Tiptoeing around a fragile mind.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Shhh. Quiet. Don't say a word. Or if you do, be careful what you say.

Is there anyone that you feel you must choose your words for? I think that we all know people that we feel we need to either protect or fear them. Some break down in tears at the smallest perceived slight, some erupt into a rage at the tiniest criticism and some withdraw into themselves like a wounded animal whenever corrected, or lash out like a cobra backed into a corner.

So we tiptoe.

We say that these people are overly sensitive, even passionate but I disagree. If anything, they may be under-developed emotionally, immature. We watch our words with children in an attempt to keep them motivated or not damage their growing sense of self, to hold fears at bay and maintain a curious mind.

Children's minds. We try to keep them open so they can challenge what they know, question their world, discover new and build the skills to solve problems, create a life. We do it this way for they are inexperienced.

But that is not what we are doing with these adults. We fear them. We fear their reactions, their outbursts, their tears. We fear they will do something rash, even become violent or maybe harm themselves. We fear they may breakdown, never run again.

And we tiptoe.

It is not their emotions that cause this but an irrational mind, one that cannot gauge the power of communication, or the strength of their own response. Minds that cannot tolerate being wrong, embarrassment or negative feedback. Those that have no impulse control and no way to evaluate themselves. Minds that warp the world into one where they are always in the role of victim. Omit their persecutions.

Therefore we tiptoe.

We hold back our words and opinions, we hold back our fears and emotions. We hold back our questions and feedback. We hold back anything they could be perceived as a threat, anything they could interpret as an attack. We hold it all back, we hold back ourselves.

We cannot be who we are for who we are offends, our ideas are inappropriate, our words weapons. Our dreams differ, our actions too. We cannot be honest, open. We cannot let them see who we are for who we are will not meet their every expectation. So, we hide ourselves away.

Softly tiptoe.

We create safe zones to protect them, build walls so they feel secure. We wrap them in cotton wool, pat them on the back for the slightest achievement, ignore their bad behaviour and gloss over the tantrums. We adjust everything and ourselves to their special needs and instruct others to do the same.

We give them power and position, status by default. We bow to their every whim as if they are emperors and in a way they are. Who gets such treatment but a petulant child born into privilege, never asked to mature?

Because we tiptoe.

When their backs are turned and their ears out of reach, we talk in hushed tones of their inconsistencies, their rage and depressions. We whisper at how they could be something great if only they could learn to control their emotions, control themselves. Words and understanding nods back and forth are exchanged.

But we tiptoe.

If only they would look at themselves and see, the charade and disconnection, the fantasy they live, the concessions made, the soft gloves used. And, all of the pain they cause others who care for them.

But we play a role also, we stunt their growth. How can they course correct if their compass steers false? How do they know the pain their actions cause when we support them so?

Should we tiptoe?

[ a Steemit original ]

One of my greatest personal fears in this life is being a burden on others whether physically, financially and especially, emotionally. I am writing something about this now and remembered this post from 8 months ago that looked at a similar topic but from a different perspective. I figure that perhaps in the comments section I will get a few more viewpoints to add to the coming post and, I also noticed a lot of grammatical errors so I cleaned it up a little.


I wouldn't walk on eggshells to appease someone else's sensitive nature. This only enables their behaviour and ensures you will have to do so more in future.

It is of course different is someone has suffered something worthy of being described as a trauma, be it the death of someone close or another shattering consequence of life. But, when someone is simply like this often, for no reason at all, it is not a great idea to tolerate the behaviour in my opinion.

I also don't think it is the case of an undeveloped mind, but rather an example of the susceptibility of the human mind to programming from our environment. People are sensitive little bitches because they look out into the world or on their TV's and they see so many people moaning, crying or murdering for the most insignificant reasons. So we learn that the shit that doesn't matter matters, and the shit that does matter isn't worth addressing. It's too big. Let's instead focus on how shitty the meaningless stuff is.

Just my thoughts, but nevertheless, this was a great read and very accurate in too many regards.

It is of course different is someone has suffered something worthy of being described as a trauma

Agreed but, there still comes a point where they must come to accept and move on. No one can fix them but themselves.

People are sensitive little bitches because they look out into the world or on their TV's and they see so many people moaning, crying or murdering for the most insignificant reasons

I see this as a symptom of the undeveloped. Actually, poorly developed might be a better term.

Let's instead focus on how shitty the meaningless stuff is.

This is the state of the world. Everything collapsing and people worry about the irrelevant.

I see this as a symptom of the undeveloped. Actually, poorly developed might be a better term.

I see what you mean now. That's actually an interesting way to look at it.

If only they would look at themselves and see, the charade and disconnection, the fantasy they live, the concessions made

I can so relate to this, as it reminds me of someone very close to me...
But they don't see the fantasy, because I believe, at some point, the fantasy becomes to interwoven with their sense of reality and to realize they're living a lie would crush them. Honestly, I think this is a sign of great weakness on someone's part.
A lack of development is exactly the problem, I agree. If they were well-developed emotionally, they wouldn't live in this dream state and would understand that the people who tell them the unpleasant truths do it for their benefit.

Who gets such treatment but a petulant child born into privilege, never asked to mature?

Loved ones. I don't think we would tiptoe and hide the truth for a stranger, because we don't really care about hurting their feelings. It's a paradox, if you think about it - we hide the truth from the ones we love most, whereas it should be the other way around. Love should be epitome with sincerity.

Should we tiptoe?

Yes and no. As you said, these people are weak. They lack the strength to take what we tell them and use it constructively. Honestly, I think we tiptoe because we'd like to maintain a relationship with such people. Also, I think it's too late for some people...as I was saying, they've become too warped in their fantasy to be brought back to reality. They refuse to accept what we tell them as truth.
You've made me wonder why do I tiptoe? For the reasons above, yes, but should I? I shall have to think about it.

I tip toe often because if I didn't there would be an irrational, overly emotional reaction and I simply don't have the patience for it. Sometimes its easier to let people believe their crap and go on with your day.

Definitely. But what do you do when that person is someone close to you? I mean, if it was some random person, I wouldn't care if they believed in an illusion...
But you're right, maybe I should just let people believe their own bullshit and not let it interrupt the flow of my day...

Yes, I tiptoe around them and find a bubble I can snuggle in.

Probably is the reason that after some people spend enough time around other people they just want to live as a hermit.

I also feel it is a spectrum. The tip toe seems to be a requirement. Social dance. At a bare minimum to get along.

If the person in question is positioned in a way that is harmful to the world around them, then the tip toe should turn into a swift kick.

But then there's the bubble echo chambers that can be large and influential. What to do about those....

I don't know if I am making sense right now.

Yes, I understand.. enough :)

The problem these days is that there is so many forums and platforms where people can get their dosages of attention and a near unlimited of people to support their actions. Once some get tired of the continual compromise and move on, they will then run to others and say they were victimised and abandoned.

I deal with a lot of this sort of thing daily.
I have come to question if the person in each event it mentally capable to understand criticism or a difference of opnion.
It is easy to see a small framed figure, and realize that they are not capable of assisting in helping in heavy tasks.
It is not so easy to see a lacking mental capasity. But I feel that they are no more to blame for their short commings than the timy person that cant hold up the couch while I vaccume.

I've quite a number of them around me. Sometimes we tiptoe just to keep the relationships. Yes you're right. Perhaps they are not emotionally developed. But when we tiptoe we keep a lot from them. We hide the real us from them thus keeping some truths from them. Sometimes I can't mingle with them
the way I wish to and I still say I Love them...

Love is fearless too you know.

I gradually have to bring them out of this state because it's not healthy for them and me too.

Should we tiptoe?
Love is sincere. I can't tiptoe forever. There has to be a way out.


Will it complete you?


If you would have said please sir in the first place, I would have given another 19c. But, you called me kind now so...


Although it's a re-post, I'll give you an upvote! For a few reasons: 1. This is an awesome post, 2. I wasn't around 8 months ago to upvote you at the time, 3. This is an awesome post.

That is all :)

The world has people who can't handle "constructive criticism", or any criticism for that matter.

  • The question becomes: How did these people come to exist?
  • The answer: The last generation raised them this way.

Sure, some people just can't be taught .. but is that really the case? Or is it that the teachers just didn't know the correct way to teach these individuals. Did you post recently about how teachers are not the problem? The students need to be willing to learn? That's true, but the teacher needs to be willing to be flexible in their teaching methods as well.

Yeah, I think it was you. "If you can't do, teach". It's all a learning process for everyone; the teacher, the student, the parents, friends, family, others who we interact with .. everyone is constantly learning about each other (if we're willing to pay attention to our surroundings for a few moments).

So where am I going with this? I honestly don't know :) This was your topic, not mine!

Ok, final thoughts: If we all treat each other with respect and understanding as opposed to worrying about what FOMO we're having because we're in a situation that isn't resulting in any discernible benefit to ourselves, maybe we all would get along better and society would become a little less hateful. Knowledge is power in that we fear what we do not understand. So if we spent more time trying to understand one another, we would no longer have the compulsion to fear one another for our differences.


:) Thanks

Yes, guilty, it was me. I agree that the last generation has issues, as does every 'last generation' as they teach for what they know but it will inevitably change. Teaching how to learn makes people more adaptive to the changing environment, therefore more intelligent. this would also provide a deeper level of situational awareness including how we affect our surroundings too. A continual self-check to make sure that what we are doing is what is best in the moment.

You are 100% right here and we need to stop tiptoeing for so many reasons. There are plenty of people in our society that have been sheltered and coddled and now can't handle reality and they need some tough love, not only for the sake of our society as a whole but for those of us that are forced to tip toe, unable to be open about who we really are. People need to begin to understand that other people are not responsible for their emotions. We are all responsible for how we feel. How we handle stress, whether it be our jobs, school, debt, crowds, or controversy, is completely within our own control. We simple need to refuse to tip toe any longer.

How we handle stress, whether it be our jobs, school, debt, crowds, or controversy, is completely within our own control.

So many think that they handle stress well... until they are in stressful situations

@tarazkp Takes great courage nowadays not to tiptoe. People tend to do it to avoid isolation, scared of loneliness.

I do it because I am scared that the people will do something silly to themselves or others. Emotional instability nearly always leads to loneliness as there is only so much people are willing to put up with, even when they care. It is up to the individual to sort this out though but more and more, very few are willing and instead blame their state on others.

I see you. That's an even more responsible and mature view on the issue and what impressed me the most in your post in the first place. Thank you for this insight.

I was in a relationship for a very long time with someone that required tiptoeing all over. You think you are doing it because you care about the person but ultimately you aren't forcing them to improve themselves and you are only building resentment, until you can't hold it back any more,

People with mental health issues deserve love and it's ok to have a relationship with them. You can be sensitive and supportive of them. But just as you need to be supportive of them, they have a duty if they are choosing to be in a relationship to work on managing their issues. If they aren't willing or are unable to then the relationship can quickly become toxic and abusive.

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