Fruit of the Spirit

in #heartchurch5 years ago

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Gal 5:22-25

Today, we will be looking at the fruits of the spirit. Just as a matured tree will bring out it's fruits though in seasons, that's the same way it is expected of every believer to bring out fruits that meets his/her repentance as John the Baptist said in Matthew 3:8. And in Isaiah 61:3 bible says that we will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD.... after that our fruits you've brought out fruits. Sometimes the fruit of the spirit are looked upon by some people as the evidence of spiritual maturity. If you have some of the gifts of the spirit, you must be matured, they say. We shall see later that the gifts of the spirit are the manifestations of the spirit, and can manifest in a believer who is baptised in the holy spirit.

A young immature christian, baptised in the holy spirit, can manifest one or more of these gifts.On the other hand, the fruit of the spirit is an evidence of spiritual maturity.

  • Gifts - The manifestation of the holy spirit 1corinthian 12:1,4, 7.
  • Fruit - The expression of the character of Christ Eph. 4:13-15. As we walk in the spirit we shall not carry out the desires of the spirit . Gal 5:16 we must be lad by the spirit into spiritual maturity.The holy spirit will transform and develop within us the character traits of Jesus Christ, we shall be like him.

(a) Love - To love is both an act of the will and an expression of our emotions. It is an act of the will because agape love is covenant love with God and with other Christians. In john 13:34,35, Jesus said that if we love him, we should keep his commandments. john 14:15; 15:10. In keeping covenant with God, we then show love to those who are Christians 2cor 5:14-20..

(b) Joy - Joy is a characteristic of the nature of God and Jesus Christ, who is the image of God. Heb 1:3 the Bible says, the joy of the lord is my strength. The word 'JOY' has the meaning: "gladness of heart". As a fruit of the spirit, it is an emotion created by the spirit in our heart. When circumstances bring sorrow, turn your sorrow over to God and ask his joy to strengthen you Isaiah 35:10. Our relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ brings complete joy 1Jhohn 1:4. it is always there, though circumstances may push it aside, but ask God to restore it.

(c) Peace - The bible says that there is a commodity called " the peace of of God" Phil 4 :7 . The quality of this peace is extra-ordinary. The word peace from the Greek text means "to have a sense of welfare". We feel good when we are at peace Romans 8:28. Faith is the key to peace.If we can place our confidence in God for this, He will replace worry with His peace.

(d) Patience - John 16:33; col 1:11. It will be true to say that patience comes out of experience, when our confidence in God is strong, when we know the truth that the father only has good for us, we can have patient to wait for his plans to unfold in our lives and his purpose to work through. An impatience man can not wait but wants the answer or result now. Patience can be developed in the life of every christian. We have to learn patience, let the Holy spirit be your teacher. Wait for God your heavenly father, do not run away.

(d) Kindness - This means to have sympathy and to be considerate. Jesus was the greatest expression of what a man should be when it comes to being kind. He is a strong character. He showed kindness to the woman caught in adultery, The hated tax collector and the little children. As you learn to walk in the spirit and look to God for the development of this fruit in your life, God will produce it Col3:12; 1 thes1:5.

(e) Goodness - Gal 5:22;6:9-10. The meaning of the word " good" is commendable, right, proper. To do good is to do what is right or proper. Goodness is a character trait that makes a person wants to do what is right or proper.

(e) Faithfulness - Romans 3:3. This means to be full of faith Rom 12:36.

(f) Gentleness - Gal 5:23. The dictionary defines gentleness as mildness. The opposite would be rough, rude or wild. 2corinth 5:17.

(f) Self-control - This means having the mastery over your self. The bible uses the term flesh, old nature, old man to identify that part of us which is totally self-seeking. It is this "self life" that causes us so many problems.

As the last, we have been admonished to crucify the flesh and then walk in the spirit Matt 16:24. Gal 5:24

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