The Truth About Sugar And It's Life -Saving Advice

in #health7 years ago

Hello! Steemians,

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Read my post and you will know the truth if sweet stuff can make you overweight and sick ?

Sugar tastes so good but feels so bad. No wonder so many women have a love and hate relationship with the sweet stuff. And it turns out, we are all eating too much of it. On a global scale, the World Health Organization (WHO) is seeing an alarming rise in health concerns connected with a damaging relationship with sugar. A diet that's excessively high in sugar, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, will Wreak Havoc on your body. The good news is you can be in control of your sugar consumption, and ultimately, of your health.


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  • Sugars are a type ofCarbohydrate, which are found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy. The reasons you can't completely eliminate sugar from your diet? It is essential for your body's daily functions. Glucose, in particular, is the main fuel source that the body utilizes for energy. It keeps everything working from your muscles to your organs to your brain. You might typically associate the sweet stuff with honey, the table variety, and the added sugar in treats like chocolate and soda. But you're also getting it from other sources, the most common of which are Starched ( think, rice, pasta, and bread and whole grains ). Fiber sources ( like fruits and both starchy and non-starchy vegetables ), and Dairy
    ( including milk and yogurt). The body, however, does not distinguish between the different types and sources of sugar, To the body sugar is sugar and breaks it down in exactly the same way.


  • A Balance body weight requires achieving energy, where the amount of sugar ingested equals the amount of energy expended. this means your diet and exercise habits are the keys to making sugar work for you, not against you.


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  • Just like everything else in your diet, sugar should be consumed in moderation. A doughnut or banana split per serve isn't bad for you. It becomes a problem when you have it every day, for every meal of the day. Carbohydrate should make up 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake. If you should consume 169 to 224 grams of carbs a day, which provide 676 to 976 calories. the bulk of these should come from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high fiber, sources and good starches like camote, corn, and legumes. They are present even in seemingly healthy food items from breakfast staples like cereals and yogurt to condiments like ketchup, salad dressings, and barbeque sauce. Just how bad is it?


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  • Your body's primary way of using the energy from the sugar you eat is by powering every cell in your system, anything over your daily needs should be expended via exercise. '' Overconsumption of sugar whatever sources or form it came from and zero physical activity put your health at risk''. That's because your body stores the excess sugar as fat anywhere it can. And it's not a pretty picture: Stored fat doesn't just give you love handles or a double chin, it also coats your organs and clogs your blood vessel. Compound stored fat over the years and couple it with a sedentary lifestyle, and you get obesity and atherosclerosis, or the hardening of your arteries. these two conditions and the complication from them can then lead to other diseases like hypertension, chronic kidney and liver diseases and type 2 diabetes.


Addicted or not, too much sugar in your diet remains a health hazard. It's a good thing you can reboot your system. Try these solutions I recommend to you:


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  • It's essential to read the ingredients list and nutritional information printed on your food's packaging. This makes you aware of the amount of carbohydrate and added sugar present.Learning sugar's various names also ensure that you're not unwittingly ingesting loads of the sweet stuff. Some terms to be wary of: High fructose corn syrup not only is it chemically processed, it's also packed with artificial fructose corn syrup not only is artificial fructose, which is highly related to the production of fat in the body .and sugar free many of these items are loaded with simple carbs that cause your blood sugar to shoot up.


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  • Think of natural sugars that come directly from fruits and milk as good sources, while they are still considered sugar, they also contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. This means picking a whole fruit over fruit juice not only is the natural source artificial sugar and flavoring free, its fiber content also slows sugar's absorption into your body.


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  • Just as you would trade white bread for whole grain, think of swapping out the over-processed, high glycemic sweeteners for less processed options. (The Glycemic index or GI, measures how much food containing carbs affects blood glucose, the lower food is on the GI, the better). Go for coconut sugar, raw honey, and real maple syrup. Unlike their refined counterparts, which have been stripped of all nutritional value, these still contain nutrients and minerals. While the syrups have more calories than regular sugar, they taste sweeter so you end up using less. Plus all three are low on the glycemic index.


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  • Sipping sweet, fiberless drinks ( think soda, fruit juices, and flavored coffee ) not only adds up to 70,000 calories of liquid sugar per year but also cues major cravings. ''Water is still your best bet for hydration''. Tired of its taste? Flavor water naturally with lemon or orange wedges


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  • Trade flavored food items for their plain variants to slash your added sugar intake. '' Stick with black coffee or cut its bitterness with low - GI sweeteners''. Pick plain yogurt or oatmeal and simply add fruits and nuts.


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  • Invest in a gadget or application that keeps track of your daily calorie intake and physical activity. or one that helps you plan your meals based on your needs. or try to download. '' MyFitnessPal''.


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  • ''Balance your sugar intake by increasing your physical out.'' It just takes 30 minutes to an hour a day, three to five times a week to stay fit.


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  • Part of a realistic, sustainable relationship with sugar is being able to enjoy a sweet treat every now and then. ''This will keep you from feeling deprived''. Just take note of your body's response to it. Does it trigger bingeing? It may be wise to see a professional who can create a diet plan that's suited to you. On the flipside, when you have trained your brain and taste buds to eat healthily, you can be in better control of your eating habits.

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Best Regards,

Thank you for reading Steemians ...... until next time... Salamat ka.ayo <3

I am excited to hear your thoughts just comment down below...


Yes you've said the fact. Too much sugar is not good for the body

thank you for reading my post @opeyemioguns . Yes ! too much of something is really bad for health. take care always ;)

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