“Healthy food”
Why choose “Healthy food”?
We all know that for good nutrition we must develop a good combination of foods, also a good way to prepare and preserve them. But before all that there is something more important that we must take into account and we must ensure that all the vegetables, fruits and / or cereals we are using really feed us and have the necessary vitamins and nutrients for Good health of our family. But how do we make sure of that? If sometimes what they sell to us in the super market is a transgenic vegetable, the canned ones already know that they bring too many preservatives, etc. Research has shown that when children are exposed to current pesticide levels, they may eventually suffer negative effects on their health. Pesticides pose a risk to human health, not only in the form of contaminated food, but also as contaminated groundwater. Modern industry agriculture is leading to excessive depletion of the soil; this causes crops to contain less nutrients for those who consume these foods.
Organically grown foods contain higher levels of antioxidants and healthy fats than conventionally grown varieties. By planting organic products, we are also helping to combat climate change, protect the environment, promote the welfare of animals and farmers, as well as ensure that your food is not transgenic, food that you work at home will not have genetically modified organisms, which will also positively influence the animals you have and that you feed at home.
Apart from this, vegetables, fruits and organic plants are the best preventive and alternative medicine that we can have in our house, since almost all of them have healing properties and can be a good option in simple situations such as diariahia, nausea, indigestion, etc. and / or can also help and be a complement to conventional pharmacy medicine.
Obtaining today to produce and consume organic food helps both your health and our entire environment. As the famous physician Hippocrates said 2,500 years ago, he said: "Let his medicine be his food, and food his medicine." This phrase was considered a fact for a long time, it is time to put it back into practice.
What happens when you consume chemical or junk food?.-
"Junk food is considered to be cooked, pre-cooked or processed food that contains, by weight of the product, a lot of salt, saturated fat, hydrogenated fat, sugar, flours or starches and even saccharin." that is, foods that contain many calories in a small amount of product and that lack other substances rich for our body such as fiber, vitamins, minerals or antioxidants.
What are the risks of habitual consumption of fast food?.
When junk food is strained into our daily diet it contributes to the development of:
OBESITY. the high levels of saturated fats, sugars, flours or starch, and carbohydrates, among others, favor uncontrolled weight gain.
DIABETES. This type of food contains substances that can modify the intestinal flora, favoring the development of insulin resistance, the predecessor of type 2 diabetes.
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. the amount of fats (saturated and trans) contained in these foods produce a higher level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES. the lack of certain essential nutrients can cause some type of deficiency or disorder.
Apart from these problems, this type of diet can bring us other inconveniences in our health, such as insomnia, they also increase the chances of contracting kidney problems; On the other hand, if we try to eat in a healthy way, our skin will be cleaner and healthier, the muscle tissues will be healthier and stronger, our mood improves significantly, we have better hours of sleep.
Can fast food create addiction?.-
Fast food, also called "junk", can create addiction. "This is due to the components it has that are rich in sugars, glutamate, salt, saturated fats, flavorings, additives and sodium, the effect of which is to create a kind of addiction."
Apart from this it brings us more health problems such as:
1.- Psychological problems. -
The consumption of sugars, flavorings and fats can trigger conditions such as attention deficit, anxiety, individualism, lack of communication and frustration in children. According to the Consumer Power Organization, children who eat fast food have shown greater emotional instability and changes in their psychology.
2.- Premature aging.-
The consumption of junk food corresponds to one of the main causes of premature aging, due to the fact that our dermis is not properly oxygenated due to the saturation of fats and artificial flavors.