Folk Remedies: Salt Therapy (halotherapy) Dtube Vlog

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Today I want to tell you all about salt pipes, what they are, why, and how to use one. I've included my first Official DTube Vlog because I really could not get away with demonstrating how I use it with photos!


Why I use the Salt Pipe

Asthma and respiratory illness is something I don't talk about much, but it has plagued me for all of my life. I wasn't born with it but as an infant I was exposed to "unknown harmful dust particles" when my dad was knocking out at wall in our very old brick house in England. What was in that wall was never examined but it was not good.

I nearly died. Spent weeks in the hospital and unfortunately I was a sickly kid ever since that happened. I was often given heavy medications such as prednizone (a steroid) and antibiotics to treat these issues. These treatments targeted specific ailments and never focused on building up my immunity or looked at my overall well being.

It wasn't until I was allowed to make my own choices about health, rid myself of all medication (other than ventolin for emergencies) that I gained control of my health. With a holistic approach that included natural remedies, food and a healthy environment (ie: no chemicals in the house) I was able to strengthen my immunity and manage my asthma. It was a long journey but I became a much healthier person.


I am like a canary in a coal mine. My body reacts to chemicals, toxic scents, synthetic ingredients and other "man made" toxins rapidly in the form of: asthma attacks, hives, dark under eye circles, and so on. If you want to know if it's bad for you, stick it in front of me for a minute.


If our body are busy fighting off all these chemicals people are inundated with through the day, aren't we leaving ourselves more susceptible to illness? Wouldn't it be better to avoid all chemicals so our body can focus on fighting things outside of our control?

Here's an example of what I mean

My husband grew up in a typical tide, air freshener and perfume spraying household. He has a super immune system and rarely gets sick so until he met me and witnessed my struggles, he really had no idea about just how toxic many products were.

Because of me, he's been living is a really pure household for a lot of years. When he went home for a visit with family about a decade ago he broke out in rashes because of the scented tide detergent used to wash his clothes. His body was no longer used to these chemicals so it took time to build up a resistance to them again. When you think about this and start looking at all the products you've got in your home and the ingredients inside of them, and start wondering about just how many chemicals you are exposed to every day and the fact that your body is working hard to combat your use of them's really interesting right?

I know my story is not a unique one. I might have gone a touch off course in that last paragraph so let me get back to salt therapy!

The fact is, I hate using medications and although I do have inhalers for emergencies, I've found some natural ways to manage my asthma that I wanted to share, specifically: Salt Therapy (Halotherapy). This treatment can be useful for people with chest infections and colds, allergies, during travel, and simply for purification & meditation.

I am going to mention that you should always use caution when trying new things - not everyone responds the same way and asthma is not something to play around with.

Salt Therapy - A little History

Salt therapy 'halotherapy' halos (Greek) for salt & speleotherapy ( Latin) for cave has been used for centuries. Sufferers of respiratory aliments would retreat deep into salt caves, inhaling the salt particles floating in the air. It was and is believed to reduce inflammation and infection of the lungs. This ancient therapy was also used for ridding the body of impurities.

It appears that this knowledge began with European monks. They noticed that when they treated respiratory ailments in natural salt caverns, their patients got better faster. If there were no salt caves nearby the monks would produce salt dust by grinding salt rocks against each other, which the patients then inhaled.

Did you know that Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed saltwater inhalation therapy for bronchial and lung disorders?

In 1843, a Polish physician, Feliks Boczkowski noticed that salt miners did not experience respiratory issues or lung disease. When compared to coal mining and other types of mining, lung disease was a major concern so they found this quite remarkable.

About a hundred years later in Germany during World War II, salt mines were a common area for bomb shelters. A German physician noticed that his patients symptoms had improved notably after hiding in salt caves. The news of this quickly spread across Europe resulting in the first salt chambers.

Salt therapy research continued in the 1950s in the USSR and in the 1960's specially engineered salt therapy rooms became increasingly popular spreading across Eastern Europe and beyond. These rooms simulate the effects of being in a salt cave. These salt chambers are still popular today and in some European locations there are still salt caves being used for treatment.

Here are some salt caves that you can look up: (this list is not exhaustive, there are many more).

There was also the eventual creation of a ceramic salt pipe that you can use whenever you want to, which is what I am going to share with you today.

Salt Pipe

Himalayan salt has been pretty much a life saver when it comes to my personal wellness. Himalayan Pink Salt, which is a pure, hand-mined salt that is derived from ancient sea salt deposits that are believed to be the purest salt available. This is the salt you want to use.

Sometimes respiratory illnesses can make you feel dull, tired and headachy. My lungs always feel cleaner and even my mind brighter after a session with the salt pipe. It's really enlivening and wonderful to use.

A Salt pipe is usually ceramic. When you inhale through the mouthpiece, the passing moisture absorbs micron particles of incredibly pure, bio energetic and mineral-laden Himalayan Pink Salt, which penetrates and cleanses the entire respiratory system including sinuses, nasal cavities, throat and lungs. This salt air flushes impurities such as allergy and asthma triggers, smoke particulate and other nasties that can distress the respiratory system. Himalayan salt inhalers are considered to be the most effective form of Speleotherapy (the therapeutic use of salt, via mines, caves or other forms of exposure to salted air). source

A standard medical inhaler usually provides instant relief. A salt pipe, like many natural remedies, requires more time. The treatment can take 10 to 20 minutes and will often need to be repeated several times throughout the day. It offers a valuable opportunity to focus on your personal well being but it is not an "instant gratification" type of treatment. It can alleviate respiratory ailments such as:

  • Asthma (and asthma triggers)
  • Hay Fever
  • Allergies
  • Sinus Conditions
  • Bronchitis
  • Cold and Flu symptoms
  • Breathing difficulties created by pollution in our air
  • Sneezing, coughing & shortness of breath
  • Dehydration symptoms & Irritation due to Smoking
  • Respiratory symptoms caused by mold or fungus

How it works

Hold the salt pipe up to the mouth and inhale deeply through the mouth. You want to do this slowly and deeply, feel that salty air work through your lungs. slowly exhale out through the nose and repeat for 10 to 20 minutes. Don't force your breathing as you do this. Calm and relaxed is key. If you are dealing with sinus type issues you can also do nostril breathing by holding the inhaler to each nostril and inhaling deeply, while exhaling through the other nostril.

Depending on what you are ailed with, you may possibly experience some coughing or sneezing as the body rids itself of phlegm and mucus from the lungs.



Essential Oils

You can add essential oils to the salt pipe as well and I personally find this to be beneficial. I suggest you do this with only the highest quality of pure oils. For the past five years I have been using a blend that contains: Origanum marjorana (Marjoram), Boswellia carterii (Frankincense), Picea mariana (Black Spruce), Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender), Tanacetum annuum (Tansy), Melaleuca quinquenervia (Niaouli), and Mentha piperita (Peppermint). You can find this blend here. You can also find the salt pipe on their website. (I have no affiliation with this company)

Where to find a salt pipe

Many heath food stores carry salt pipes and they are easily found on-line. The model I use is made by Lumiere de Sel and in the US you can find it here and in Canada here. (affiliate link).


[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photos & video copyright: @walkerland
Video designed using open source software: blender
Live music by @xwalkran


▶️ DTube


I found this very interesting! I do not have asthma but do have problems with sinus infections and the occasional bronchitis. I've been using a loaned to me Rife machine but it just went back to its owner last night. So I'm expecting problems to develop in the next week.

I'm going to look into this salt pipe. It might be something that I'd prefer to use in place of an electronic item.

Timely post!

oh I am sorry to hear this @goldenoakfarm. I used to frequently get bronchitis and its such an unpleasant thing to deal with. I hope you find something that works for you and quickly. :(

I asked on BuyNothing if anyone had one and someone did! She's bringing it by this afternoon. How's that for serendipity??

Oooh serendipitous is my favourite word! There's nothing better. I've never heard of BuyNothing before. I just did a quick read and absolutely love the concept. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this works for you. xo

She just dropped it off. It's full of Himalayan salt, she said she used it a couple times and it didn't help her.

I can't watch the DTube vlog, doesn't work on my puter, so you may have answered this on it.

Do you do it preventatively each day, or just when symptoms arise?

I've been using the Rife each morning, preventatively....

I did some reading just to refresh my memory and for preventative they suggest one to two sessions per day ..every day for as long as you want/need to continue.

The larger salt crystals are perfect - that is what you need.

Here is what one website says about what to expect:

If you are using the Inhaler for the general prevention of occasional respiratory problems, you will notice an improvement in a couple of days depending of your actual condition. Salt therapy activates your body's own defense mechanisms, which can help ward off seasonal microbial and/or allergen attacks. If you are using the Dry-Salt-Inhaler to treat a chronic respiratory disease, you should see some improvement in your symptoms 7 to 21 days after you start treatment.

I rally do hope that this provides you with a good measure or relief as it has for me. Keep me updated. If I learn any more tips I'll let you know.

Thank you for finding this out! I'll start tomorrow morning!

I hope you find one asap and that it offers relief ❤

Wow girl! This us a great & in depth blog post. Sorry to hear of your respiratory ailments. There's a salt room here in town which felt pretty cool to be inside of for a 1.5hr session. I've heard mixed reviews about the safety of Himalayan salt. That some of it is harmful because it emits something, maybe radiation? I actually don't recall what it was. Have you heard anything like that? I grew up like your husband! Those scents were akin to 'love' to me for many years!! It was tricky to move away from them tbh. It took around 3-5 years to make the shift! Now, it feels like assault walking past dryer vents pumping out scent. It's crazy how toxic they all are. Have a wonderful day ❤

I would love to sit inside a salt room. So cool that you got a chance to try it. I remember there was some controversy circulating several years ago about the safety of the 28 trace minerals in the salt and the fact that the salt has not been processed and filtered makes it unsafe. As with most folk medicine, the scientific circle does not support claims of any health benefits (there have been few studies conducted) but they also say that it's no better/worse than other salts. I always get nervous when I see claims of any kind on things that we use and end up wasting hours researching. Half the time there is no conclusive evidence either way.

For me, the fact that it works and makes me feel better and prevents me from inhaling all the junk they put in inhalers is enough evidence that it's not doing me harm.

Here are some details on one study that you might find interesting. The link to the actual study did not work but I'll dig around for it.

Have to say I was nervous! But, had to be honest with myself... it felt amazing. They play singing bowels while you meditate. There's salt on the floor too to sink your feet into. It's pretty special. A large business. That sells suppliments, has a cafe and a yoga studio. In Calgary. It's owned by Europeans. I really appreciate your blog and the link you shared in the comment ❤❤


wow! It sounds incredible and that is certainly an oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of Calgary. Thank you so much! ❤

Thank you very much for this information. I know many people who have lung issues and this might be benificial for them. Lung issues seem to be increasing as times passes.

I suppose that makes sense with all things considered. :(

Very interesting! My daughter has chronic asthma and was hospitalized as a child as well. I understand how serious this can be and she too is highly sensitive to all medicines, foods... All under control at present although I was not familiar with this method of treatment. I will look into this as something to have on hand for colds and respiratory ailments in our home. Thank you, this is a very helpful post! :) Be well!

Glad you found it interesting! Everyone that sees it in the house wants to know what a salt inhaler is is so I thought it was about time that I mentioned them.

Himalayan salt might not be agood choice, if you are looking for pure salt. Pure salt is clear, and in powder form is white. Himalayan salt is pink due to dead microbes in the salt. It also is known to have many metal species in it as impurities, including chromium, iron, zinc, lead, and copper.

These days it is a very common salt, and also is affordable, but frankly as someone that cooks i avoid this salt because I don't trust the sourcing. It is produced in Pakistan, not really from the Himalayan mountains as advertised.

You are correct that it is mined in Pakistan, but the mines are located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. Its a massive span of area. I find the mines and the sustainable mining practices they allegedly follow to be quite fascinating.

I would be curious to know about these "dead microbes" I could not find anything that mentioned this. I was under the understanding that it was the presence of trace minerals that caused the salt to be pink? I haven't really investigated it too intensely though. In all honesty, the ancient history of this salt being used for healing is really what got me using it. :)

Thank you for your response to spbeckman - whose input is also acknowledged here, but I think both of your questions and concerns might well be addressed in the book I cited in my comment above, Water & Salt, The Essence of Life, by Dr. Barbara Hendel, MD and biophysicist, Peter Ferreira, available at

Great post. I use a salt-pipe too and can't recommend it enough. Very informative.

Thanks for the feedback @katdvine, I really appreciate it!

Thank you for posting this, and please allow me to add to this information by providing this link which not only is a most excellent resource in terms of true Himalayan pink salt, but the softcover book they offer not only covers some of the information you have shared with our readers, but offers much more, and additional resources. I encourage you all to check it out.

And I take this opportunity also to thank you for your support of Fishyculture's post on our behalf,


What an interesting post @walkerland! I read it off the resteem by @mtnmeadowmomma and I'm going to resteem. This is valuable information! I wonder if we can get the ceramic pipe here in SA? I love essential oils and am looking for a diffuser to use if my little boy gets sick. Salt really has incredible healing power and I am pleased that you found the solution to your respiratory problem. Not being able to breath is extremely distressing! Well done for naturally taking control of your health

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