Discover the importance of leading a healthy life

in #healthy7 years ago

We always hear the phrase "live a healthy life", but many of us do not know the real meaning of it and, in some cases, it is usually translated as: changing diet to lose weight.

This is due, in most cases, to the lack of a culture of prevention and not giving importance to the value of a healthy life. So, in this post, we will remind you of the benefits of a healthy and preventive lifestyle:
Mejorarás tu humor y estado de ánimo
Cuando estás relajado, haces deporte y comes sano; tu cuerpo simplemente se siente bien consigo mismo. Por ejemplo, cuando haces ejercicio tu cuerpo produce endorfina, la hormona que produce la felicidad, y serotonina, hormona que es capaz de aliviar el estado de ánimo. Ya sabes, ¡haz deporte!
Better health
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will reduce your chances of getting coronary and cardiovascular disease, level your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and also decrease the appearance of chronic and degenerative diseases such as AIDS, cancer, Alzheimer's, etc.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 10 million people die each year from cardiovascular disease. Your physical condition will be better
A balanced diet coupled with a series of exercises is vital to increase, little by little, your physical abilities. In addition, it will make you resistant as your lung capacity, flexibility and strength will be greater.

People who usually do physical activity or exercise live on average 3 and 4 years more than those who do not, according to studies from the National Cancer Institute of the United States.

Your personal image will develop because you will eliminate toxins and eliminate the negative fat, to make way for the toning of your muscles and increase your muscle mass. Stronger bones and joints
Dairy products and some vegetables help strengthen bones, providing adequate amounts of calcium. And, also, the exercise will be able to strengthen your joints to prevent serious injuries that keep you from doing what you like most.

You will develop your brain better
With the passing of the years, our motor skills are losing clarity. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out physical and mental activities and to take a healthy diet to reduce the deterioration of memory and other vital cerebral functions.

Alzheimer's and other dementias occupy, according to the latest report of the WHO, the seventh place in the list of the 10 leading causes of death in the world, with 1.5 million people died in 2015. In this way, since the year 2000, deaths from diseases of this class have doubled.

Feeling of youth
If you had all the benefits we mentioned above, would not you feel younger? For these six reasons and many more, it is better that you lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent diseases now and ensure an adulthood full of joys and positive feelings.

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