SLC23-W1 | Let's Learn About Macronutrients

It's a privilege to partake in the Steemit Learning Challenge Season 23 and having a good knowledge of both recommended and non-recommended diet.

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I will proceed to the homework tasks given by the teachers;

Task 1: According to what you learned in this class, do you think you have been eating healthy? Explain your answer

Honestly, after getting to read and expand my knowledge about healthy eating, I will say that I have not been eating healthy diet and I can't put myself in the category of people that practice that. I am a big fan of healthy foods but sometimes, my cravings can take a bigger part of me. Example; I have always known sausage to be unhealthy but yet I still consume it. Although, I have created a coping mechanism of not purchasing full pack anymore but rather buy already made snacks like; pizza and shawarma made with sausage from eatery when the cravings comes. Therefore, I will add that; I am in-between both healthy and unhealthy diet and to be honest with my answer, I will say NO, I don't eat healthy diet.

Task 2: Share 1 image in which we can appreciate a recommended protein versus a non-recommended protein and what is the cooking method you normally use for each one

I have egg as the recommended protein while sausage as the non-recommended and both are prepared with different cooking methods.

IMG_9763.jpegEgg ✅IMG_9758.jpegSausage ❌

Egg: this can be prepared in several ways; if I am serving it boiled, I will use moist heat method to cook it. For omelette recipe, it can be fried and for sauce, the combined method can be used to prepare the sauce.

Sausage: this can be fried when using for sandwich or other kinds of snacks and it can be added in sauce as well by using the combined cooking method for the preparation process.

Task 3: Share 1 image in which we can appreciate a recommended fat versus a non-recommended fat and explain how you normally consume it

Here, I have butter as my recommended fat and industrial oil as the non-recommended fat. Both shared a similar method of consumption.

IMG_9759.jpegButter✅IMG_9773.jpegIndustrial oil❌

Butter: I consume butter in cake, chin-chin, food like fried rice, pasta and jollof rice.

Industrial oil: this is part of my daily food menu. I mostly consume industrial oil in fries ( chicken, goat, chips), stew, sauce, fried rice and jollof rice and beans.

Task 4: Share in images dishes (at least Three (3)) that you usually prepare at home, identify the groups of macronutrients explained in class, evaluate them as understood in this class and explain whether or not you would change the way you have prepared them
Below are the three different dishes that I usually prepare at home

Dish 1: Plantain Porridge with Chicken

Plantain falls under banana family which is among the top healthy carbohydrate in classes of food. It is recommended and good source of energy.
For this particular recipe, I will have to change the way I prepare it because the type of fat ( industrial oil) added is unhealthy.

IMG_9762.jpegPlantain porridge with chicken

Macronutrient groups of this dish;

Plantain (carbohydrate)industrial oil (fat)
Chicken (protein)-

Dish 2: Jollof Rice and Egg

Jollof rice can be prepared with butter or industrial oil. For this recipe I used industrial oil which is non-recommended. Although, the dish was accompanied with healthy protein ( egg).

The only thing I wished to change here is to adopt the use of butter instead of industrial oil.

IMG_9769.jpegJollof rice and egg

Macronutrient groups of this dish;

Rice (carbohydrate)industrial oil (fat)
Egg ( protein)-

Dish 3: Spaghetti and Chicken Stew

Spaghetti falls under processed carbohydrate which is unhealthy. The recipe is simple, only a little salt was added to the pasta but the stew was prepared with chicken and industrial oil.

The only change I need to apply in this dish is using healthy vegetable oils like olive or coconut oil for stew making instead of industrial oil.

IMG_9754.jpegPasta and chicken stew

Macronutrient groups of this dish;

Chicken (protein)industrial oil (fat)
--spaghetti ( processed food)

I have come to an end of my homework, I will say a big THANK YOU to the teachers for this educative and health awareness course.

I will invite @mvchain, @chefdanie and @anasuleidy to join the class.


Querida amiga creo todos vamos a aprender a comer bien en este maravilloso curso donde nuestra salud a través de los alimentos juega un papel importante.

Veo que tu aprendiste muy bien al ser bastante sincera al decir cuanto te gusta comer salchichas.

Me deleitaste el paladar con tus comidas, te deseo mucho exito.

Yes friend! Food plays an important role in our overall health because we consume it directly to the body system. What we take in surely determines how healthy we are.

Thank you for visiting my blog 🤗

Hola amiga es un gusto leer tu post, se nota claramente que has comprendido sobre la clasificación de cada una de las proteínas, este tema es de suma importancia.

Saludos y bendiciones

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