I am seeing 666 everywhere, am I going to hell?

in #hell7 years ago


Julian Farrington
Servant of God (2003-present)
15w ago

Short answer, no.

Long answer. People get tripped off a LOT about the number 666, and come up with all kinds of wild theories about what it means, it’s occurrence in their lives, etc, etc. So I thought it would be helpful to explain what 666 actually relates to, if for no other reason than you can rest your mind next time you see it in a number plate or something else! :)

In Revelation 13:16–18 it says that in the future (when the final world leader is here and the false prophet) “that he will cause everyone, rich and poor, free and bond, great and small, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead without which no man can buy or sell”. It then goes on to say we can calculate the number of the beast’s name, for it is Six Hundred, Threescore (60) and Six. Some people think that the Anti-Christ will have these Roman letters in his name DCLXVI (which adds up to 666).

I think it’s important to note that the number isn’t 6 and 6 and 6. Usually when people say 666 they’re saying it like that, where as it is 600, 60 and 6. That’s a difference that is often overlooked, but I think quite important for being able to ‘calculate’ the beast’s name.

As for the mark, we’re heading towards a cashless society, RFID chips are becoming the norm, in smart cards, phones, other forms of electronic payment, and the final step (I think) will be an implant in the hand. It’s important for us to be learning to live by faith in Jesus’ teachings, as he taught us in Matthew 6:24–24, so we’re able to live during that time, a time when we won’t be able to buy food or anything. It will either be live by faith in God, or take the mark of the beast. And there is a very strong warning in Revelation 14:9–11, that says anyone who does take the mark of the beast will go to hell.

It’s exciting times we’re living in, and if we take Jesus seriously he will help us through the challenges that will come. He’s looking for people who want to respond to the still small voice of his Spirit speaking in their hearts, for he is gathering his people together in these last days - and for those who are faithful and who overcome, there is an eternity of love, joy, peace, and meaning awaiting us!

Martin McEvoy
30 years studying theology
14w ago

No, absolutely not, it has nothing to do with hell, despite what popular consensus might say. Here is the text that you are worried about:

Revelation 13:8 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Count means “add it up” or calculate 6+6+6 = 18, but this is Christian numerology we need a number between 1 and 10, one more time 1+8 = 9

“For it is the number of a Man” a Man here is not specific it means a number of All Man.

9 is the number of Mind or Consciousness, or more correctly the products of Mans Mind, this world and what we do in it.

The beast is the lower mind, and the base thoughts and actions from it. It was no coincidence that Solomon was paid six hundred three score and six talens of Gold a year from his mines; all his gold was dug up from his Lower mind and he believed that he was rich, the gold has no value to anyone but a Man. Gold is reference to something you value, do you honestly believe God sees any value in gold? Something you dug up from the earth and offered him as something of value?

But No, it does not end there, everyone sees the sum of 666, everywhere in the waking world. All regular shapes (circle, triangle, square… etc) when you calculate the sum of the internal angles equals Nine, its the same with all the platonic solids all equal nine.

When you divide the circumference of a circle in two (360 / 2 = 180) the sum is nine, carry on dividing it by two, as many times as you like, the sum of the total is always Nine.

You can do the same with time (60x60= 3,600) 1 hour, 1 day 1 year when you calculate the sum will equal nine.

In mathematics this process is call calculating the root number. Nine is such a common occurence when crunching huge datasets of numbers, that there is a process called “casting out nines” all numbers with the root number nine are discarded from the equation, this will help reduce the dataset, nine is just too common.

So what is the lesson to be learned from Revelation 13:18, what is this that you must understand? It's the same message as Cain and Abel, Solomon and his Gold, and why it is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Anything that you dig up from the earth has no value, anything that comes from the “beast” has no value in the sight of God. This includes your Churches, Crosses, Bibles all religion, your houses, your cars, your iphones all your “riches” has no value at all in the Kingdom of Heaven and before God.

Everything in the world that has been created by man, has no value, you have taken the Will that was given to you freely (no strings) and manifested them in the world by digging them up from the ground (everything comes from the ground at some point, raw materials) is the “Beast” because thoughts from our lower mind always rise up to kill our pure thoughts (the Higher Mind), it cuts us off from God, and so we are like Cain, the serpent and the Nazaraioi (ones who were cast out of Jerusalem for rebellious thinking) we are “cast out” from the Kingdom of Heaven and the sight of God.

This is the Apocalypse you all fear, you will never see the kingdom of heaven and all burn in the living hell we call the world

Dag Drempetic Conkic
16w ago

It is unlikely that seeing 666 everywhere means you will be going to hell.

However, seeing any number or number sequence repeatedly is likely a message for you to pay attention to something. There is a reason why you keep seeing a certain number.

So pay attention when you see it next: what is it that you are doing at that moment?; what is it that you are thinking?; what are you feeling? The number hasn’t just appeared out of nowhere - it is somehow connected to your present thoughts, feelings or actions. So look for clues there.

Some people believe that seeing repeating numbers is a message to us from angels. When a number keeps appearing, you can do a web search like this for example: “angel number 666″. Then you can read about it and see if any of the explanations resonates with you. If it does, then that’s a clue to explore more in that direction. With that in mind you can go back to your thoughts, feelings and actions and start connecting the dots.

Good luck!

Aurora Veron
Angelic Communication Consultant at TheSeventhAngelBook.com (2015-present)
16w ago

Original post Angel Numbers 666 - The Seventh Angel Book

Contrary to popular belief, angel numbers 666 have nothing to do with the devil. Like other encoded messages from angels, these numbers are sent as a kind of spiritual communication to humans.

There are, indeed, an almost unlimited amount of number sequences that angels use for this purpose. Why? Well, for one thing, it is an easy and simplistic way to get their message across. For another, it allows them to do so without directly interfering in our every day lives.

Angel Numbers 666

One person who has managed to help us decode angel numbers 666 is the famous magician Merlin. The kings’ greatest magician, Merlin has deciphered many angel codes via direct communication with the angels.

In the process, he has developed a guide that tells us how to look for these messages, and allows us to recognize them and interpret them when they appear. Ancient civilizations have been interested in numerology science for eons – even then, they knew there was a spiritual components to numbers and sequencing. Fortunately, we have spiritual guide, like Merlin, who can help clarify things for us in the present and future.

Angel Numbers 666 – Nothing to Fear

On to angel numbers 666 – so, if they have nothing to do with the devil, what DO they mean? Simply put, when you see these numbers appear, know that you have been too focused on the material aspects of life. You are lacking balance, and are overly concerned about personal possessions and finances, instead of concentrating on the facets of your life that are spiritual and actually mean something.

At this time, if you need help, you can ask the angels for guidance. They are there to help alleviate financial concerns. If you are receptive to their help, love, and support, you will surely receive all the guidance you require, and get your spiritual thoughts back on track to a rich, rewarding life. Take all this into consideration if angel numbers 666 appear before you, especially if they appear in dreams or visions.

One final note – if you have not already begun to notice these sequences, you have to open to your mind to the possibilities, and simply look for them. They can appear anywhere, including license plates, on legal forms, and even lottery tickets. Sometimes angels will put them right in front of you, to ensure that you are getting the message.

Once this starts, it will gradually become easier to see them. Not only will you begin feeling more bonded to your angel partners, but you will gain more understanding of your spiritual path. Do not be afraid of angel numbers 666 – they are sent for only positive reasons!

Original post Angel Numbers 666 - The Seventh Angel Book

Márcio Alves Marinho
works at Qantas
16w ago

Hammad Raza
Software Engineer
16w ago

10 Years ago , there was a guy in my street he had very minor mental disorder. Someone told him that he’ll get older soon before 25. Whenever I visited my town ,After every few weeks, he would definitely ask me “Hammad Am I getting older ? will I be older soon ? will I die soon ? I’m 23rd now when will I get married ? Am I getting weaker ? “ He kept asking such questions for 7 years, Though He stayed same physically but mentally he was so not well when I saw him last time, He kept telling himself that he would get older soon and will die soon.

Do not believe in what people tell you about stupid things these are all superstitions. If you start focusing on such things you might start believing that yes this is happening to you they’re right, Do not tell yourself that you’re going to hell because of this number. Please don’t waste your time after them, purify your beliefs , And yes it’s great you have fear of life hereafter, that’s important, it can lead you somewhere.
Al Ronnfeldt
former Teacher (1993-2016)
16w ago

No, numbers appear everywhere. All numbers, even 666. The Bible specfically said that the Number of the Beast was a warning "for those who could recognise it." In other words, there are many benign cases of 666 popping up - three six sided dice in role playing games, hexadecimal code, six floor rooms. It's only when some powerful dictator starts using 666 that we need to worry. The most common belief is that this dictator will brand this number on the forehead or hand of loyal party members, and everyone without the mark on thier forehead will be persecuted. Read the book of Revelations and you'll see that what most people think about it are urban myths and misunderstandings.

Ellison Walcott
Writer at New York City (2000-present)
16w ago

Are you feeling guilty for something you’ve done? Sometimes, our subconscious focuses in on details and is trying to send us a message that something needs to change.

If you do feel guilty, is there a way to resolve this issue? Can you tell someone? Can you apologize? Can you make up for your actions? Is it really that bad?

It’s human nature to make mistakes. Quit punishing yourself, if it is guilt. Don’t focus on numbers, focus on the people and the world around you. There is so much to see and experience out there.

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