in #health7 years ago


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It's on a very sad note that one of the greatest problems in the world todayis addiction,not only that addiction is bad but also almost impossible to get out from.

Things we tend to get addicted to always starts out been interesting but over time,we'd be unable to get out from because its a norm.

There are so many things to get addicted toi some of which causes death,reduces life span,cause health issues.While others vary from spending a lot of time doing something not worth it to not been yourself when you aint on it.

Some Most Common Addictions

smoking:This one has eaten deep into the life of our youths and even the adults.Smoking causes alot of damage to any of the internal organ most expecially the liver,kidney or lungs but most sadly this particular addiction is one of the to get out from coupled with thr fact that smokers knows about the dangers but just can't stop


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Alcohol:just like smoking its another addiction that is almost imporsible to get out from but doesnt do much damage as most cases it affects the heart or brain.AN ALARMING ADDICTION INDEED


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Masturbation:Wanted to put this as number one because masturbation do not just become an addiction but its one of the addictions that's the hardest to come out from.


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Sadly masturbation is reaching a stage where it is tagged normal.production of dildo,sex dull etc in order to meet an individuals sexual need.

Drug addiction:This particular one varies.Higher in some country and not too bad in some others but whichevet case an individual finds him self drug addiction goes as bad as making an individual mad,mentally unstable and malfuction of body organ.


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How Addiction Progresses

It starts like; "i just took one bottle".

One week later the one bottle becomes two and then 3 and then progresses till you can no longer do without it.It becomes everyday and then over time an addiction.

And when it reaches this addiction phase,the christians would say it only takes the grace of God to get out.Others even feel its impossible.

How To Get Out:

It's true it's almost impossible but there are some approaches that an individual can make towards stoping.Viz brings me to the kind of people that can escape it:

◇ Those that are willing and ready to drop no matter what.

◇ Those that has just started.

◇ Those that knows about the implication and is willing to live.

◇Those that are willing and ready to drop:

Well i must say this is one of the hardest categories.willing and readiness doesnt guarantee an invidual can stop along the line you find you find your self backsliding and falling back to it again so heres the way out.

For example if its alcohol addiction(even any): if addicted to alcohol and an individual takes 10 bottles daily,he/she wouldnt stop overnight,just take a brave step to reduce it to 8,5,3 etc and progressively the drive will reduce.

◇Those just starting:

This is the easiest time to run,at that point where an individual has noticed a particular feeling appears good after having something not healthy.Chances that they would get addicted is high so run while you ain't addicted yet.

◇Those aware of the implications:

The earlier an individual knows about the implication the better but it has been noticed that alot of people are ignorant of this implications.If they become aware alot of them might for one reason or the other choose life over death.


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