Healthcare System is INSANE, please read on story of Veteran's Fiancee's battle with Breast Cancer was denied treatment due to seeking 2nd opinion, how it relates to my Father with Big Pharma, Chemtrails, See Doc. on glued to Technology by NICHOLSON1968

in #healthcaresystem7 years ago (edited)

Please repost this story on this Veteran's finance going through Breast Cancer and banned from seeking other opinions by a doctor over seeking a second opinion. Share this story, the more the merrier. How insane is all of this. You would think that Doctors would have the decency to take their oath seriously to Save Lives, not destroy them by making all about their ego. There are many corporate mainstream doctors who are very arrogant, only concerned with themselves over the patient.

An Unimaginable Nightmare

This is what happened with regarding my Father with the insane blood doctor, goes to show you can't trust the healthcare system itself.
You can read what happened months ago here and there.

Plus, the new guidelines with his Mylodesplastic Syndrome (MDS) blood disorder won't allow my Father to have a blood transfusion unless his count is really low. Now it's anything below a 7.0 Hemoglobin requires you to have a blood transfusion. Now with the new guidelines it's more closer to a 6.0 for the Hemoglobin. My father was receiving a blood transfusion every 2 weeks. When his count was below 6.0, was in 5.6, 5.4, we the family felt he should've been hospitalized since he was too weak to move, then transferred to assisted living, which was never granted because of the flu epidemic and was not severe enough despite not being able to walk with very severe spinal stenosis that takes 3-4 not so strong people to physically lift him, but there is one neighbor that can physically lift my Father no problem. At the last visit at the ER, they had to use a Lift machine to get him in and out of the car, very awkward experience and took three people to use this machine. Goes to show you the hospitals only care about profit from big pharma, than patient care.

If you question the doctor over a severe health problem such as fluid build-up in the legs. Those who are not aware what fluid build-up is results in heart failure. When you notice this and ask the Doctor of the specialty regarding let's say a fatal blood disorder that doesn't produce enough red blood cells from the bone marrow, leads you becoming weaker and weaker, and your body shuts down. All you are doing is asking a question to confirm, what to keep an eye out for and what not. The blood doctor took offense for the family asking the question, goes full goon/nuts, plays the Pontius Pilate card, "I'm just a blood doctor and this is not my problem." The family takes offense as well for asking a question and very frustrated and upset over the so-called professionalism of the doctor. One of the family members called the blood doctor a jackass too, rightly noted and true. That jackass blood doctor never once asked my father about his well being, which is something that doctors are supposed to ask right?

What the whacked out blood doctor did every single time she saw him was provide the results of his hemoglobin at the door so anyone walking by can hear it. Plus, her bedside manner/demeanor was crap it was her way or the highway. This doctor had a split personality, you never knew what kind of person you are dealing with that day or in the moment thereof. Plus, the other doctors knew what kind of a person she is and did nothing. Following see the whacked out prescribing killer drug Doctor, the family also went the ER seeking answers as to why the fluid build-up, other blood work up that the blood doctor never wants to be bothered with. The same family went the ER twice the same month with the patient seeking answers knowing the patient is dying and asks for the hospital to have him admitted so then he can be transferred to assisted living. The family never received answers from any of the ER doctors, nothing was done due to the engineered flu epidemic, the hospital were only keeping rooms open for the worst of the worst. No one in assisted living, nor at hospice would take the patient due to the flu epidemic, everyone is in lock-down.

Not even two weeks later, the patient still having hallucinations can barely sit up, speaking to those that aren't in the room. Later on the same day, the patient slips into a coma and dies peacefully in his sleep at home surrounded by family. Even if the family called 911 sooner, would have delayed the inevitable since when it came down to it, the patient hated hospitals, having been there too many times and felt at home, he was hooked up to wires. The family grieving over the loss of a loved one did the best they could to keep it together and celebrate a father's and husband, and grandfather's life the best they could. A beautiful service very well put together and wonderful baritone voice from the music director. The food at Alitos was fantastic knowing my own Father loved food a lot would have enjoyed. He would be very proud of how it was handled. Even picking out the grave stone is perfectly aligned with the family patterns to match the others too. So, over the past month since my Father's passing, we have been dealing with our grief in our own way. I'm going through things, some to give away such as the wheelchair, walker, quad chain, clothes, etc. Plus, found Nuns that made use of his not used disposable underwear and pads for the hospital bed. Taking each day at a time.

Big pharma fueled by the powers that shouldn't be promote their killer drugs as well without conducting their own testing making sure it's really safe. They never do an allergy test via blood sample to find all that you are allergic to and compare to the ingredients of the drug. Anything that matches results in adverse side effects from the drug itself. Anything that makes money off people's suffering. Plus, all that we are poisoned by the chemtrails and what not in the air, from the food we buy no matter what the label says, and who knows what we really drink is safe. We don't know what is safe anymore, nor can't trust anyone to do their job right as well? It's totally and completely insane! If any of you read this then good for you. Because I've dealt with enough and days before my Father's funeral I got real sick with the flu itself and almost died. This flu strain is messed up and had we the family not have gone through the ER the second time with all of those affected by the flu, we would not have gotten sick. By the way, the ER can do a better job containing the entire ER in the event of any epidemic. All employees and visitors going into the ER should wear nitrile gloves and face masks because this strain is air borne & by touch. Never seen one hospital personnel wash their hands, that purel only works not even 30% of the time. That's why hygiene is so important to wash your hands with soap and water very good, not sloppy, all about technique & before and after you do anything, including preparing food, eating, going to the bathroom. It's basic common sense. Take a good look at the poisoned skies by all those chemtrails. Just because the label says organic doesn't mean a thing. When our skies our being poisoned, our food and drink are poisoned as well, take a good look at the companies their connections, follow the money. Might as well call this chemtrail flu epidemic. Beta testing leading towards Agenda 21 and 2030

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of being lied to. If you are telling me that you can't look up instead of being glued to your phones, etc. there is something very wrong with you.

On a side note, please check out Gabor Zolna. Posts tons of videos everyday. Gives great short takes, updates, can correspond with him, own server. BTW, to copy and past his videos, right click over the video, click on "copy video address". Then paste onto your social media, etc.

While I'm on that subject I really encourage you to watch this 2 hr documentary by Nicholson 1968.

One Ring to Rule Them All..Technology My Precious!

#CellTowers #5G #AI #FallenAngels #Transhumanism
How technology IS enslaving everyone?
#Technic Technology has changed how we Perceive the World
Nobody ever looks up.
Multitasking lead to memory loss, #Distractions. #Empathy has dropped.
#MinorityReport #SkyNet #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WEDONOTCONSENT

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

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