A Clear Mind Makes a Strong Mind

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Yinaury Clear Mind.jpg

Simply put, clearing our minds is not thinking. Being fully aware, present. It is using all of our senses without trying to make sense of what they take in. Only seeing something, without judging it's appearance. Smelling something, without deeming it pleasing or funky. Hearing sounds without trying to figure out what is making them. It is being fully present in the moment and quieting the little voice in our heads that reacts to everything we experience.


Our brains are muscles and like any other worked out muscle, it must rest. This recovery time rebuilds the muscle, making it stronger than it was before. The same goes for our brains. Thinking, imagining, judging, reminiscing, analyzing, and fantasizing over works our brains causing headaches, stress, and mental health issues. A clear mind gives the brain time to recharge making it more efficient the next time we need it to solve a problem or create.
Here are a few ways anyone can achieve this:


Watch your pets or take a walk through the park. Pay attention to these other living things. They're not thinking about anything. Always aware of the moment. Every action is natural. Instinctual. Spending time with other living things like plants and animals is a great way of achieving a clear mind. Experiencing life without the amazing extras of the human brain, shows us what its like to just live.

"Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took over your mind. The real you is loving, joyful, and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just like the sun." -- Don Miguel Ruiz

IMG_1278 (1).jpg
Taken during a walk through Gantry Plaza Park in Long Island City.
Top Pic: Taken from Main Street Park with views of the Brooklyn Bridge


Another great method I've learned along the way is to direct all of my attention to my breathing. It is very difficult to think of anything else when you're focused on your breathing. Pay attention to the inhale, the exhale. Catch any thoughts that pop up, then turn your attention back to the breathing. Like anything else, this takes practice. At first, I couldn't last a minute without being interrupted by a thought. It gets easier!

Taken in Dominican Republic. Painting Grandma's yard.


Give your full attention to whatever one thing you are doing. Often we do things on autopilot while our minds are busy solving current problems, thinking about the past, or fantasizing about the future. If you're eating, just eat. Enjoy the flavors, the textures, and the satisfaction of filling your stomach. If you're driving, just drive. Focus on the road, enjoy the views, the tunes. When you are done, you can approach any thought that may have come up with a clear and ready mind.

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." -- Swami Sivananda

Aside from meditating and painting, these were a few of the ways I felt everyone else can incorporate into their lifestyles as well. Do you practice any of the methods I listed above? Any others?

Thank you all for your time!
Much Love, Yinaury


Thanks for covering this topic. Sometimes I forget about doing these things from time to time because I'm too wrapped up in things that I have to get done etc.

You're welcome! I know what it's like. They say that's when you need it most. Lol

It's a great topic! After many years of using medication to quiet my mind, I finally stopped a couple years ago and took up mindful meditation. It has been an incredibly positive experience. Whilst I still have issues with both anxiety and depression, I now have a better toolkit to use instead of relying on the disgustingly abusive pharma industry.

That's great! I've wondered how it would work for someone to stop taking meds and meditate instead. Glad to know it's been good for you :) I believe there are definitely more natural alternatives.

#1 is a big one

I haven’t had a chance to do this lately but looking forward to it soon. They even say being grounded is good for your body as well.

Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome! Just wanted to leave everyone and myself a little reminder here. Its easy to forget to just chill out sometimes with all the day to day running around we do, especially here in NY.

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