Traditional Medicinals! (Holistic Remedy: WATER)

in #health6 years ago (edited)


hello there! If you are new here, or are seeking ways to heal your body then you have come to the right place! I appreciate you for taking interest in your health. 

My name is Stephanie Estrada and I am a health coach with my training being from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I also love to blog on the side! This is my blog website for now. I enjoy Steemit! I love the community as well! @steemit :)

As apart of my blog, I created a blog series called Traditional Medicinals where I share important information about health and wellness! I read, study, and even practice my own health routines and share them here with all of you. I do the best I can to share what I know, As My intention is to spread awareness for loving, caring, and nurturing yourselves more. 



Water is extremely essential for our bodies to function properly. Not just any water is drinkable. Proper drinking water has become scarce and industrialized for profit and power. If you believe water IS important, what do you do to obtain clean drinking water? 

For those who understand that water is important, then you must agree that the quality of water is insanely crucial for longevity and wellness. 

Water Is Important

According to Australian Museum, "All living things need water to survive. Humans can’t survive more than five to seven days without fresh water."

Water is important for the environment. If humans pollute and contaminate their water sources such as: lakes, oceans, fresh water lakes, and rivers, then it affects animals and plants. And of course, if we affect the environment negatively then we hurt ourselves negatively. We are connected to nature, so we must respect and nurture nature. 


What Is Polluted Water

Polluted water is dangerous. The water that majority of humans drink today are tap water, water bottles, fountain water, and non beneficial filtered water. Access to clean water is possible. You must first avoid drinking polluted water. 

Some types of pollution found in fresh waters are:

* poisonous acids, chemicals, and metals

* trash and litter that is hard to decompose or break down, which harms the water quality

* bacteria from waste water. flushing toilets, washing clothes, or showering contributes to chemical and bacteria waste waters that are dumped into our oceans, lakes, and other large bodies of water. 

Even though pollution is found in fresh water bodies, companies still sell the water and try to filter and pasteurize the water by adding fluoride, chlorine, and other terrible substances like metals that are toxic to our bodies. avoid tap water, avoid bottled water, avoid any water that you do not know how it has been processed. 

10 Ways Water is Essential For Human Existence

  1. Water prevents DNA damage and make repairs more efficiently.
  2. Water increases the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow, including against cancer.
  3. Water is the main solvent of all foods, vitamins, and minerals; It used to break down these materials and metabolism and its assimilation.
  4. Water gives energy to the food, so that food particles could provide energy during the digestive process.
  5. The water used as conductor of all substances in the body.
  6. Water increases the efficiency of red blood cells capture oxygen in the lungs.
  7. Water cleaning toxic waste from different parts of the body and took it to the liver and kidneys to be excreted.
  8. Water is the main lubricant in the joint cells and helps prevent arthritis and back pain.
  9. Water cooling system is important for the body (through sweat) and heating the body (electrical).
  10. Water helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

(source from


Types Of Filtered Water

 Click Here to View All Water Filtration Systems & Dispenser

1. Activated Carbon

"Carbon removes contaminants by chemically bonding to the water that is poured into the system. Some are only effective at removing chlorine, which only improves taste and odor, while others remove more harmful contaminants, such as mercury and lead. It is important to note that carbon filters do not have the ability to remove inorganic pollutants such as nitrates, fluoride, and arsenic."

2. Distillation

"Distillation is one of the oldest water purification methods. It vaporizes water by heating it to exceptionally high temperatures. The vapor is then condensed back into drinkable, liquid water. Distillation removes minerals, microorganisms, and chemicals that have a high boiling point. These filters cannot remove chlorine and many other volatile organic chemicals."

3. Deionization

"Deionization filters promote ion exchange in your water in order to remove salts and other electrically charged ions. If a contaminant lacks an electrical charge, it will be removed by these filters. Living organisms, such as viruses and bacteria will not be removed by these filters."

4. Ion Exchange

"Ion exchange technology uses a resin to replace harmful ions with ones that are less harmful. Ion exchange is often used to soften water since it has the ability to replace calcium and magnesium with sodium. In order for these filters to work for extended periods of time, the resin must be regularly “recharged” with harmless replacement ions."

5. Reverse Osmosis

"Reverse osmosis works by moving water through a semi-permeable membrane in order to stop larger, more harmful molecules from entering. Since this process can only block molecules that are larger than water, contaminants with larger molecules, such as chlorine, cannot be removed. Reverse Osmosis Systems are able to remove more contaminants than carbon, making them a popular choice for many consumers. These filters consume far more water than they produce, so they are best suited for domestic use."

6. Mechanical

"Despite the fact that they cannot remove chemical contaminants, mechanical filters are an excellent option for consumers hoping to rid their water of sediments and cysts. Mechanical filters contain small holes that remove these contaminants, and they are sometimes used alongside other filtration technologies. If your water supply contains an undesirable amount of dirt and other particles, you may want to consider purchasing a mechanical filter."

7. Ozone

"Ozone is often employed alongside other technologies, and it is renowned for its ability to effectively kill large numbers of microorganisms. Ozone filters do not remove chemicals, but if you are worried about getting sick from your water, this may be your best option."

8. Carbon Block

"Carbon block filters are block-shaped filters that are composed of crushed carbon particles. These filters tend to be more effective than other types of carbon-based filters since they have a larger surface area. The rate at which water flows through these filters has a direct impact on their level of effectiveness. Fibredyne carbon block filters have a greater sediment-holding capacity than other types of block filters."

9. Granulated Carbon

"As the name suggests, these filters use small grains of carbon to filter your water. Due to their rather small surface area, granulated carbon filters tend to be slightly less effective than their block-shaped counterparts. Much like a carbon block filter, their level of effectiveness is strongly influenced by water speed."

10. Water Softeners

"Water softeners employ ion exchange technology in order to reduce the amount of magnesium and calcium in the water. This is especially useful if your plumbing fixtures are prone to accumulating mineral buildup. Since these harmful elements are replaced with sodium, water treated with this process tends to contain high levels of sodium. If you cannot consume large amounts of salt, it is best to avoid softened water. It is also unwise to water plants with softened water since it contains such high levels of sodium."

All these 10 water filter descriptions are from

I did not write the water filter descriptions in my own words, all credit goes to the website above. 

Choosing The Best Water 

In my opinion, I like to drink carbon filtered and distilled water. This is best for me, I understand that you may not agree, but do your own research. I have given you information that will hopefully help you choose a better drinking option of water. Do what is best for you and your family. I wish you the best on your decision. May you choose the right one for you and your needs. 


Thank you for the support, love, and following here on this steemit platform. I appreciate each and every one of you :) I hope this post helps you understand more about your body. I encourage all to care for and respect your bodies more. Much love, and as always until next time..... Peace! :)


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