Paramedic Report: Burns
Just ran a call where someone had tripped while carrying a large bucket of boiling water and spilled on his co-worker. This womans entire arm was covered in blisters and very red. The sad thing is that it was a boss who spilled on a worker who was one of his employees. Found her sitting by herself; he ran away to hide.
Even though it maybe common knowledge; the burn will keep burning unless you apply cooling measures such as running the burn under cold water to stop further damage. This was not done. So her arm was still burning within in the amount of time it took for us to arrive; approx. 8 minutes.
If anything; first a person in a leadership role should have helped an employee in that kind of situation. Second; he caused the accident; its human nature to help someone when your the reason why it happened in the first place. I cannot mention the place due to hippa laws but geez... I am disappointed with what I saw. She had type II burns over her entire left arm.
I wrapped it in gauze and wet it down with sterile saline water.
IV in the unaffected arm; large IV and gave fluid. A lot of fluid. Your body will start to shift all its fluids to help stop the burning from getting worse and start the healing process. Your body needs an enormous amount of water in order to heal.
Off to a burn center