My Water Fast Results Day 1

in #health7 years ago (edited)


This is day 1 of my journey in fasting

You can find the first post, Day 0 post here.

Here is a picture from November of me at about 158 lbs.

Here are two pictures of me for day 1 at 156.1 lbs.

Water Fast Day 1

The goal of my water fast is to fix a few health problems. The main one is high blood pressure, but I also have high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and a fatty liver from the 13 different medications that I used to be on. I am also hoping to get some relief from my back and neck pain and fibromyalgia. According to Dr. Alan Goldhamer the average time for blood pressure to normalize id 10.5 days. I will fast at least until my blood pressure is down below 120/80 for at least two days in a row. My weight goal is 142 lbs. Some of the weight loss will be water weight, so I expect to gain some back. I hope to get down to around 136 lbs. to compensate, but the weight loss is not as important as the blood pressure.

You are supposed to fast for at least 15 days to get relief from problems like back pain, but I don’t think I can last that long.

Once you have reached your goal, you must break the fast slowly. A general rule is to break the fast for ½ the number of days you fasted. This means if I fasted for 10 days, I would take 5 days to gradually build up until I eat normally (I will go into more detail when I get to that point). Another important step is to eat a healthy diet once you are off the fast. I plan to eat a starch based vegan diet recommended by Dr. John McDougall (I will post about this when I start to eat normally.

My blood pressure on medication averaged 145/94 when I was 180 lbs. Since I got down to about 160 lbs. it averages about the same (145/94) without medication.

There are some links to good web pages in my Day 0 post.

Like most things there are many ways to do a water fast. Here is how I’m doing it.

• Nothing but distilled water and unsweetened herb tea made with distilled water.
• I’m shooting for 6-15 days of fasting.
• I’m going to try for a ‘re-feeding time of ½ the days I fasted.
• The first few days I’m going to try and keep up my normal level of activity.
• The rest of the time I’m going to mostly rest and do sitting type things.

My goals for the water fast are the following:

• Cleanse my system.
• Lower my blood pressure.
• Reduce my Cholesterol.
• Reduce my triglycerides.
• Start healing my fatty liver.
• Reduce my aches and pains.
• Just feel better and be healthier.


Day 1 went well, I was able to do my normal activities with ease as well as mowing my yard. I didn’t attempt the weed eating or edging. My energy level was fine, but not quite as high as on the juice fast day. I had few more hunger pains than Day 0, but drinking more water helped. I drank approximately 100 oz. of distilled water. I’m not too worried how much water I drink as long as I don’t feel dehydrated.

My results for the day

Weight: 156.1 lbs

Total weight loss for the day: 1.1 lbs.

Body Fat: 17.8%

Muscle Mass: 37.6%

Water: 64%

Blood Pressure: 135/98

Pulse/minute: 123

For anybody interested these numbers came from a weight Gurus scale that links to my phone and a standard Samsung wrist blood pressure cuff.

Tomorrow I will share my experience of the second day on my water fast as well as results and pictures. Let me know if you notice any difference in my appearance.

You can find the Day 2 post here.



I am NOT a doctor or a professional faster and this does NOT constitute medical advice. If you decide to do a fast, read up on it first and make your own decisions.


Good luck on the fast, I've only done like 4 days max, the first 2 days (mainly the second) sucked and than I felt great, but went back to eating more out of habit than being hungry.

My strategy is (because I have a mon-fri work week) eat last meal thurs night, can usually get through friday no problem, a bit tired and weak on sat (no big deal on weekend) better on sunday and almost normal on monday (even with no food).

That is when I'm fasting after being on carbs / sugar, while in ketosis which I have been for a while it is much easier for me to go in and out of fasting.

Have you looked into ketosis at all?


Don't know much about the Ketosis diet, but I was going to talk about Ketosis and water fasting around Day 3.

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