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RE: SEC S20W2 || Hemoglobin - Module 2

Thank you for understanding the class and giving us an assignment, I hope to be as clear as possible with you regarding my grades, please enjoy the process with us♥


  • Task 1 (1.9/2) Death of Rafael Rangel

You correctly mentioned not only the story of Rafael Rangel's death, but also important points of his history. However you can add the hardships he suffer regarding scholarship. You also highlight that he was considered the father of bioanalysis and parasitology in Venezuela. Good job.

  • Task 2 (1.5/2) Describe hemoglobin:

The student correctly explain Hemoglobin to us. He describes the shape of hemoglobin and mention how it can change to oxyhemoglobin, however you forget to mention the types of hemoglobin, overall you did a good job.

  • Task 3 (2.3/2.5) Automatic Hematocrit vs. Manual Hematocrit

You did an excellent job of detailing the qualities of both system. It would be good if you make a table and differentiate. You tried to explain how they differ and how they work. There is a minor difference but they both go hand in hand in blood tests. Even though the automated system is faster, at least 2 patients will always be verified with the manual method.

  • Task 4 (0.8/1)

You correctly answered 4 questions out of 5. And you got 8 points. Well done.

  • Task 5 (1.5/2.5) Explain a real-life example with the concept of hematocrit.

You explain how the hematocrit can vary. You mentioned an example of light and dark skinned students. But did you feel that it's a clinical example not as we assign and examplify in our task. Our professor asked example as she mentioned in a class. In the task we asked for a real-life example, like the task we showed with the sand and water, whenever we have a glass with sand and water, we will get a final percentage of each proportion, I think you had to put a little more creativity and not make reference to medical terms!

Plagarism free
AI Free

Warm regards to you my dear friend, I appreciate your effort in grading my article, constructive criticism and overall feedback on my article my dear friend.

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