Hebrew Nuggets #4
I was reading today as is my habit.
I ran across four words that usually set people off. You need not be religious, or even believe in God in order to be set off by these words. Mention God and any of these words in the same sentence and people of all faiths suddenly know better.
What I hear when that happens is, "The ladder works perfectly without that extra metal around the back of you!"
Right they are! But I would rather have it there in case one rung is oily or something maybe falls off the platform above.
Like a stranger you meet on your way to Queens, NY. He's telling you not to turn right at the next light. He warns that there is a gang war in that neighborhood. He just set a rule or a law because he knows something that you do not know.
You are free to turn right. If you are injured or killed, that is not the stranger's fault or responsibility. The stranger is not experiencing anything positive or negative in his life when you make that turn. God will not die when you violate one of his boundaries and he night not even punish you for it either.
When you remove the protection from a caged ladder or the railing from a balcony, you place yourself and others at risk. You should not be going to the other side of those boundaries.
Here are some of the boundaries, railings, curbs, medians, and skyscraper windows that are in place for your protection. I ran across them in Second Chronicles 19 today.
Left to right we have tow-rah, meets-vah, choo-keem, and meesh-pah-teem with their corresponding words in English. As parents place rules on their children and try to control them from running into the streets, so God has given us the loving instructions, and even an instruction manual for our bodies (the Tanakh/Bible) so that we do not ruin the very thing in which we live.
We stupidly toss the owner's manual out and then blame God when we get cancer, go blind or cannot walk. Conversely, Yeshua healed people with such diseases and said, "Go and sin no more or else something worse may happen to you."
All of Job's friends rightly knew that people who suffer as Job was doing have sin in their lives.
I know. Sin is another one of those words that sets people to ranting and raving, "God has no right to tell me what to do!" He is not trying to tell you what to do. He is trying to warn you of proper care for the product he made. That is you.
The toaster manufacturer sends a manual with all toasters. You have the freedom to throw it away without reading it. Your choice. If you then decide to make toast while bathing, you may ruin the toaster. You are free to get another one and try it all again. That is right. It will not kill YOU, but it might ruin the toaster.
Now if you toss a live toaster into a plastic kiddie pool, the occupant will fry until you pull the plug.
You have now read my toaster bible which contains warnings of use near water. I am the stranger you found on the way to the bathtub. If tomorrow you find yourself shopping for a toaster or a coffin, I will be completely fine way over here, having written that bible.
Be fine with me. Follow my torah!
He knows your life and death, injury or chronic skin disease. Follow YHVH's Torah too. These guys do.
Why do these toasters usually live more than a hundred years?
Note: The Law has nothing to do with your salvation or your justification in today's context. Knowing Mashiach takes care of those things. Long life with all your fingers and toes requires reading the instruction manual and following it.
That is all for this one. A nugget of truth.
Do with this as you will.
Erev Tov
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