Sources of Vitamins
The major sources of vitamins;
A -----> Fish Oils, butter, eggs, margarine, cheese, milk, carrots, tomatoes and fruits.
B1 -----> Wheatgerm, wholegrain cereals, lentils, pork, nuts, yeast and potatoes.
B2 -----> Brewer's yeast, liver, cheese, eggs, peanuts, beef, milk and fish.
B3 -----> Bran, wholegrain cereals, lentils, liver, kidney, meat, fish and yeast extract.
B6 -----> Meat, liver, vegetables, bran and wholegrain cereals.
B12 -----> Meat, liver, eggs and milk.
C -----> Citrus fruits, currants, green vegetables and berries
D -----> Sunlight, oily fish, butter, eggs and margarine.
E -----> Wholemeal flour, nuts, wheatgerm, eggs and vegetables oils.
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