How to escape from a sinking car

in #help6 years ago

Reaction time and speed are key to survival. A sinking car will not immediately submerge, which means there’s a small window of opportunity to act.

  1. Brace yourself for impact as soon as you're aware that you're going off the road and into a water, this is done by placing both hands on the steering wheel. The impact your car makes could set off the airbag system in your vehicle and any other brace position could cause serious injury in such an event.
  2. Unfasten your seat belt because seat-belt2.jpg is the first thing to attend to, yet it often gets forgotten in panic
    • Unbuckle the children, starting with the oldest one (who can help the others one.
    • Forget the cellphone. Your car isn’t going to wait for you to make the calls.

Don’t try to open the doors, water pressure makes this extremely difficult to do. And even if you could open the door, this would allow for even more water to come in. and make your car sink faster. Instead, quickly roll down your side window, as again I say unbuckle yourself, and climb out. If you were too slow to react, the water pressure could pin your doors and windows shut. That means you’ll have to break a window. Don’t try the car’s front windshield as it’s built to resist impacts. Instead, go for the side windows. Use your foot to kick at the top of the window or remove the headrest from your seat and jam it where the windows meets the door. Alternate are, you can also use a glass breaking tools like resqme, to quickly break the window. After breaking the window, immediately take a deep breath of air and swim out through the rushing water toward safety
Stay Safe.