of cut Turmeric
- 1 full cut Lemon (with rind)
- 1 full cut lime (with rind)
- 1/2 cut fresh Mint (or 1/4 cup dried mint -- or less)
- 4 TBSP dried Cayenne Pepper
- 8 Cloves of minced Garlic (FRESH!)
- 3 Cinnamon Sticks (or 4 TSP ground Cinnamon)
Once all ingredients are in the jar, cover with Apple Cider Vinegar
And now for the slow part. Set in a moderately sunny location in your kitchen, and wait — for six weeks. Shake often, or at least every time you see it, or think about it.
Fast Method
Combine all ingredients and fill with Apple Cider Vinegar per instruction above.
Instead of capping and placing on a sunny spot for six weeks — throw ingredients in blender for three minutes. All ingredients will be well blended. Put soup-like mixture in a pot, and let simmer on LOW (NO BOIL!) on stove for an hour. And strain through a cheese cloth. If you don't have a cheese cloth, you can use a clean sock.
Both mixtures will make about 16 ounces
Want more info on my wart routine? follow me on Instagram!
Let me know if you've ever used Fire Cider in the comment section below.
I wish I had seen this earlier, but had you used the tag #naturalmedicine, you'd have gotten a lot of support for this post. Go check out the tag if you haven't already.