So how does the french police prepare it self to force vaccinate the borthers and sisters from Islam in the suburbs?
ready to die? because this is a fucking war. I image you, with all your gears, and rifles, not knowing if your families behind are safe, knowing that you come to rape people bodily integrity, that like little nazi goons you will follow orders, you don't give a shit about morality, ethics or liberty, because at the end of the day you aren't different from the american or english police. you have no honor, no dignity, but you love to warp yourself in the fake flag of the moral high ground.
taking children from their parents, to force them to be injected with substances, isn't a republican police force...
but you know it... the feed as more value than your ethics...
but the resistance...
if you think burning a little shity building is something big, wait...
wait to have your seringue out, with your buddies of the medical tyranny, ready to dart innocent...
islam will not remain silent against your tyranny !
and if it's not a jihad ! a holly legal war according to all definition of humanity, there is no jihad. when a state police force comes to the homes of the people they should be providing respect to their will to force vaccinate them to follow orders...
What's fun, the politicos like macron knows, but like many in this world he believes that propaganda will win, he believes like goebels did, that with constant repititon, or psywarfare this war will be done, he forget, like goebbels that the monopole of violence is quite a very fragile thing...
and who among the police wants to see "docs" come and dart their children? do you know how investigations against big pharma goes? yeah... you do...
so join the war, and spare your families pain... because it must be fought asymetrically... you come geared up in a town to dart the people, meanwhile, a harvest on your camp, you come harder next time, no worry, how are suicide vest made? what rashid wants to take the jihad against forced vaccination for the cité? the french martyrs, approved by the drug trade...
you will see...
you want total war, because you think total domination, or you change and join the liberty camp, or fight, and will see who wins...
and go please,... ask any scholar, shia, sunnis, wahabits, mullahs... forced vaccination...
and shit your pants.
100% agreement.
Insh allah...
shall we let the kuffar inject our children with things? the kuffars who eat porks? and rape children? those?
is fighting those, inclduing medical, a righteous war of the muslims?
rewind little padawans, those, with their "laws" want to take your children and inject them with unknown things...
legal or not?
ah... we see a sheik bought by the big pharma? Please could you repeat your answer? ahh... you didn't understood the question...
again: do you accept forced so called vaccination? Is it a jihad to oppose it?
I mean the true jihad, jana and co?
it's worst, it's a fractal jihad,.. support forced vaccination be a an enemy of the people of god.
please legions of martyrs, move, we may eat lots of porks, but force vaccinations...
so that will be the hard thing for the most hardcore...
there are true kuffars who will want to join the holly war against forced vaccination, but never forget those in the leaving of the dunyha, independently of their food diet, deserve great respect.
because it's clear that the french forces, among others, will need to take a serious beating to reflect seriously if they will follow the order or disobey...
but in all events the trade for fake vaccination certificates will be big !!!
but killing a little french commandants, numero uno of the national police because he believes that unlawful orders, like forced vaccination, are legal, make him still legit...
afterall this time marie antoinette is the wife of a big pharma exec...
what does it change? she will not even be the kweeen of france... just a hypergamist whore dead or decapitated. who the fuck care...
dialogue and information or force and war...
your call...
the politicos did for you...
ps, we the kuffars alliance, only shoot on the back... yeah it's part of the market fundamentalist movement, don't infrige on our wills... if you do, fair game...
borders? pfff for you.
money? pff for you to count...
forcing the children of mbs to be forced vaccinated by kuffars? when you will visit nyc with your salaries, don't forget, it's hot...
because you think we don't know where this come from?
that's why I love Islam...
there are things they don't discuss... no nego, like your little business people like to say... no... we kill.
sands, lines... you know...
nooo... you don't.
if a fucking mother fucker can enter my tent, take my chidlren against my will to inject with fucking things, it's war !
And I firmly, believe, that it's a jihad.
other opinion?
forced vaccination in syria? @arabisouri ? hehehe... asking...
I am sure the cia has already some plans with those vaccines... maybe more compliance from the childsexslaves? who knows... that's what I start to believe, or resaid, I don't consider it irrational... not at all... maybe a little bit overboard, but absolutely not impossible...