The Silent War: What You Are Not Being Told

in #health7 years ago

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Have you ever noticed that people who speak about essential oils or any type of holistic medicine are quickly shunned or written off as hokies just promoting a product for financial gain? Never mind the fact that the pharmaceutical industry promotes their products for financial gain. Of course they are the only ones allowed to do this. Why? Because they are in total control of the disease management system in America. This should come as no surprise to many of you. Don’t just take my word for it. Lets look at some basic common sense facts and surprising behaviors perpetuated within the field of mainstream allopathic medicine.

People who specifically choose to educate other people on essential oils are often labeled as hippies or witches selling magic potions. This is hilarious to me because when you look up the greek work for pharmaceutical you see that it is pharmakia and pharmakia is widely know to be translated into “witchcraft” and “sorcery.” So, who exactly are the sorcerers and witches? You might say it is a stretch to call pharmaceutical medicine sorcery, but you have to admit that perhaps we shouldn't be so quick to label the practices of holistic medicine as such either.

In case you haven’t noticed, people are waking up all over this country. They are tired of out of control healthcare costs. They are extremely dissatisfied in the quality of care offered to them by the physician offices. People are starting to realize that they are not getting any better. Their pain is not going away. Their depression and anxiety is a daily reoccurrence. Something is seriously wrong with the way we view health in this country and until we look at the root cause of this issue we will continue on the downward spiral of insanity only to grow sicker with every passing year.

There are as many ways to do a thing as their are things to be done. There is no one size fits all when it comes to people. You like what you like and I like what I like and that my friends is what makes life so great and each of us so unique! When it comes to health, many of us forget this and line up like zombies expecting to be fed a cure from a broken system that puts business and profits above people. If you still trust the government to decide for you what is best when it comes to the health of your own body, than you are still sleeping and in a dream world chasing an American dream, a dream you have to be asleep to believe in.

This country is great! Sure we have our differences and issues but I assure you this country sucks a lot less than the majority of other nations around the world. We all have a unique desire to want to live in a way that suits our passions. Why is it that in such a diverse Nation filled with the largest variety of free thinkers and innovators that when it comes to healthcare we just accept there is one way?

The pharmaceutical companies have coined the popularly known phrases in the field of medicine and have patented them if I may say so. Why you might ask? They have lobbied the Food and Drug Administration to simply oversee that their words and claims are not stolen or used by anyone outside the world of pharmacueticals, regardless of the research and regardless of effectiveness.

The language we are forced to use in the world of Natural Medicine is forced to be looney tuney and often comical. For example, in allopathic medicine a symptom might be a headache and thus you might be told to take a tylonal which is said to “treat minor aches and pain.” However, in referencing an essential oil you cannot say headache, because that is a “symptom” owned by big pharma. Instead you have to say head and neck tension. This of course is just a game of synonyms, but the important thing to be aware of is that the terminology most often used in society to describe health and medicine is owned by one section of medicine, the allopathic medicine. This unfortunately makes the believability of holistic medicine difficult for some because of the wording we are forced to use.

Here is a list of “Don’ts” from the Essential Oil company doTERRA
• Don’t use disease claims.
• Don’t use words such as “disease,” “illness,” “cure,” “treat,” “repair,” “chronic,” etc.
• Don’t refer to any disease or illness, such as cancer, diabetes, autism, cold, flu, etc.
• Don’t refer to symptoms of disease such as coughing, sneezing, fever, etc.
• Don’t recommend a product as a substitute for a drug.
• Don’t recommend a product to augment a therapy or drug.
• Don’t imply a disease claim through pictures or symbols.

So basically stand still and hold the product and smile because if you say anything or even imply anything legitimate about an essential oil you are in violation of the FDA policies and you will be booted. If pharmaceuticals are so effective and so powerful than what on earth are they afraid of? What does the FDA not want us to know and why is the pharmaceutical industry so afraid of competition? It’s really not that difficult to piece together. The body is made of the same materials that make up the earth. We are made of the Earth, Earthy. The only logical thing to do is to pursue things created from nature before seeking out products created by man to mimic nature.

One huge problem in this country is that so many people have just become lazy and have lost the responsibility of maintaining their own health. They have replaced personal responsibility for physician responsibility. Instead of looking into their lives and changing their lifestyle or eating habits they prefer to see a doctor. The doctor diagnoses them with some disorder or disease so they can take a drug to manage their diagnoses and keep on living their filthy lifestyles with their disgusting unnatural eating habits. This might sound harsh, but for the sake of your humanity, wake up and pay attention. If you have a physical ailment than odds are you have a root cause and that is where the focus needs to be. Much of the acquired illnesses in this country are from dietary causes.

People are taught that they need a doctor to diagnose everything and that you, the individual, cannot possibly know why you feel a certain way, much less “treat” yourself. This could not be further from the truth. Only you know what your body is telling you. Listen to your body and learn about the natural ways you can begin to help your body heal itself. The body naturally wants to be healthy and will do so if you give it what it needs and stop poisoning it.

As for me and my family we practice holistic medicine. We are a part of other like minded thinkers using natural products like herbs, essential oils and real food to live a healthier more balanced life. We eat organic, non-GMO foods that are designed by God to give the body the nutrients it requires in the exact way it is required. We feel better and more alive than ever before. You cannot truly understand the freedom that comes with eating real food and using healthy supplements until you have truly tried it and done it right.

People often ask me why I choose to use doTERRA essential oils over any other brand. Is it because they have the largest variety of essential oils and products available? Is it because they have the most potent and pure essential oils available? Is it because their core values center around the overall health and wellness of individuals, putting health and people above profit? Is it because they offer financial freedom to people all around the world who want to create their own business from doTERRA? Perhaps it is their humanitarian and philanthropic efforts and the dozens of additional projects supported and ran by their Wellness Advocates? As accurate and absolutely amazing as all these things are, this is not the main reason I choose to buy from and support doTERRA. I choose to be a apart of doTERRA because they have the backbone necessary to stand up against the corruption and manipulation from the pharmaceutical industries acted out by their employees at the FDA. Even after multiple threatening letters from the FDA, doTERRA refuses to bow down. They quickly became a billion dollar company in just seven years shattering previous records from other companies and letting the world know that they mean business. doTERRA is an internationally recognized company leading the the health revolution and awakening people to the powers of natural medicine.

Listen to what doTERRA has just recently announced;
“doTERRA has enlisted a team of expert healthcare professionals and partners to establish medical clinics across the country. Their vision is to change healthcare in America, and essential oils are at the heart of this movement. Clinical research will validate the efficacy of essential oils in improving patient outcomes and lowering the cost of patient care.” They are simply a force to be reckoned with and something that is going to change healthcare in this country.

I often advocate for knowing the company in which you purchase food or any supplement from. Many companies are good and many companies are bad, but every now and again you hear about a company that is breaking down barriers, refusing to compromise and set on true health and wellness. The latter of these companies are the ones you want to support financially and the ones you want supporting your health.

I want you to know that YOU are important and have every right to pursue all avenues to health. We as free citizens of America have the option to eat healthy and pursue natural medicine, but there are forces at play seeking to hinder this freedom. They want to control your food supply, water supply and anything that might give you a chance to live a healthier life. The only way we can stand up to this tyranny is if we all begin to vote with our dollars and buy clean, organic foods and support companies who practice holistic medicine and who make available natural products for us. The line is being drawn and you have to decide which side of history you want to stand on. On the healthy side you have everything to gain, but the unhealthy side seeks to take your health, your money, your freedom and what makes you, You.

If you are ready to take action and begin changing your life than there is no better time to start than now. You are important and You can make a difference in your life. As you begin to pursue healthier living you will impact the people around you. You will inspire a change among your family and loved ones. This is deeply personal and rightfully should be. The body you have is the only one you get, so start treating it better!

Making the change to consume healthier foods and use holistic remedies can be a daunting task at first. There are a lot of things to consider and many challenges along the way. This is one reason to surround yourself with people who are on a health journey themselves and preferably further along so they can support you and guide you. My wife and I are wellness advocates and health coaches. If you would like to be a part of our health journey and would like our support just send us a message. We encourage you to contact us or whomever showed you this post and begin a dialogue. Remember, every person has a choice, but only you can choose to take the action necessary to make the change.

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