
I follow this plan for a long time ....and it does NOT work for loosing weight
I go to the gym 3 times a week for 80 min. sessions (in the last 18 month)
...but, this plan it is fine for gaining muscle and staying approximately at the same weight so I am actually loosing fat and gaining muscle.
I think that in order to loose weight i should train a bit less hard and do more cardio ..that way I will be less hungry after the gym

In all seriousness... (and I was actually being serious above)... I believe in the simpler the system, the better... K.I.S.S. systems work in my experience. I have been a fitness instructor and I would suggest drinking more water rather than eating more food, apart from your post-workout energy boost meal. What feels like hunger is often really thirst.
Also, each additional pound of muscle should be burning an additional 100 calories a day, even at complete rest. So yeah, your weight may actually go up, but your body fat % should go down. Diet is 70%, training 30%. If you wish to shred, hit a Keto diet... your workout regime is great. You may know all this already, in which case, apologies!

thanks a lot for the advise man,
i will try to concentrate in my diet more as my muscular mass is fine already - i had to buy some new shirts as the old ones are small on me in the arms and chest.
also i know that in order to gain muscular mass i had to be in calories excess and now i need to try to concentrate in my diet.
i will try to drink more and maybe that will reduce my hunger ..probably it is a good idea to drink a lot after the gym while i prepare the diner ...and yes .proteins proteins and some more proteins instead of carbs

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