Complementary Medicine
The term orthomolecular medicine was first used in modern medical literature in 1968 by Linus Carl Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes (Chemistry in 1954 and the Peace Prize in 1962).
But the expression is of older date. Everyone knows the famous statement "Let the food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." The statement is added to Hippokrates, the man who is called the father of medicin. He was also the true founder of Ortomolecular Medicine, which has its name from the Greek Orthos, which means right or correct.
Today, several thousand years later, more and more people are beginning to see the meaning of the message in the statement. Some call this medical direction nutritional therapy or biological medicine. In Scandinavia, most doctors have agreed to call it for Complementary Medicine, because it wishes to emphasize that it should not be a competitor for school medicine but a partner. If used, the pharmacological medicine will also work better and we will get healthier and happier patients.
Why do we get sick?
Complementary medicine is based on a simple and logical theory that disease is due to imbalance in the body, which can cause both physical and mental disorders. The body lacks the raw materials it needs to resist disease. Disease may also indicate that the organism is impaired by harmful substances.
The principles of Complementary Medicine are, therefore, that you can keep healthy by making sure that your body has enough of the raw materials it needs to heal itself. Likewise, one can also cure disease by supplying the body the raw materials it for some reason no longer has enough of itself.
A disease that for example, appears as an eczema on the skin, is the final stage in a chain of different reactions. The eczema is the top of the iceberg, the small visible part that protrudes "over the water". Under the "water" we find the real cause of a disease developing. The damage we see, for example, on an X-ray, is the final stage of a long process that began as a misinformation to the cell. It again caused an error function that created imbalance in the cell. Once the disease has contracted, tissue and structure damage occurs and only at this stage the school medicine is able to detect the error.
Complementary medicine is based on the fact that there are a number of main reasons why we get sick:
A weak preservation in the body
Overload of unsuitable food
A displacement in the body's acid-base balance
Incorrect information from "noise sensors" in the body, such as good teeth.
The first three are associated with an imbalance in the body and lack of important vitamins and minerals - and thus the important antioxidants that we need to cope with the stresses we are exposed to throughout our lives.
The main causes of disease!
A weak preservative in the body - We can call it an insufficient protection from the "rust" or rancidity which is a byproduct of all the chemical reactions that occur in our body all the time, and against external effects, such as heavy metals and environmental pollutants.
An overload in the organism due to food unsuitable for the blood type we have, ie food intolerance.
A displacement in the body's acid-base balance so that the acid picks up in the body. Such displacement is often due to poor nutrition, poor bowel function, passivity or physical and mental stress.
Incorrect information from "noise sensors" in the body, such as good teeth. An accurate analysis of x-rays of the teeth is required. Often, neither doctors or dentists discover that teeth can be the cause of a disease.
There is much you can do yourself. You must learn to listen to the body - what kind of ailments can happen if you eat wrong with your blood type, if you have calcified blood vessels or inflamed teeth.
We are all different.
The starting point in complementary medicine is that we humans are completely different, cope with stresses differently and need indivdual treatment. We all have different preservatives in the body.
Knut Flytlie compares with car brands. Of course, there are significant differences between a human body and a car. The car consists of dead stable components, while our body contains approx. 12 trillion cells to be renewed continuously due to limited life. Every day, the body produces 50 million skin cells, and the entire intestinal mucosa of 300m2 is replaced every week. Each cell contains about 2000 small power plants called mitochondria, which will produce the energy needed to keep chemical production going.
It has been estimated that about 30 billion biochemical reactions occur in the human organism every second.
If we use the car as an example: We expect that an expensive Rolls-Royce lasts longer than a cheap Lada! It is our genes who decide if we belong to the "Lada type" or "Rolls-Royce type". But much suggests that if we provide the human Lada edition properly - if we "wax lacquer" and make sure to "rust-protect the base", it may be as good as a Rolls-Royce. In other words, those born with ill health need more support and help to live as long as those born with "Rolls-Royce Health".
School medicine's reactions to complementary medicine.
So far, the school medicine has not entirely agreed to accept that complementary medicine can make important contributions to our health. Still, many doctors think, for example, that Vitamin C is dangerous, others believe it is totally unaffected.
Knut Flytlie personally believe that the pharmacological industry has not been particularly interested in spreading proper and important knowledge about vitamins, since no one can patent the vitamins and thus earn money on them.
In addition, pharmacological medicine often means that it is "shot with excessive guns". Thus, side effects and other complications occur.