Unusual Snows in Australia and It’s Not the Warming Oceans
This video was originally published 20/8/2019

Australia hit by Antarctic front in the middle of August, and so the towns received their first snow in decades. This caused regions 90 minutes away from Sydney to experience extremely rare snowfalls over the weekend.

Is this the so-called ‘end’ of snow?

Also, Paul Fletcher had put out an image with a comment from pilots saying that they have never seen this much snow on the range before.

This was the same time where these kangaroos, in a viral video, were seen jumping in heavy snow and over the fences in Australia.

Even then, a lot of people had been saying that it had to be just a dusting because the ski season had not started yet. But according to Snowy Hydro, Spencer’s Creek has a new record for natural snow depth measurements. Additionally, prior to 2019, there were only two other events of snow accumulations of 70 centimeters, or more, dating back to 1954. But apparently, the event from last week alone had piled up 77 centimeters of snow.
For those of you in the States, 2.54 centimeters equal one inch.

Then just in time, minimalist of goodbye snow articles popped into my timeline. This is a great site about Climatism that you must visit.

This news on ‘End of Snow’ update: Natural snow depth in Australia the highest in two decades; you must remember what the experts told us from the Climate Research Unit, Dr. David Viner. He said that snowfall will become a very rare and an exciting event. He also added, “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
Al Gore repeated that very same statement again and again. Other authors like Spiegel also said, “Goodbye winter. Never again snow?” And even the IPCC quoted that “Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms.
Now, however, the corporate media & IPCC flipped this narrative and said that “Warming oceans will cause extremely heavy snowstorms.” How did that full reversal from what we have been told for 20 years happened?
Can they just change the narrative just because their previous prediction did not pan out?

I am sure you still remember this famous headline, “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”

Let me run you through its history here. Climate Change 2001, during the IPCC Third Assessment Report, it was said that milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms. Maybe except when there are heavy snowstorms, because they can just change the narrative.

The 2003 report from CSIRO also said that experts claimed that the average annual duration of snow cover decreases between 5 and 48 days, and maximum snow depths are going to decrease between 10–40%.

Another story from The Australian in 2012 also told us, enjoy snow now… by 2020 it’ll be gone. It is now 2019, and in just a couple months, it will be 2020, and they are receiving incredible amounts of snow in Australia. So, I guess the experts in Australia are not ‘so’ expert after all.

Then what happened? Maybe 2019 is an exception because that snow outside is what global warming looks like? Please notice how they change the narrative. Since the ‘no more snowfall’ did not happen, this has to be due to warming oceans.

But if you look at charts just like this, the 1998 heat spike should have caused an enormous amount of snow in some places too, should they not? The thing is, that did not happen, so perhaps, warming ocean is not the cause.

Now, you understand why the global warming petition has been signed by more than 31,000 American scientists, stating, there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gases is causing disruption of the Earth’s climate. So much for the 97%.

Now even Chinese scientists warn of imminent global cooling; and Moscow is on track for the coldest August on record, going back more than 150 years.

We talked about these manipulations and ‘pay-for-play’ grant funding if you support the CO2 narrative in our new book, Climate Revolution: Understand, Prepare, Adapt and Thrive, should you want to have more information.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***
‘END OF SNOW’ UPDATE : Natural Snow Depth In Australia The Highest In Two Decades
UAH Global Temperature Update for July, 2019: +0.38 deg. C
Global Warming Petition
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