Jake's first meal post surgery update
My poor baby Jake hasn't eaten since the day we took him into the emergency vet for his surgery. We got there around a little after 8 p.m. today due to heavy traffic (I think they were having a special concert event nearby), we had to make several detours but eventually got there safely. The video I've posted shows me feeding the Bonito fish my son @alex-icey and I caught just few days prior.
I was relieved to see him eat and drink water, but we still have to keep a close watch on his progress since he is still extremely fragile. We had to leave him for another night according to the doctor but I left my Jakey a blanket from home so he can feel safe.
Thanks guys for your kind words and prayers and please continue sending those good thoughts for our Jake.
I am hoping he will recover soon after his surgery.
thank you my friend...I still haven't forgotten about that cup of Starbucks for when we meet one day.
Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.
Glad he's feeling better. Love the haircut! How long until it grows back? At least you live someplace warm.
thanks for caring, I am not quite sure how long it takes to grow back but I imagine it won't take very long because my baby's hair grows really fast. It's been extremely hot here lately so I don't think he'll be cold anytime soon. Thanks again for the kind words.