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RE: Get screwed by the Government
That's no good, man. It's strange that they don't automatically sign you up to receive all the benefits you might be owed, but you have to opt out of them collecting and selling sharing your information with whomever they want.
That's the whole point of middle class welfare churn.
People think it's silly since a lot of families get back what they put in.
It's not silly at all.
They take from everyone and give back to the obedient. It's horrible, but it's not silly or accidental.
I know right? One has to demand benefits that are our right (that's if we're even made aware they exist in the first place) and yet they feel free to take from us without to much issues. Selling/sharing my medical history with Pfizer or Sandoz, for instance, so they can target-market to me isn't something I'm interested in. Those assholes should just release the cure to cancer that surely exists and stop preying on people's illness.
As for the Government...Well, Australia has had 7 different ones in 10 years. Says it all really. Assholes.
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There seems to be a lot of corruption everywhere. It seems like it's especially prevalent in political circles. The average everyday people are mostly nice wherever you go, but the bad apples ruin it for everyone.
You guys have had 7 governments in 10 years? What does that even mean?! Ha ha.
It means they are all corrupt and are only in it for themselves. One gets elected (the party) then his subordinates stab him in the back and supplant some other asshole in his place, one who the people never even voted for. And American's think they have problems with President Trump...
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Wow, didn't know that could even happen. Sounds like you all have it rough down there. Seems like if someone gets removed from an elected position that they would have a new election. I guess they don't always do that here, but it would make more sense. If you've had 6 removals in 10 years, maybe something is wrong with the system... or the people that are getting elected. Or both.
I'd say both. We need a Dictatorship. I'm considering taking the lead role. 😉
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