Is it you?
God of the mountain tops
Is it you I see when the sun glints of the snowcap?
Is it you I see in the lingering clouds at the summit?
Or am I imagining it?
It is both, I am telling you
I see him in the sky
I smell the ozone in the thunder
It is Zeus and it is me
God of the sunlight
Do I feel your touch in the warmth of the sun?
Do I feel you in the breeze that rises in the evening?
Or am I wishing that to be you?
It is both, I am telling you
I feel him as I would feel a lover
I darken in the light of his divinity
It is Helios and it is me
Goddess of scents and perfumes
Did I detect you there in the subtle smell of honeysuckle?
Did I detect your presence in the reactions of my body?
Or am I hoping it was you?
It is both, I am telling you
The scents of the flowers in the lateness of Springtime
They arouse in me a passion and desire lknown to most
It is Aphrodite and it is me
Goddess of philosophers
Is it you in the pages of the books that enrich my mind?
Is it you who whispers ideas in my head?
Or am I going crazy?
It is both, I am telling you
The knowledge of those who know more than me
Is passed on to me in my longing for it
It is Athena and it is me
Art: Ceiling of the Great Hall; Chatsworth, Derbyshire
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