How to Have Spiritual Health: A Guide
Growing up, I heard the phrase you are what you eat far too often. While it’s true that the food you consume does affect your physical health, what about your spiritual health? What you consume can certainly have an effect on your spiritual health as well, but there are other factors that play into it as well, such as your outlook on life and how you handle situations. In this guide, we’ll discuss how to have spiritual health in an age of non-stop communication, hectic schedules, and more. Let’s get started!
Living in The Present
We talk about being in the here and now all of time, but do we really do it? The best way to achieve spiritual health is to be present in our lives. There are many ways we can practice living in our present moment: through meditation or by keeping a journal, for example. As simple as they may seem, these practices allow us live in an almost Zen-like state of happiness because we appreciate every second of life.
Ignoring the Negativity
It’s easy to get caught up in complaining about situations beyond your control. When you want to zen out, it’s best to just ignore any negativity that could distract you from enjoying life. If there’s something negative happening, try not worrying about it as much as possible; if you can be at peace with everything that happens around you and within yourself, then you can focus on being a good live for others.
Having a Purpose
Whether you believe that your life is inextricably connected to a higher being or not, it’s important that you have a reason for living. When your purpose is bigger than yourself—when it contributes meaningfully to your community or society at large—you’re much more likely to live zen.
Meditation can help you detach from everyday worries and problems, and also cultivate greater empathy for others. It’s a good idea to try meditating for five minutes every day, although it may be difficult at first. With practice, though, it will get easier—and become something you’ll look forward to doing on a daily basis.
Praying and Having Faith
It’s hard to feel grounded and spiritually healthy if you don’t have a spiritual grounding. If your faith has been shaken, ask yourself what changes need to be made in your life so that you can feel more connected to God. Reconnect with friends who share your beliefs, or spend more time volunteering in a community center run by your church. These activities will help you find spiritual health—and joy!
Feeling Gratitude
Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude on a regular basis are happier and healthier than people who don’t. An attitude of gratitude is good for your spiritual health because it reminds you that there are positive things in your life, even in tough times. When you appreciate what you do have, rather than complaining about what you don’t, you tend to be more grateful overall—and less bitter and stressed out.
Living in The Moment
Part of having spiritual health is living in the moment. It’s about focusing on what you have, not what you don’t. If you’re complaining or griping all day, it’s pretty hard to focus on what good things are coming your way. If you really want a happy life, live in accordance with your values and try hard not to get caught up in unimportant issues.
Accepting What Is Happening Now
Instead of striving to improve our lives in a material sense, we can strive to improve ourselves in a spiritual sense. That doesn’t mean we should neglect our physical health or stop enjoying life’s pleasures, but it does mean finding peace with what is happening now and using that acceptance as motivation for spiritual growth. Take whatever you’re doing right now—whether it’s sitting at your desk, watching TV, or cleaning your house—and focus on doing it well and thoroughly.