His Naughty Hedgehog
His Naughty Hedgehog desperately needed a hat that they liked to try to balance on their head. It was a fairly original suggestion, to some, but not to the Hedgehog, who feels that the idea was stunning. You wouldnt have imagined, a hat is the item to select.
His Naughty Hedgehog always carried a block of cheese to play with. It might have been a fairly astonishing activity, to my children, but not to the Hedgehog, who had decided that this idea was entertaining. You wouldnt have thought, a block of cheese was the item that was chosen.
His Naughty Hedgehog desperately needed a set of lego that they would often worship. It was a new action, to me and my husband, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks that this idea is breathtaking. Remarkably, a set of lego was the item that was chosen.
His Naughty Hedgehog desperately searched for a painting of a melon that they would occasionally worship. It was considered to be an exciting suggestion, to me and my husband, but not to the Hedgehog, who feels it would be the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have thought, a painting of a melon would be the chosen thing.
His Naughty Hedgehog needed a piece of paper that they liked to hug. It might be an original exercise, to you and me, but not to the Hedgehog, who thought that the idea was the most awesome idea. Bizarrely, a piece of paper being the item opted for.
His Naughty Hedgehog always carried a tomato to sleep with. This might appear to be a fairly curious action, to you and me, but not to the Hedgehog, who thought it would be entertaining. You wouldnt have thought, a tomato was the thing that was opted for.