Muslim genocide in Burma

in #help7 years ago

In the Southeast Asian country Burma (Myanmar), Muslims face the threat of genocide. Muslims who have been massacred Buddhist gangs that have been provoked by the junta administration for many years now want to be banished from their countries collectively.

According to the report of the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), over one thousand Muslims have died in recent events in Burma, and more than 90 have been homeless. If the Islamic world does not act, 4 million Muslims will be sent to death soon.
In the Southeast Asian country of Burma, we have been massacred by Buddhist gangs that were provoked by Muslims and military authorities over the purchase of the barn in June. In the Arakan region, where the Muslim population is concentrated in the country, rape, house burning, mass exiles and massacres take place every day. The Buddhists, known as Rakhin, who have been provoked by the military junta administration in Burma for decades, are releasing on Muslims known as Rohingya. In particular, the Burma administration, which aims to systematically clear the Muslim population in the Arakan region, made an invitation to 'genocide' with a decision taken in the past days.

Before the April elections, 'Massacres will stand. The new junta leader, the new president of the country, Thein Sein, who says that all ethnic elements will live in peace, and that the Muslims have won the elections and won the elections, gave the message that 4 million people in Arakan would be deported, saying "We can send Muslims to the desired country". If the world of Islam does not move and the massacre that Thein Sein endorses is not stopped, the Muslim population in Burma in the Southeast Asian country will be almost 'history'. Because the Muslim population whose homes are burned, raped and almost 'forced to escape' and cross the ocean of boats and come to Bangladesh's camp, will come to the point of 'praying to die' after a while. The Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH)


The Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which has regularly carried out relief activities for Arakan refugees in Bangladesh for 10 years, has produced a comprehensive report on the situation of Burmese Muslims. According to the report, more than 1,000 Muslims lost their lives in recent events in the region, more than 90 Muslims were homeless or forced to migrate. According to recent findings, a large number of refugees from neighboring countries in Bangladesh fled from the Arakan region in Burma. However, life in these camps, which have negative aspects beyond imagination, exhausts the hopes of the Arakanese Muslims for the future. The promise of 'We are expecting death to save us from all our woes', which is spilled from the language of the Kala, who is 75 years old, living in one of these long-standing camps, is the most concrete reflection of this situation.


In the IHH report, it is emphasized that the violence in Burma continues to be systematic as a state policy. It has been stated that over 550 of the Arakanese Muslim population in Bangladesh have crossed the raporda ocean, calling for the UN and international organizations to take steps to end the repression of the Burmese government against Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims live in very difficult conditions in the camps in neighboring countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh. In fact, these countries are trying to return the refugees in their lands to Burma.

Burma (Myanmar) President Thein Sein is noted as the main supporter of persecution of Muslims. Sein recently explained that 'we will send Muslims to the countries that want them'. Millions of Muslims in the country are worried about the massacre.


The massacre in Arakan began on 3 June 2012 after 10 Muslims were killed in the capital Akyab by Buddhists. When hundreds of Muslims protested against the press and murders, police and fanatics of Burma started massacring. More than 300 Muslim villages were burned and over 1,000 people were killed. More than 90 people were left homeless after the arson. In Burma, it is stated that Muslim hunting has started especially in the nights.


There are over 500 Muslim asylum seekers in neighboring Bangladesh. Due to the intensity of the refugee camps, the Bangladesh government is looking for a way to get the people back. In addition to the treatment of the rebellious Muslims whose houses are burnt, they are treated as the last resort. Many of the refugees expect death in extreme circumstances.


The report of the newly returned IHH delegation about the Arakanese Muslims revealed the systematic massacre. According to the report that Muslim deaths in the region are coming to fruition every day, the number of people imposed by the Burma administration is unknown. Another issue that emphasizes the rapport that many Muslims are tortured in prisons in the country is the 'rape' case. In particular, Muslim women in the Arakan region are systematically raped by Buddhist gangs. In front of women who want to get rid of rape, there are two options; either permanently abandoning the village or the country or death.

According to the IHH report, discriminatory practices against Muslims in Burma are now 'common'. It is forbidden for Muslims, also known as 'Rohingya', to go out on the streets. In the Arakan region, what belongs to Islamic culture is plundered. Buddhist gangs, Muslim villagers, as well as camels and mosques, are burning in public.


In addition, taxes are levied on every Muslim individual born and killed in Burma. Every family is forced to take photographs at least once a year and submit them to state authorities. A Muslim in Burma is forced to pay 'tribute' in the name of 'tax' even to go from one village to another. The marriage of Muslim individuals is also connected here. Those who can afford to pay the amount that the state determines are forced to wait for years to get their permit paper; those who can not pay can not get married anyway. In spite of all this, the young people who see the marriage are finding the way to neighboring Bangladesh. But the family of being a refugee in the neighboring country is equivalent to death.

Burmese Muslims whose homes are burnt, tortured and undercover are finding refuge in neighboring countries. Thousands of people ride boats and see the ocean waves going to Bangladesh. Many women and children die by drowning along with the sinking of their boats.


The Presidency of Religious Affairs called on international organizations and organizations to stop the violence against Arakanese Muslims in Burma.

The Presidency of the Religious Affairs stated that more Muslims were killed and more than 90 were homeless in the last asylum for Arakanic Muslims living in Burma.

In the statement made by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, "We invite all the international organizations and human rights organizations in the world, especially the UN, Islamic Cooperation Organization, to say that this persecution is silent and to say" stop "as soon as possible.

In the statement that Arakaned Muslims were subjected to massacres many times before the eyes of the whole world, the following views were given:

In Nigeria, attacks on churches and Christians can not be accepted if they are unacceptable, such as attacks on Muslims in Burma, in Arakan, attacks on Muslims, persecution, torture and murders, devastating attempts against Muslim homes and their homes, forced forced mourning, rape is not acceptable at all. "


This persecution in Burma, against all international organizations and human rights organizations in the world, especially the United Nations and the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, is not silent and in a statement that was immediately called 'stop', 'Islam is the world and all humanity is also helping Arakanese Muslims; Meanwhile, we are inviting the Bangladeshi government to comply with international conventions on asylum seekers in refugee refugees'.


Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIT), condemned ongoing violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and called the international gathering 'not to be indifferent'. Ihsanoglu also sent a letter to the President of Myanmar and opposition leader Suu Cii.