Health Competition ( Main Topic Headache ) - 7 Days - Win 17 SBD - Day #4 - Registration in Progress

in #healthcompetition7 years ago (edited)

Do You have headaches? Have You ever tried doing something about it ? Do You often solve the problem by drinking pills ?
Have You ever tried some other alternative solution ? Have You ever investigated the causes ?

According to Michael Brown, the Author of "Presence Process" every pain and every sickness in the body is not-integrated emotion that needs to go out through the process of breathing. This reality becomes more sure when we talk about ancient healing process that Indians do, named "Sweat Lodge" and returning the person in Mother's womb. Modern alternative medicine talks much about energy imbalances like crucial to the health problems and that includes proved hazard health effect from Electromagnetic Radiation and Geopathic Radiation.


Write the best solution for Headache, classical, alternative,....any kind. It should be max 400 words with one photo. Do the solution like post in Your Blog and just place the link from the post for Headache Solution here below in my posts from the next, 7 days.

Win one of the 3 Prizes:
1st Place 10 SBD
2nd Place 5 SBD
3rd Place 2 SBD

= Every person can take a part in the Competition
= That person needs to be @tatjanastan Follower
= @tatjanastan post needs to be Upvoted
= @tatjanastan post needs to be Resteemed
= Place the solution for Headache like post in Your Blog
= Place the Link of Your Headache Solution post in the place for comments in this post
= One of the tags needs to be named healthcompetition
= Awards relate only to this post

= Voting will be done on the eighth day
= All new Applied posts will be published once a day in a post of @tatjanastan with Your link
= Voting can be done from everybody



How To Cure A Headache Without Medicine #healthcompetition

Cure A Headache Without Medication
Millions of people across the world suffer from headaches everyday. While some headaches can be from the usual sources such as not enough sleep, too much alcohol, low blood sugar, high stress, or loud noises, many can come from a myriad of causes and can be quite severe and debilitating. Not only can headaches cause pain but for some can also cause vertigo, malaise, fatigue, nausea, and visual problems. There are many medications that can be used to treat headaches but a few small changes to your lifestyle, including stress management, diet, and exercise can make all of the difference and have you back on your feet in no time. If you find yourself taking headache medication more often than you’d like, try these drug-free approaches next time you feel a headache looming.
On the off chance that you wind up with a cerebral pain in the wake of celebrating too hard the prior night or possibly a long, hard damp with sweat exercise, the torment you feel might be in extensive part because of drying out. Start to rehydrate yourself with water and make a beeline for the nourishments that normally have higher water content. These incorporate watermelon, lettuce, soup, cucumbers, smoothies, spinach, pears, fruit purée, chime peppers, mangos, carrots, apples, grapes, berries, oranges, yogurt, and nonfat drain. To keep a lack of hydration cerebral pain in any case, make sure to regard your night out as you would your exercise and rehydrate with water en route.

A decent ol' cuppa joe or tea might be only the correct prescription on the off chance that you are enduring with a cerebral pain. A direct dosage of caffeine can diminish a cerebral pain (particularly the sort that are beating or throbbing) by choking the veins that go to the head. Furthermore, the water used to influence the espresso or tea to can likewise keep you hydrated. A twofold dosage of cerebral pain help!

Out run that cerebral pain! It might be the exact opposite thing you have a craving for doing when you have a migraine, or feel one going ahead, however oxygen consuming movement, for example, strolling, cycling, swimming, or running can really stop an approaching cerebral pain in its tracks by fortifying the generation of torment lessening chemicals from the mind. In the event that you can get outside for some natural air and exercise, shockingly better!

Low glucose is a typical reason for cerebral pains in many individuals. Our bodies are finely tuned machines that like and need a specific level of glucose (sustenance!) in our circulation system at any offered time to work. Go too long without eating and your body will rebuff you with a migraine. It's inclination's method for keeping up homeostasis in the body so we can perform getting it done. Your day ought to incorporate five little dinners that are even divided for the duration of the day. New entire, plant-based sustenances are best to feed the body and to stay away from the migraine causing additives and chemicals of prepared nourishments.


On the off chance that you end up rubbing your sanctuaries and neck in the wake of a monotonous day at the workplace to diminish your head torment, you are probably experiencing a strain migraine. Conceivably alongside the strain, you neglected to eat and drink liquids for the duration of the day so now you have a one-two punch of a migraine! In the first place, get up for a short walk, drink water, and eat a little sound bite. Next, give yourself a delicate back rub to your neck, sanctuaries and scalp alongside some neck extends, for example, turning your make a beeline for side gradually or dropping your ear toward your shoulder on each side. This may not totally fix that long agonizing day at the workplace yet certainly can diminish the distress and making them feel better in a short measure of time.



Hola a todos, me encontre con este concurso patrocinado por @tatjanastan, me parece algo original y creativo porque mediante las experiencias y conocimiento de otras personas, nos ayuda a conocer un poco mas sobre soluciones de dolor de cabeza, sin depender de medicamentos.
El termino Dolor de cabeza, tambien conocido como cefalea proviene del latín cephalaea, y éste del griego κεφαλαία, de κεφαλή, cabeza hace referencia a los dolores y molestias localizadas en cualquier parte de la cabeza, en los diferentes tejidos de la cavidad craneana, en las estructuras que lo unen a la base del cráneo, los músculos y vasos sanguíneos que rodean el cuero cabelludo, cara y cuello.

Existen diferentes tipos de cefaleas, podemos encontrar las primarias, secundarias y otras que no entran en la clasificacion anterior. La migraña, la cefalea tensional y la causada por consumo excesivo de analgésicos (cefalea de rebote) tienen importancia para la salud pública pues causan gran discapacidad y morbilidad en la población.
De acuerdo a mis experiencias vividas algo super importante que debemos tomar en cuenta, es tratar de evitar el estres, el uso excesivo de computadoras, televisores. Una de las cosas que me ha ayudado mucho y en mi familia siempre la utilizan, es la preparacion en un frasco con hojas de bay-rum y ron blanco y este se debe colocar, en la frente y parte posterior de la cabeza, a mi me ha funcionado. El Bay-rum conocido en otro lugares como Malagueta, el aceite esencial se utiliza como analgésico, anticonvulsivo, antineurálgico, expectorante, antirreumático, antiséptico, astringente, estimulante y tónico para el cabello.
Otro que también utilizamos son las hojas de Noni, estas las asan ligeramente y luego son colocadas en la frente, son muy efectiva.

Espero sea de su agrado este post, dejen sus comentarios.

Feliz y Bendecida tarde.




It is my honor to join this health competition sponsored by @tatjanastan.
My personal picture of having headache

One of the most common complain is the headache. Headache is the pain felt by any region of our head. Based on my experiences and observation or even studies some of the causes of headache are stress, hunger and dehydration.

Yesterday night while going to our plant I was struck by headache due to stress of issuing Official receipts to clients. What I did? I relax my mind and take a nap. Yes , it is hilarious after awhile I am ok.

So there are ways of treatment option for headache including self care therapies and over the counter medications. Self care therapies refer to the activities on how to take good care of yourself. Activities to avoid stress like yoga, meditation,exercise and the best activity is sleep and rest. Drink a lot of water is another way to prevent stress and headache. When we can't eat at the right time for meal, we can feel headache. Why? These occur not from a lack of nourishment, but from what happens to the body because of the lack of food coming into it. When you don’t eat properly your glucose levels drop dangerously low. The over the counter medicines are those prescribed by the doctors such as alaxan, paracetamol, aspririn, diclofenac and ect. When taking these headache drugs, avoid products that contain caffeine. Any medication containing barbiturates or narcotics should be used sparingly.




Am writing this due to the post made by @tatjanastan on headache and how to curb it.

Actually headache is seen to be a normal malady that each and every one of us has faced in our lifes, there is no person here that can outrightly say that he or she has not experienced headache before, even though it didn't have similar etiology. Headache can be controlled but this depends on the etiological rising of the headache, meaning that it could be caused by various things such as; stroke, migraine, hypertension, depression,emotional imbalance , running, anxiety, injury on the body; this aspect depends on the severity of the injury and lots more too numerous to mention

Headache can be specified into two groups such as primary and secondary group.

PRIMARY: The minor migraines we encounter falls under this group, tension headache and clustered headache

SECONDARY: These are usually caused by infectious problems in the head,ranging from dental pain, bleeding in the brain such as encephalities or meningitis,drugs, medication abuse and Hangovers.

But before any physician gives out a solution to a particular disorder in the body, the history of such disorder is usually taken note of, so one needs to be careful on precriptions to be made, but in the absence of no medication there are ways we can curb headache, they are;

(1) RESTING: this aspect is very vital, we know fully well that stress, trauma,tension,migraines causes headache, but with reasonable hours of rest, 6 to 8 hours, we can regain our selfs back.

(2)YOGA: It is scientifically proven that yoga curbs headache if not curing it totally and some specific moves can be used for that purpose such as (a)Tadasana:mountain pose(b)Garudasana:Arms opening between the shoulder blades (c)parsvottanasana:arms opening the chest.

(3)DIET : Its pertinent to understand that eating right and taking every meal in its correct proportion curbs headache,imagine consuming a whole lot of sugar filled food which rises your glucose level for a while and then not mentaining that equilibruim, headache will certainly occur.

(4)WATER: water works out magic for us, cleanses our system and goes ahead to reduce the pressure we place on our head which caused stress, so water reduces headache.

(5)General healthy living, helps us to reduce the level of stress on our body and inturn reduces headache.

Am aideedavies and i hope i have been able to contribute greatly to your already vast knowledge.


Health Competition Headaches

So I’m writing this because I’m entering the contest by @tatjanastan for how to get rid of headaches without medicine.

Something my mom has always done to me (which I do until this day) is apply pressure to the top of my forehead. She said the reason we get headaches is because the blood is rushing to our head. So when you apply pressure to the forehead long enough it helps push the blood.

Now I don’t know if there’s truth in that or if their is science behind it, but I do know that it works for me and I do the same for my fiance and it seems to help her out as well.
(Picture from google)



So I decided to take part in the health competition hosted by @tatjanastan here on this awesome platform, please note that the length of my post (not too long) and the use of just one photo are both requirements for the competition.

Headache refers to any simple, complicated, acute form of pain felt anywhere in the region of the head or neck. There are many forms, types or manifestation of headache, but one of most common presentation is migraine. Frequently experienced headaches can have very destabilizing and discomforting effect.

There is also an increased risk of depression in those with severe aches in the head region. While the main cause of headache may be stress, other diseased conditions usually manifest through headache. Paracetamol or panadol is usually prescribed as first choice treatment, however note that the use of Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs like aspirins, dichlophenac, etc are not advised for ulcer patients as they increase the hydrochloric acid content of the stomach.

Most times, patients having headaches may be advised to take a rest, headaches may be experienced on different part of the headache, ranging from frontal to lateral, apart from the aboved named causes of headache, headaches could arise from head injuries or hits maybe in an accident. If headache persits, patients are advised to see a doctor to ascertain the exact cause(s).

However, regular exercises, healthy habits like watching movies and sitting out with friends. is of the essence too.
source: Pixabay



I decided to take part in the health competition hosted by @tatjanastan

Headache is an indication of stress or emotional pain. Headache is caused by tissues and structures that are all around the brain. It can also be caused by medical disorder, such as migraine or high blood pressure, anxiety or depression. Apart from this, the causes of headache include fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, effects of medications, viral infections, noise, colds, head injury, cold food or beverage intake, and toothache.

Primary headaches-
Primary headache usually begins for the first time when people are 20 to 40 years old. The most common type of primary headaches is migraine caused by stress.

Migraine is a type of headache that usually occurs only in one part of the head. Generally migraine occurs due to changes in chemical activity in the brain.

Secondary headaches-
Secondary headaches occur when many types of diseases stimulate the pain-sensitive nerves of our head.

Remedies for headaches-
Headache will less by drinking ginger and basil tea.
There is also other remedy like lemonade, tea and coffee.
Applying sandalwood paste on the forehead gives relief in the headache.
Regular massage with almond oil provides relief from headache.
Mixing cinnamon with a pinch of milk gives relief as well.
Lifestyle changes
By adopting a positive lifestyles, headache can be eliminated to a great extent.

Sleep at least 6 to 7 hours daily and early in the morning.

Meditation and Exercise Everyday.

Eat meals on time. Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day.

Do not look for long-term TV, computer and mobile. Many times the headache is also caused by the eyes problem, so get your eye test done.
Get rid of headaches associated with yoga-
Yoga can be largely rid of headache. This not only gets rid of migraine but also gets rid of stress and anxiety.
Those who have pain in the head should do pranayama for 10-15 minutes daily. In addition to this, 3 to 4 times Bhamari and Ujjalej Pranayam also relieves.

Psychological methods-
Sometimes the headaches are due to stress and anxiety. In such a time, remove your attention from that matter, due to which you are in a pyre. For this, you can listen to songs, play or do other favorite things that make you happy.

Take a deep breath for some time.
source: Pixabay


Various Solutions to Headaches

First of all, headaches are basically pain to the head or neck region.
There are two basic classes;

A) Primary headaches: this class is NOT due to underlying diseases. The most common examples are migraines and tension-type headaches. Other examples include trigerminal neuralgia, cluster/ post-menopausal/ post coital headaches.
These are commonly treated with NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) There are many classes of NSAIDs. The popular ibuprofen is an NSAID.

Secondary headaches; This class is due to an underlying disease and treatment of the disease leads to its cessation. (E.g. if your headache is due to meningitis, treating the meningitis makes the headache disappear. ) A lot of diseases can manifest as headaches.
Now, if your tired of popping pills for your primary type headache; there are other alternative therapies.
Most of theses are notscientifically proven but their practice has been found to relieve headaches. They include;

Massages,yoga and other mind-body techniques; especially for stress related headaches.
2)Life style changes;get adequate sleep, regular meals, stay hydrated, always exercise.
3)Natural products;cloves, apple cider, thyme, basil, cinnamon, can all be used in different ways to treat headaches; for example, you can try them as teas.
4)Ice compress to the head/ hot water foot bath; Yes. Hot or cold, you can make it work.
5)Herbal medicines; notably, the feverfew, butterbur root extract and ginger.
Aromatherapy; especially with perppermint and lavender oils.
7)Acupuncture; Yes, It may be strange this Chinese method of pricking the body with needles can dissipate a headache.
This is a broad and simplifed overview of solutions to headaches from the view of modern medicine and from other alternative views.
As a medic, I enjoyed writing this, hope you enjoyed the reading and learnt a thing or two!

Wish You a Successful Competition,
Your Well - Wishing


Thank you for sharing ♥ following you

Thanks for the kind words...Lets do what max we can

Nice post thank you, headache is really bad really :(

Thank you, you had personal experience with bad headache ?

Health is all of in life.. so keep our health, because health is rich...
Thanks for you sharing, success is for you

Sounds like an interesting contest. I love health posts because I also try to teach and share with others about natural ways to take care of your health.

Yes, Natural is our choice...That is the most important part of our lives, our health...

I bless God cos I never had headache throughout 2017 and I trust him that 2018 will be the same. However, I had cold and catarrh but no headache still. Except for migraine that I had when I fell ill to typhoid (thank God I discovered it early and treated it properly). My advice is to stay away from dust and take a lot of fruit and clean water. Enjoy!

Thank You, please You need to place Your solution on Your Blog as Post and post the link of the post here,...Thank You

Here I leave the link for my entry to the contest, thank you for this opportunity

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