End of shift Paramedic Report: Scalped Trauma
I will do my best to keep all HIPPA laws in check. Which basically means I cannot give any info that would identify anyone in any way possible. I also cannot talk about high profile cases. I think I have done a good job of not violating these rules but please notify me if I have somehow.
All photos are taken from the internet randomly.
Case study purpose only
Male in his 30s; driver of a sedan who crashed into a parked truck. The truck's transmission broke and it shot into a house. No one injured inside the house. Driver found unconscious behind the wheel.
The hood of the car bent back; through the windshield and over the steering wheel; scalping the driver.
Pt is woken up; bubbling from his throat through the blood.
Immediate extrication; seatbelt is cut; pt is dragged out onto the street.
No airway compromise found
Placed in full C-spine precautions with a C-collar and a backboard.
Admits to drinking heavily
AOx2 only to name and place
Head is bandaged...
no hx allergies or meds
Pt placed on high flow O2 via NRM; SaO2 100%.
18 guage IV in the left and right AC attached to 1 L bags of normal saline
Code 3 return to nearest trauma facility
All images are taken from bing.com under keywords mentioned above
If I am doing anything that violates hippa or if you have any concerns - please voice them because I would be happy to hear or take down this post. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a medical discussion; people can learn or even I could learn by someone else sharing knowledge. This is only 1 out of 5 calls I had but this one was the most interesting.
Ok. Those are good rules that HIPPA. He Crashed into a parked car and no drugs and with such violence. It makes me wonder whether the breaks failed.
from what it looked like; driving recklessly while intoxicated and took a turn to tight and hit a truck parked near the corner. Probably didn't hit the brakes
also... drugs can still be a possibility