Grill potato sandwich in two minutes
There are various types of sandwiches. Which is unrivaled in taste. Among them, Greid Potato Recipe is one of the largest. Take a recipe to see.
Ingredients: four slices of bread, one tablespoon of ghee or butter, potato one, gram flour, half a teaspoon, red chili powder slightly, hot spice one pinch, one fourth of a spoonful of coriander, amount of salt, , One glass of lemon juice, one tablespoon of lemon juice.
Method of preparation: Boil potatoes and boil. Then smash the potato. Mix all the powder and spices together in a while (except the butter)
Put a bowl over the bread. Pour one side to topping. Grill the other slices on it. Grill ovens can grill sticks. Or put the grill tray on the oven. Serve with green sauce or tomato ketchup.
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