Not Everyone Can Comprehend Just Yet, The Severe Simplicity, Of Self Restoration and Self Preservation
We do live in the most exiting of times. And these are the times where we take back many of our idiotic decisions swallow many of our stupid statements. This is where we are at today, in need of replacing the curent reality, with seriously wise but simple ideology. So let's not waste time cycling in circles, but rather go straight to the pure and serious sollutions. We shall now proceed, without going too much into the dreadful details, of our world currently being totally toxic, on nearly every level, from the air to the soil, and from the processed foods to the pharmasuiticals offered, to ease the feelings of the damages, when actually, in a reality without misguiding manipulations by EnteringTainment, the UnterHaltung, falsified educations and other misleading sources, we now do know, that we can in fact solve the whole of all the issues ourselves, in an extremely short time, compared to that of what most common folks actually imagine.
• SOIL ~ FOOD • successful experiments have shown, that one specific type of fungus restores poisoned soils within just a few weeks, and it's effects are already visible after just a few days. This actually means, that in reality, we can say screw the industrial foods, and go back to supporting our local areas, by cooperating ~ buying fresh foods from our local farmers, who can grow healthy foods for us all, in and on their restored-healthy soils.
Fresh foods are what our bodies are genetically built for, and the local foods don't have to be picked uwriped and can be deliver soon enough after harvesting, for uour bodies to reap the benefits of oxygen rich fresh nourishment, which naturally oxygenates our bodies. Bodies that get adequately oxygenated, becomes an ecosystem environment, within which cancers and most other ills, have a hard time striving, not to mention even occurring in the first place. So allong with fresh foods, we also need clean air.
• AIR • is filtered clean by trees, for the biggest part by the rainforrests! which are being cut down, mostly for planting modified soy beans, to feed the animals species that we have been eating. But as we know, we have no sharp teeth nor predator claws, meaning that we are obviously not omnivores. So we simply stop being mislead, thinking we should need those wrong unhealthy-for-the-human-body proteins, and instead we turn to the healthy ones, that our bodies are in all truth genetically built for, now that we are well aware of, that meats do not belong in the category of fresh foods for humans, but rather in the category of partly being corpses, to be buried or burned, or as in other cases, they belong to the category of flesh, to be eaten by some animals, who actually truly are omnivores. And surely we rather pay taxes, to spend money on paying the countries who have the rainforests, and thereby having them receive the equivalent to, what they have been getting for permitting the destruction of our earths lungs, so that instead, those governments now restore and care for their ecosystems instead, since we all realize that we all want to breathe the clean air they produce.
The entirety of our living Earths organisms, as well as the entirety of the all the different bodily organisms of all living Species, are self healing and self restoring of their own nature, as we only provide the right building blocks which they naturally require to function accurately, without modified and industrially processed foods. Restoration and preservation is entirely in our effortlessly abundant nature.
• WATER • is cleaned naturally, through the process which causes rain to fall on our healthy earth, and seep down through the layers of it. It fills our oceans, our lakes, our rivers, as well as our springs and wells, from where we get our healthy water.
• MEDICINE • in all its truth, is purely in the nutrition; mainly in herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, all abundantly and effortlessly provided by healthy nature.
• TECHNOLOGY • has in the recent decades, lead us back to spirituality, and now provides us with sustainable solutions for everything we want and more. Even for plastics and fuels we have healthy alternatives.
SURPRISINGLY BUT INEVITABLY, while fear is only, false evidence appearing real, we have no more valid excuses left, just serious work to do, and nothing real to worry about anymore.
TEXT: SmilaZ