Living Healthy; say no to obesity

in #health7 years ago



The word obesity was derived from the latin word "obesus" meaning grown fat by eating.It is a global had double within the past years.In 2002,400 million people were obessed all over the world.And it was known that those in low socio-economic status tends to be obessed more than that of the high socio-economic status.

In developed contries,the poor tend to be more obessed while in developing countries the rich tend to be more obessed.

Obesity is often defined as a combination of abnormal or extensive accumulation of fat to such an extent that health might be adversely affected.Also an individual is said to be obessed if he/she weighs atleast 20% more than the maximum healthy weight for his/her height.

Using Body Mass Index(BMI):

WHO defined obesity as body mass index greater than or equal to 30kg/m^2

This is the most accepted definition.

Body mass index = weight/height

Based on this calculations,the WHO classified people bassed on their body mass index as follows:

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risk of sicness

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Obesity results from intake of energy in excess of energy requirement. i.e when total effects of the proccess of food intake ,digestion,absorbtion or metabolism is shifted on such a way that an excess of energy remains available after all the body requirement have been satisfied.

Intake 2kg

Body requirement/utilization 1.5kg

Excess 0.5kg

obesity was first discorvered as a medical disorder by the ancient greek when hippocrates observed that very fat individuals were liable to sudden death than normal weight people.Other great scholars through the ages also drew attension to the manace of obesity.


There are several ways to classify obesity:

Based on origin

Endogenous:This is genetic.Usually when a child have both parents obessed the chances of the child been obessed is higher than that of a child that has one of the parents obessed

Exogenous:usually due to external factors such as excessive eating,low excercise or activity.

Based on cell size and number

Hyperplastic:This is based on the number of cells in the individual

HypertrophicThis is based on an increase in the size of the cell.the number of cells here might be the same.

Based on etiology

Here we have just the simple and complex.

Based on the phenotypic appearance i.e area of the accumulation of fat

Generalised obesity:Here there is an even distribution of fat through out the body.

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Gynaecoid obesity: This particular one is most common in excess fat is accumulated in the lower part such as the hip and the pelvix

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Viseral obesity:Here there is accumulation of fat in the viceral organs(internal organs)

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Andriod obesity:Here fat is concentrated on the trunk of the body

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Causes Of Obesity

It is complex and multi dimentional,it arises from interplay of behaviorial,evironmental or genetic factor.

Behaviorial factors:

◇ Dietary partern: This has to do with consumption of excess carbohydrate foods.
Remember that excess carbohydrate can be stored as fat

Also consumption of high fat diets.individual eating high fat food have higher chances of been obessed because fat have a higher energy density than any other micro-nutrient and this excess energy would be stored as fat e.g are of fat containing foods are:

  1. Avocados

  2. Cheese

  3. Dark chocolates

  4. Eggs

  5. Fatty fish

  6. Nuts

  7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  8. Coconut and coconut oil

  9. Full fat yogurt

  10. Chai seeds

Reference read

◇ Low physical activities: such as idleness,lack of exercise which helps to burn the excess fat in the body.

◇ snacking: Which is the absence of formalised meal pattern can lead to a high level of obesity.

》This also relates to individuals that eats at late nights.

》Some individuals are seen to eat more during pregnancy and exercise and find it difficult to go back to their normal eating pattern.

Alcohol consumption: Alcohol is known stimulate weight gain most time by providing increased appitite.

Giving up smoking: This also leads to energy gain and weight gain of 2.8kg in male and 3.8kg in female.

Environmental factors:

》Low space for activity

》cultural influence: This affects both food intake pattern and physical activity pattern.It is among the strongest determinant of food choice.
In some culture,high fat meals are provided for entertainment and in some other culture fat women are viewed as been more beautiful while in some other cultures, increase in weight after marraige is seen as the husband is a good provider and the wife is a good cook.

Genetic influence:

Obesity is common when the father and mother is obessed in that the risk is higher for the children than a child with one obessed parent.

Disease associated with obesity

  1. Cardiovascular disease

  2. Type 2 diabetis

  3. Obstructive sleep apnea

  4. Cancer

  5. Depression


  1. With the right dietary pattern such as:
  • Reduced intake of fat containing foods

  • Avoid snacking

  • Avoid eating at late nights etc

  1. By indulging ones self in physical activities such as:
  • Exercise

  • Sweeping

  • And other house chores.

  1. Medications:

There are so many drugs that can be used for weight loss.But choosing a medication to treat overweight or obesity is a decision between you and your doctor so it would not be discussed here for safety reasons.see your doctor

  1. Lastly it can also be treated through surgery.

Your health is in your hands work on yourself today and live a healthy life.

♤Health tips♤



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