Coping with my health problems. Some ways I am dealing with it.

in #health7 years ago



In my first post I stated that I joined this site because I have health problems.
And I want to write about my experience hoping to have a positive effect on
people in the future.

Maybe things I learn along the way will inspire other people with health problems.
Or even better inspire people to prevent getting chronic health problems like I have.
Tough even if they seem chronic I am still desperately looking for a way to get rid of them like most people would.
And I know the more severe the problem the more that finding a cure is all people can think about.

At the moment my health is stabilizing. But it's still bad. My stomach and intestines are over sensitive.
Very often I feel nausea. I have been to several doctors and they have been unable to find much, except for inflammation in my stomache during a endoscopy. I now go to physical therapy twice a week trying to fitness, wich is going better. The problem right now is that my health problems are still so frequent and unpredictable that I am unable to get a job.
It would be a disaster to have to call in sick every one or two weeks, and having to end up on welfare because being unable to work is one of my biggest nightmares. And as a young adult you can imagine this creates some huge desperation.

I feel like I have to be creative to still get to be completely financially independent.
So I went to my old internship and registered myself as a freelancer. From time to time I make a motion graphic videos for them in wich they hire me and I can earn some pocket money. Tough the market is not really asking for these types of videos alot right now. Or maybe I am looking in the wrong place.

By now my health troubles have been lasting for almost 5 years. And slowly really slowly gotten better.
I have set some long term goals for myself because I want to get stronger. At this moment on advise of my doctor I have been going trough physical therapy, wich has been a massive help for my body in some ways.
I do sports twice a week. I had to do it because up until 3 or 4 months ago I had hardly any muscle left at all.
I hope that by the end of this year. I can manage to do exercise 3 times a week. And I want to keep that up for the rest of my life. I am also slowly changing my food pattern. Trying to find out what my stomach can and can't handle.
If things pay off I hope I'll be strong enough to start applying for a job again.
This is a tedious process that requires alot of patience and may hopefully get rid of my problems permanently.


On the short term I usually try to do some basic tai chi or meditation exercises to keep my head calm and stay relaxed.
I am trying to reduce and avoid stress as much as possible. Because stress is a huge catalysator that makes all my
health problems 10 times worse. And its also a really good breathing exercise that has helped me reduce my hyperventilation,
wich is also caused by stomache problems sometimes.


Another thing I do is because of my problems Is use medicine I got from the doctor. I got Pantoprazole wich is against excessive stomache acid. And I got metoclopramide. Metoclopramide I rarely use except when my problems get really bad. Because I know and have read about the long term side effects wich scare me alot.
I try to use the pantoprazole as little as possible too. To compensate for it I take liquid aloe vera. Because of that I don't need the Pantoprazole as much as I used too. Not sure if that would work for everybody but maybe something worth researching for people that have simular problems as I have.

There are a few other ways I am coping with my current stomach problems.
I'll write about these ways in some seperate posts. These are just things that worked for me.
But can't garantee they work for somebody else. I hope they do tough.

I want to thank everybody for the patience to read my post.
And remind to keep your stress level at zero as much as possible.


Hello, first of all sorry for my english so bad right now, but I will do my best to improve.
The whole of your symptoms reminds me of a rheumatic disease which I suffer myself. It is called Ehler Danloss, I put a link to fully understand the phenomenon.
It is relatively new and little known as a disease. I understand your suffering because I have almost the same symptoms. Indeed, sport helps a lot in this kind of problem. Moreover, being a student in psychology I advise you to do "mindfulness" sessions, you can do them alone is quite simple to understand. And it's the best tools I have for control my stress, I put a little link to understand the usefulness.

I wish you a lot of courage.

I'm wondering about the state of your good gut bacteria. Do you take a probiotic or eat probiotic foods? Eating some real (refrigerated) sauerkraut (like the Bubbies brand) could help out. Remember if you take antibiotics it will destroy the good bacteria, as will succralose/spenda sweetened products. Dealing with stress as you all mentioned is important of course. I would advise weaning off the PPI drugs as soon as you can. Swallowing a teaspoon or more of apple cider vinegar mixed with water before all or big meals will help also. I've found ginger soothes my stomach when it gets queasy too.

Thanks for the information. This is really helpful. I have had similar information before so some of it I already do.
I should try to eat more probiotic foods. I do take the PPI drugs. But I try to take them as little as possible. I already take ginger regulary and I take the aloe vera. Because of that I don't need the PPI drugs as much anymore, maybe only once a week or once every 2 weeks. Unless it gets really bad then I need it a bit more often. Getting rid of my dependence on these drugs is one of my main priorities. The apple cider I have read about before but I have not tried it yet. I will also take a look at that.

Im not sure how open you are to trying natural remedies and/or herbs for healing...
It seems like you have a very sensitive stomach and you feel a lot. I used to have a lot of stomach issues too. And if your anything like me there's probably a malabsorption issue. I have adopted a mostly frugarian diet and have never felt better. In addition to that I have done a lot of emotional cleansing ....The stomach area has a huge cluster of nerves and stored emotions and feelings can aggravate it too. If you are open to naturopathy I can give you a couple of suggestions...

Thanks all suggestions are welcome.
And I am indeed open to natural remedies and even homeopathic remedies.
I am also visiting a doctor that uses natural remedies.
And I have been working on my emotions trough therapy and other methods, because when my emotions become stronger it intensifies all my physical problems aswell.
I am going to research the malabsorption issue and frugarian diet. Can you also tell me what methods of emotional cleansing you have used?

If you look into Dr. Morses work. He specializes in detoxification and cellular regeneration with the use of iridology. He simplified a lot of things for me pertaining to diet and regeneration. His website is He is also on youtube. is another website that focuses on the same principles of detox and regeneration. They are trainees of Dr. Morse.

For my emotional help, I used to go to a B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique) Practitioner. It's a technique developed by a Chiropractor to read and release emotional blockages within the body. He found that once that was done there was really no need for chiropractic adjustment because it was indeed the the emotional response that to tightened the muscles and caused misalignment. I learned the technique so I could help my friends and family.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is what I use a lot too.

Mediation, breathing and yoga helped with deep seated fears and childhood disturbances too.

I hope this helps.

hello. from what i could grab from your post there are two problems- physical inflammation and psychological which could be caused by detoxing. how much sweet stuff you usually eat, because it is one of main causes of inflammation. ginger that you mentioned is good antiinflammatory,and you could make research on more like curcuma ( tumeric) etc. i think here you on right way making a research and being open to as Hippocratus said once"da food be your medicine". another thing is detoxing, here is the main thing to eliminate toxins from body otherwise they just circulate in blood and poison you back making feel weird. read about ways of cleansing your body. probably liver cleanse. and another thing to chek is leaking gut which is quite often make people feel dizzy. good luck. you are on right way of self-research

Have you been tested for H pylori

I think they did actually. Once trough a blood test.
And later trough the endoscopy they also searched for it on samples
they took.