Traditional Medicinals! (Holistic Remedy: Meditation)

in #health6 years ago


This practice has a huge impact on my life. Meditation is not some woo woo esoteric thing, it literally is a practice to cure dis-ease. Meditation has many many benefits and I would need to write a book for my explanation for this topic, so instead for this blog series I will talk about how it is helping me in my life and what benefits it can do for you. 

Starting My Meditation Practice

Meditation has always been something interesting for me. I started practicing meditation in high school, most likely sophomore year. I always had difficulty sitting still and being still, thank god I never got tested for ADD or ADHD because I know for a fact a doctor would urge me to take medication for my hyperactivity. I never felt understood because of how hyper I always was and I wasn't happy with myself either. Meditation was just what I needed. With the practice of meditation I trained myself to just sit still and really figure out what it is that is within me that is startling my life at the moment. I began to watch youtube videos such as my favorites that I still watch til this day: Ralph Smart (, Dan Mcdonald (, and other videos that basically explained meditation, Eastern religions, and aside from youtube videos I also read spiritual books, watched certain movies, watched documentaries, and in my everyday life the people I met helped me get to where I am now in my life. 

Now, As a 22 year old, I practice meditation more than ever. It brings great joy and harmony into my life. It requires discipline, patience, and consistency to really experience the beautiful benefits of meditation. 

Benefits of Meditation

Here are some benefits I am experiencing: 

* Less anxiety

* Less overthinking

* Positive perspective on life situations

* Promotes harmony

* Relaxes the body to bring about healing

* Promotes relaxed state of being

* Promotes law of attraction ability

* Understand who you are

* Allows you to take back your power

* Helps you realize you are a powerful creator

* and much much more.

Health wise, meditation helps the body to be relaxed and at ease which helps in allowing the body to heal dis-ease. 

Going within is fun and at times challenging. Once you accept this journey, you will be letting go and facing many things in your life that no longer serves you but it is necessary for pain, suffering, and complicated situations to occur. The challenges in life will either make or break you, which will you pick?

I personally feel my confidence has been boosted because my perspective on life has changed drastically. I no longer feel like life happens to me....  I now believe life happens because of me. Because of my actions, because of my choices, because of my reactions, because of my perspective, and because of the people in my life. Everything I do effects my life. I am more aware of this and this is a game changer for me. 


The Chakra System

Meditating allows you to focus on your chakra system, but not without intention. Intention is everything. Meditation can help you achieve all these amazing things in life but not without first giving yourself directions of where you want to go and what you want to do.  If you intentionally want to become a better version of yourself then you must believe so and feel so before and after meditation. During meditation you need not think but feel more. So, that is how you can align your chakras by meditation. You can begin to heal and align your chakra systems by solely focusing on which chakra you would like to heal and power up by intentionally thinking or more so imagining the color of that chakra and commence your meditation that way to go deeper. This is important if you want to really transform your life to be more harmonious, tranquil, and relaxed. 


The 7 Chakras And Their Meaning

* The Root Chakra- Red. Defines your relation to earth. It impacts  vitality, passion, survival instincts,   logic and order, physical strength and sexuality as well as the fight or flight response when faced with danger.   The gland to which the root chakra is attached is the Gonads. 

* The Sacral Chakra- Orange. Relates to the water element. Impacts sexuality, reproductive function, joy, desire and even creativity, compassion for others, and is associated with the sense of taste. Organs impacted by this chakra include the lymphatic system, female reproductive organs, large intestine, pelvis, and bladder.

* The Solar Plexus Chakra- Yellow. Is the personal power chakra that is responsible for one’s personal and professional success. Associated with fire, energy, and charge.  This element of fire, when balanced and harmonious allows one to feel more confident, cheerful and energetic along with a right amount of respect for self and others.   The glands or organs associated with Solar plexus chakra are Adrenal glands. 

* The Heart Chakra- Green.  influences our relationships and has the Air element.  A weak heart chakra is responsible for sabotaging the relationships through distrust, anger and envy etc. Sense of touch is impacted by the heart chakra and the glands connected to it are Thymus and lymph. 

* The Throat Chakra- Blue. Is associated with the ability to communicate, listen etc. The glands to which the Throat chakra is attached are the esophagus, ears, throat, thyroid, jaws, teeth and neck vertebrae. When balanced it allows an individual to have a pleasant voice, artistic abilities, expressive ways and also ability to be in a higher place spiritually.

* The Brow/Third Eye Chakra- Indigo. Translates to “center of knowing or monitoring”. It is connected to the Pineal or pituitary gland and  with a well balanced brow chakra one can have telepathic abilities, charismatic personality and they often do not have any fear of death. Associated with our sense of Thought. 

* The Crown Chakra- Violet or Purple. Is associated with the pituitary gland, nervous system, and the brain and head region with its element of light. In a balanced state,  this chakra can render individuals the ability to perform miracles, transcend the laws of nature, and have a heightened awareness of death and immortality. 

More Information on The Chakra System and about Meditation below:

I got my information about the chakra systems from here:

How meditation changed Aaron's life

Chakra meditation

Avatar The Last Air bender

Follow me on my other social medias! 




Thank you for supporting me, following me, and all the love! I appreciate all of you! I hope this helps you on your spiritual journey! Let me know in the comments below what your experiences are. Much love, and until next time.... Peace. 


Thanks for a great intro and overview of meditating, followed for more! I’m also writing on meditations, feel free to check out my blog and followed list for some resources you might find interesting. Enjoy!

Always a pleasure! thank you for commenting, following, and upvoting! I appreciate you. I will follow back and read your blog out too! much love! :)

Hi, @stefunniy! Really happy to find you here on Steemit and to read your blog. I'm new here and am just starting to explore this amazing community. Not on time to upvote your post, but just followed you so I can keep up reading about your experiences. Thank you and feel free to pass by my blog, I also write about meditation​ and chakras :)

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