in #heartchurch2 years ago


At the moment that a man and a woman decide to share their lives.

I do not know merge into a single being to say (Yes) decide to share life. In the process, each man and woman should honorably maintain themselves and esteem the relationship as worthy and precious.Both of you should treat each other as very valuable.

To make one you just have to:
Let: May the love of God in was placed in us be spilled into the other person, trusting and supporting each other.
Unite: This means being for each other.
Merge: merge into one, represents the complete union of body, soul and spirit.
This is also a new birth for man and woman.
Merge into one: It is the unity of two souls: the union of two minds, wills and a set of emotions.

Situations that hinder: Lack of communication, lack of love, mistrust, lack of understanding, lack of sexual understanding, lack of appreciation for the other person, money, and different goals. I could name others but these are the most obvious and the ones that do great damage. And they hinder to manage to merge into one.
The main thing to merge into one: It is to deliver your affairs to God and tell him Father, if I am wrong, change my mind and my will..


God is the only one who can lead us to agree with his will and purpose. If each agrees with the other, I will not try to force another to become someone they do not want to be, but will be aware that each must be exactly the being that God intended them to be. In all this must be a great love. That what changes and transforms everything, the love of Christ. That it was given to us and we poured it out on the other person.

We should not be meeting and scrutinizing each other's flaws in everything. Instead, strengths must be shared to enjoy each other and enjoy the process of merging into one.
But mainly the man must love, care, help, support, respect and honor the woman.

The woman was created by God to be a suitable helper for man and taken from her own flesh.
Woman is the Strength of Man. That God made visible. The woman is a great portion of God's Love for him.
Apart from the strength of Him that is not visible, but we feel it and we know that it exists.


** GOD bless you greatly. **

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