New Bodies, New Earth, New Heaven
This is close to what we currently have with Three Heavens except there is only darkness and water outside the Third Heaven.
It also resembles a Footstool for Yahweh
Whomever you obey, and pay, out of fear... that is both mindful and physical worship. Most choose one of 100s of Satanically ran governments. Voting is almost a sacrament for many on Earth. I think voting is worthless at best and likely very evil. It is for sure immoral to vote proxy force on others not consenting to your society.
For many others, it is Satanic ran religious organizations. This is his world and his system we were born into. We are all born into the Matrix of Lies.
The only way to escape is by miracle.
It is true that no created soul is immortal except the 24 Elders and the 500 or so Saints in Heaven with our Messiah. No others of mankind have their new bodies yet. Our new bodies and the New Earth ARE our inheritance.
We only achieve immortality by finishing the race and being approved for the First Resurrection or First Fruits part Two. Even in our new bodies, we will be dependent upon the Tree of Life. We will be allowed to eat of its fruits monthly. I am curious what will sustain the 144K. My wager is New Manna.
Once in our new bodies, we will only be required to eat once a month and never sleep. Our new powers will be exactly like super heroes in movies. During the 1000 year Reign, we will will help rule over many billions of regular humans. My guess is the population of Old Earth will reach between 12- 20 billion souls during the Reign of Yahushua just to prove it can be done sustainably and with abundance.
My guess is we will wear robes like the Ori in the TV series Stargate. Our powers at a minimum will be the ability to fly, walk through solid matter, teleport, call down fire from heaven, stop the rains anywhere, telekinesis, communicate using thoughts alone, instant healing, and we will have perfect memories.
I have my doubts there will even be a billion of us. My wager is our numbers will be in the 100s of thousands... close to a billion with the new bodies. The 144K may push us over a billion in number.
The New Jerusalem and Great White Throne Judgment for all those going to the second death in the Lake of Fire will be after the 1000 year Reign and after Satan is Judged and tossed in the Lake of Fire. The Second Resurrection will be all those going to the Second Death (perma-death).
Only Satan, his messengers, and all those who took the Mark of the Beast will suffer FOREVER. All regular humans in the Second Resurrection (the vast majority) will be annihilated in the Lake of Fire. My Father is merciful. They will be truly dead and separated from all life and love forever. They will also not suffer forever.
Before the City of Heaven descends, the old Earth and Heavens and all sin will be burnt up completely. The elements themselves will melt with fervent heat. This happens right after the Great White Throne Judgment. New Jerusalem will stand at 1500 miles high and be 1500 miles long on each side... it will likely be a cube. Then a New Earth and New Heavens will be created. On THAT Earth, the New Jerusalem shall descend. There will be no sun or seas in the New Creation.
I look forward to His Return and our Wedding Feast!
Dead Saints are asleep. There are no Saints in Heaven... except those souls under the Seat due to becoming martyrs and the few having their new bodies already. The souls under the Seat have no body but are afforded consciousness as a reward. Realize there have been conscious martyrs for several thousands of years now. I bet they have a virtual Heaven under there as my Sky Daddy is cool like that.
Becoming a martyr of Yahweh has mega rewards. It is the only way most of us will be upgraded out of the large Guest crowd at the Wedding Feast.