Home remedies to prevent hair loss after delivery /// डिलीवरी के बाद बालों का झड़ना //To Hair Fall After Delivery ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Home remedies to prevent hair loss after delivery

During your pregnancy, your hair becomes thick and shiny by itself, but once your baby is born, your hair starts falling rapidly. Besides feeding the baby and taking care of her other child, you may worry about falling hair constantly. Since the child is born, many women start worrying about their appearance. The excessive hair loss on it causes it to bother almost every new mother. But there is no need to worry about it and you are not even tired. This is just a temporary phase which will go away a little later and the reason for this is also the presence of hormones inside the body. In this article we are telling you the reasons for this problem and the adaptable home remedies.

Whether hair loss is normal after delivery -

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The problem of more hair loss than normal for a few months after delivery is surprising for women, but this is quite normal. Your child will become normal back to your baby's first birthday. Normally 85 to 95 percent of your hair is actively growing on your head, but the other 5 to 15 percent go into a resting stage, in fact they are the reason for hair loss. Usually around 100 hair fall in one day. During pregnancy, hair increases rapidly due to the increased levels of estrogen. But when the hair after the delivery comes in the resting phase, they also fall rapidly and each day falls short of falling. (Read more - Exercise after delivery) After your delivery, the level of estrogen decreases in your body, and too much hair goes to the resting phase and during the five months you can wash your hair and comb Come out. Although it is not necessary for all women to have this problem after pregnancy or delivery, this problem is mostly found in women with long hair. Talk to your doctor about hair loss. Sometimes the cause of hair fall, anemia or postpartum thyroiditis (postpartum thyroiditis- swelling of thyroid glands within one year after delivery) may be treatmentable conditions. (Read more - Hair Masks to Prevent Hair Loss)

Due to Hair Fall After Delivery -

Generally, at least 70-100 hair fall or fall on people every day. But due to the elevated level of estrogen during pregnancy, this process stops and our hair goes in a state of rest, due to which instead of falling our hair remains on our head and at that time the hair of the woman becomes dense . (Read more - Sex after delivery) Due to the increased levels of hormones during pregnancy, your hair goes in a restless phase named Telogen for long adjustment. For this reason, hair loss decreases during pregnancy and hair becomes thick and thick. It usually starts after five to six weeks and ends in about six to eight months. After the delivery of several women, hair loss starts in the first month, while other women say that this process starts about 3 months later. (Read more - due to hair fall)

Rescue and Treatment of Hair Loss After Birth of a Child -

With #delivery, there are many physical changes due to the hormones in your body, but as the time goes on, these changes also gradually disappear. The following are the simple ways of reducing hair loss and dealing with this problem after delivery: Stay away from stress. Postpartum hair loss is called postpartum telogen Effluvium in therapeutic language. It is a normal phenomenon that is not bald in them. Even the common people suffer due to hair stress. So if you worry about falling hair, more hair will fall. Do not make tight hair styles in hair. Using tight rubber bands, clips and rollers or tightening your hair tightly increases the pressure on your hair and stress on the scalp. By which hair is broken down. Eat nutritious diet You may have felt that when you were eating healthy diets during pregnancy, your hair and skin became very beautiful. Vegetables and nuts are not only healthy foods but also contain antioxidants and flavonoids that protect hair follicles. Take supplements. Sometimes, whatever you eat, the body does not get all the minerals and essential vitamins. Talk to your doctor for Vitamin B complex, Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Biotin supplements. They help to increase hair growth and hair loss to a great extent. Do not use chemicals in hair. If you wash your hair every day or every day, then select natural or herbal hair cleansers that do not have harmful chemicals. Washing hair with a strong shampoo damages them and they are also weak. Do not use too much hair and heating equipment on your hair. Do not over-comb. Hair loss is increased due to frequent hair loss. Also, use a large tooth comb to brush wet hair, because doing so will reduce stress on your weak hair. Make the hair smaller. After the arrival of a newborn baby at home, the possibility of taking care of long hair decreases because you get engaged in the care of the baby. So haircutting is the best solution. Small hair falls short in comparison to hair longer anyway. (Read more - Hair Fall Tips)

Home remedies to prevent hair loss after delivery -

When the baby is #born, the level of estrogen hormone also decreases and all the hair that is in resting state, they begin to fall. However, a lot can not be done to prevent hair loss after delivery. Normally the hair automatically comes back after 6-8 months of childbirth.

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