Food sources contain biotin
Biotin is a vitamin that belongs to the vitamin B complex group. Sometimes, this biotin is also referred to as vitamin H or B7. Like other B vitamins, biotin helps your body convert food into energy. If your body has a healthy amount of biotin, you may have shiny hair, glowing skin, and strong nails.
In addition to health, biotin is also important for pregnancy. Biotin is able to help the liver function work properly and healthy. In addition to be produced through supplements, it turns out biotin can also be obtained through healthy foods that you can eat every day. What foods contain biotin that must be consumed?
Food sources contain biotin
Egg yolks
In chicken egg yolks, they actually contain some biotin in them. Egg yolk should be cooked before consumption, although heat can reduce the amount of biotin content in it. Because the function of biotin is important in the development of chicken embryos, then you can use egg yolks as one of the foods that contain biotin is easy to obtain.