Everyone is Eating Garbage! Are You?

in #health6 years ago


It is so easy to just fill up on garbage these days that most people have literally trashed their brains, conscience and any chance of rational thinking. If you are reading this than it is probably because you have at least had some inkling of truth exposed to you to make you curious about more than the same old routine of life.

Lets talk about food. This is the most simple category because we all require it and you will more easily understand the rest of the categories after this one. I am not going to bore you with facts and statistics because both can be disputed depending on who the sources are and who funds the studies. So I will transact using truth, logic and common sense. To say it bluntly, the food most people are eating is toxic poison designed to slowly kill your humanity. If that scares you than keep reading a bit more before you pass judgement as to what all I have to say. I am going to focus on the people here in the United States even though this will apply to all people around the world. Most people are eating garbage and refuse to see it. They justify their food choices based on the fact that it tastes good, didn't immediately kill them, it is inexpensive or because “who really knows what’s good for me anyway.” All these excuse and really any excuse made to consume garbage is just that, an excuse. If half of the product you consume is wrapped in materials meant to be trashed, it’s a good indication you're eating trash. Do I need to mention fast food is garbage? I mean who in their right minds still eats that crap? I suppose that is the point though. People are not making food choices with a sound mind. They are uninformed and continue to eat garbage because that is what their parents did and no one really taught them otherwise.

When you really start to look at the food market in this country you begin to see that most food is processed and packed with sugar, because how else would you eat it if it didn't taste sweet? It really doesn’t matter where you fall in the range of people who either eat total garbage or completely clean. Everyone needs to be vigilant about what goes into their body.

It always perplexed me as to how seemingly intelligent people could eat food designed for fools. Honestly if you are reading this thinking to yourself “I haven't really given the food I eat much thought” than you are way behind the curve. I have enough experience to know that most people will not change their eating habits until they are hit with a disease, cancer or loss of a loved one from some dietary disease and even than you would be surprised how many people still refuse. I mean its crazy out their folks. The foods people are eating are keeping them from making logical connections in their brains as to what they should eat. The concept is not the hard. The implementation of the concept, well that is a different story.

Okay so my Christian followers out there listen up. The body is perhaps the most sacred thing we have on this planet. The Holy Spirit Himself see’s our body as His Temple and residing place. What enters your body naturally will have a natural impact on your body. So many people claiming to be christians get angry towards God because they have physical ailments or diseases or disabilities and very few of them have ever taken the responsibility for themselves as to the fact that maybe they caused their condition. Sadly this ideas never crosses their minds. This is because a born again believer in Jesus Christ and a sinner following the world both have the same natural body. Did you catch that? The same body! That is why the Bible puts so much emphasis on using the body for the spiritual things and taking the time to form the Mind of Christ. If you are a Child of God following God than why do you still think you can use your natural body the same way you did as before you were saved? As a follower of Christ you should be eager to serve Him with all your being, including what you put in your body. Just like you wouldn't drink alcohol to get drunk. In the same way you should not just eat like a gluten what ever tickles your taste buds and than cry out to God in frustration because your body won’t work right. Its not normal to be tired all the time, to have aches and pains all the time, to be obese, etc. It may be common but it is not normal. I will go into more of this later as to how Christians need to be aware of the enemy's tactic to poison the natural body and brain to make us susceptible to his deceptions and to keep our spirit down. I digress for now.

The food you are most likely eating is designed to make you a customer to a pharmaceutical company. Don’t believe me? What medications are lying around your house? Who is taking what? Think you're clever? What natural remedies are you taking? If you're taking natural remedies to cover up symptoms you still might be eating toxins or being poisoned in your environment too. Sure natural remedies are good for acute conditions and better than pharmaceuticals for serious chronic conditions, but a natural remedy is still a remedy. The body God created was designed perfectly to heal itself. It is we who mess that healing mechanism up and prevent the body from healing properly. If you need pills so your body can handle the garbage you eat than you have become a lifelong customer of BIG PHARMA.

Your doctor won’t tell you to watch what you eat. If they do you will likely get little to no direction as to what to eat and what not to eat. Thats not their specialty so don’t confuse the two. You would’t ask an air-condition specialist how to do a homes electrical, even though they both work on the same object, the home. The media won’t tell you what to eat. Does anybody still trust main stream media anymore? You know they are mostly owned by Big Pharma. Watch the majority of the commercials on News channel TV stations. They are either on pharmaceuticals or food. Most of the food people eat today have pharmaceuticals in them. Have you ever read the ingredients only to see organic chemistry names? Thats what pharmaceuticals are, just organic chemistry, chemical compounds designed to have a targeted effect in the body.

This food category discussion is only designed to wake you or your loved ones up. Seriously Wake Up! You are what you eat. Eat trash than you’ll feel like trash. Eat foods filled with living natural compounds designed by nature uninterrupted by man than you’ll feel much more alive. So its time to start eating better and then only eating the best foods possible. Take the plunge and start eliminating and substituting foods for natural healthier foods for your own life sake. There is plenty of leaders in the field of health who can point you in the right direction. Many good resources are found on TheHealthPlunge.com. Do you not believe that eating better will change every aspect of your life? Prove me wrong by trying to learn more about every ingredient entering your body and by trying to eat better for at least thirty days. Yes the body needs a few weeks to adjust, be patient with it, especially if you have been poisoning it for many years. Makes sense right?

The other categories where people trash their brains are; music, television shows, movies, video games, fictional fairy tales and probably a dozen other things we could all mention. The music most people listen to these days is not music but computerized vocals and/or derogatory refrains designed to lure in weak minds to put you into a hypnotic trance so you are easily susceptible to suggestions made in the lyrics of the music. Again with the similar logic as with food, most people will refuse to change their music preferences until something snaps them out of their trance. You say, “but it sounds good and makes me happy, so it can’t be bad” Well sugar brownies taste good and make you feel good while you are eating them, but they still make you fat (not to mention slow down your immune system and fill your body with God only knows what).

I encourage you to take a very, very close look at what you are eating and what your daily habits are. If my words upset you than that might be a good indication as to how far you have yet to come in the awakening of your spirit and mind. Eat things that have life or are living (i.e. produce) and you will feel more alive, but eat dead processed garbage designed to be stored for years than you will feel dead.

It’s that simple folks. Not easy I know, but it is a simple concept. If not for yourself than change for your children or for the younger generation that might very likely have no other choice but to eat the garbage and be exposed to the garbage music, movies and entertainment of devils.

To be continued…..
God Bless and Good Night.


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