Are Our Dentists Poisoning Us? Silver fillings and their slow release chemical agent.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Dental Amalgam

It's no secret that the dental amalgam of metals used for tooth fillings is 50% mercury, and it is no secret that mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man.

It's interesting to note that back in the 1840's when mercury based fillings were introduced to America as a cheap alternative to gold fillings, the American Society of Dental Surgeons (ASDS) banned all dental practitioners who used the amalgam, citing its use as unethical.

This decision to ban dental amalgam led to the complete demise of the ASDS and the formation of the American Dental Convention, followed by various other dental organisations who all supported the use of mercury fillings.

Open Wide

The EU Ban Dental Amalgam

After over a hundred and fifty years of dentists filling our mouth with a chemical known to be a neurotoxin since at least 1898 when legislation was passed in France to protect hat makers from the dangers of erethism (mercury poisoning), and only now are measures being taken to ban mercury tooth fillings.

As of 1st July 2018 the use of amalgam fillings on children under 15 and pregnant or breastfeeding women will be banned in 28 countries of the EU with the aim of phasing it out completely by 2030, so that's good news. Unfortunately this time round France has opted out of legislation to ban mercury for use in fillings, and the UK has not agreed to implement the new measures either.

Johnny Depp, The Mad Hatter, an Alice in wonderland character based around the saying "as mad as a hatter" from when hat makers suffered mental disorders caused by a felting process that used mercury

Why Has Amalgam Been In Use For So Long?

The dental associations of the world apparently deemed amalgam as safe for use because nobody displayed any side effects due to its use and it was assumed that the mercury became inert after being mixed and solidified with other metals, that it no longer expelled poisonous fumes.

We have now known for some time that the mercury in fillings does indeed give off fumes and continues to do so for decades after being installed in the tooth as it slowly and continually evaporates.

The level of mercury fumes are highest after chewing, in one woman who was tested for mecury levels it showed that "if her mouth was a building, it would have been condemned" because the level of mercury fumes were three times higher than the highest level approved as 'safe' for the workplace.

Dentists are not Doctors and thus are not qualified to diagnose the effects of mercury poisoning, in particular when low level mercury poisoning can manifest in subtle emotional changes such as shyness or irritability.

Dental Amalgam

Let Us Get Rid Of Amalgam

I still have a few amalgam fillings from when I was young and loved sugar (the effects of sugar on the brain and body is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed), though the last time I needed a filling replaced I opted for a composite resin and will at some point in the not too distant future replace the remaining amalgam with composite.

Hopefully the US the UK, France and the rest of the world, will follow the EU and put an end to the absurd practice of installing slow release poison devices in our mouths.

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what's the composite resin made of?

I think it's a mixture of glass and plastics

I would wonder how toxic the plastic is. Dentists themselves are going to be the ones with the greatest exposure to any fumes, if anyone is to be kept in the dark about potential hazards it would be them.

I had to look into it, yes the plastic does release toxins and they have been working over the last ten years to stabilise composite and reduce it's rate of biodegridation, but for me it's the difference between chewing on plastic or chewing on mercury. I guess dentists believe what they have been taught, we know that there are many cases of doctors prescribing things in order that they themselves make a profit and perhaps dentists have added incentive to use certain products? There is no reason not to ban mercury fillings other than profit so my guess is that they make a tidy income for the governments that have not followed the EU ban, perhaps I will look into it further and no doubt the mercury comes from the same place as the mercury found in vaccines...

It would be more profitable for dentists to use solid gold fillings. How does the government make a tidy profit on mercury fillings?
Consider this, on their own sodium and chlorine are totally toxic and deadly, together they form table salt. California likes to label everything that it thinks could be potentially toxic I wonder if anyone is trying to apply that to dental amalgams. I looked and according to the FDA there are some risks from these amalgams so I guess the government is not trying to cover anything up.

Basically they say they do not recommend them for kids under 6 and that they may not be recommended for pregnant women.

Gold would be more profitable though not affordable to the masses, I also think the government does prefer to hoard gold for when the monetary system collapses and the value of gold sky rockets.. Though saying that gold is used in electronics which is generally irrecoverable after equipment is disposed of, who knows? It doesn't make sense to me that the FDA are stating it can be harmful as a neurotoxin for children yet is safe for an adult brain, a neuron is a neuron. I understand your point about salt being an inert and stable substance comprised of two quite dangerous substances though in the case of amalgam it has been shown not to be the case with mercury. Mercury is nasty stuff 🙁

It's not the best but it is more of a problem for developing neurons than those that are developed. When you are 5 and under your neurons are rapidly forming connections after that time mostly your neurons are editing their connections. It's the dentists themselves who are getting the highest exposure:

Guess I should have called the post "are our dentists being poisoned?"... Many neurons are formed before the age of 5 but research is apparently showing that new neurons continue to grow and develop throughout our lives.

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