RE: Children Vaccinated At Birth For Hepatitis B in Australia! Why?
Thank you for the link - I can follow your argumentation and I am almost completely on your side on this topic. In the past "study holidays" like this surely were not uncommon. But a lot has changed, at least in my country.
The pharma companies are not allowed to offer such packages anymore. And doctors are not allowed to take them. A lot of doctors lay open of what they get from whom and who pays for their studys.
The only think which I don't agree on is the breaking of the Hippocratic oath. I am deeply convinced and know from many older doctors that they just saw those trips as something they could easily abuse. They knew that the studies presented were shit. And they didn't get influenced. They just abused this system and went on a cheap holiday. Their medical behavior did not change. It also would have made no sense to favour a company - all the companys would still pay you anyways, you did not need to use their medicine!
P.S.: Since it is illegal I would of course not attend such events. But money wouldn't change my medical behavior anyways.
I am very glad to hear that! From your posts I believe you have integrity and I respect that! =)
My observations of the medical corruption I described in my post were that if you did not sell enough of their products the Pharmaceutical company did not invite you.. there were plenty of other Doctor's to choose from.
Can you shed some light on the number of vaccinations a child gets before 1 year old in your country? Are vaccinations given on the day of birth?
Thanking you in advance for your input! =)
Upvoted! =)
Thank you, I am trying my best to help people - I am glad my posts made you feel that way too!
"there were plenty of other Doctor's to choose from."
From what I know today the doctor has the choice. If you are interested in a study weekend you can pretty much choose which company you let pay. But you can not take family or do fancy stuff like maledives. Hotel + the fees of the congress are allowed to a certain extend.
I did not forget your question (I think it was you) about Austria's vaccination plan. But I want to answer with a good post so please wait a few hours. I will not forget ;)
I just want to add something.
You recognise that corruption happened with the Doctors. My post also identifies that this corruption was also happening at a Governmental level.
The Doctor's received a free holiday and had their yearly study quota signed off on by the pharmaceutical company. There was no study just a marketing pitch from the pharmaceutical company. The vast majority of Doctors did not even attend any part of the "conference".
Where is the integrity in that?
As you should know the Hippocratic oath specifically forbids engaging in "corruption"!
If the corruption happened in the past I highly suspect it is still happening just in a slightly more subtle way.
What is clear is that there is a HUGE amount of money in vaccinations. Pharmaceutical companies are publicly listed and their stated goal is to improve dividends for their shareholders. This is clearly an incentive to falsify or suppress information.
If it was illegal for companies to spend money lobbying the Government then perhaps we would see a change but as long as companies can throw money at the Government there will always be corruption.
I think that many companies tried to corrupt doctors. But I think most often they just took the offers but did not change their medical behavior due to that. I think they just abused the system which offered them free stuff. This is just my personal opinion.
The study week you attend also kinda is an extreme. Most study meetings don't take place in typical holiday areas. Rather in big citys with a good infrastructure. So maybe the doctors you witnessed are not very representativ.
Take vaccines as an example. I know a lot of doctors and grew up with many kids whos parents were doctors. They all got vaccinated. Do you think those parents would willingly harm their kids?
Some may love money. But I dont't think any loved money more than their own blood.
And I also have not seen any serious side-effects in all of those kids.
With my knowledge up to date I also would vaccine my own kids!
Thank you for your response! My own experience was that this was not just a take the holiday and run... My understanding that the free holiday and signing off on yearly study was awarded to Doctors who had met targets! The holiday on the island was a yearly event! These were my personal experiences! =)