Colon hydrotherapy - Is an unhealthy colon making you sick? - My experience

in #health7 years ago

What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a natural treatment during which water (serveral different temperatures) is introduced into the bowel in order to stimulate and cleanse the colon. This way older or encrusted fecal matter, gas and mucus can be removed effectively.

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The procedure is simple. In Austria, it’s performed by a qualified nurse who massages your stomach, regulates temperature and pressure during the process. You don’t have to worry about any kind of „incidents“ as the water can freely float into and out of your colon. There’s no chance of pooping your pants😜💩
Depending on your session, colon hydrotherapy usually lasts for 40-60 minutes. The price varies from institute to institute.

When is a colon hydrotherapy recommended?

This form of treatment is beneficial in many ways and could help with several health issues and diseases originating from the digestive track. Just to name a few:

chronic fatigue, loss of vitality, lack of concentration, digestive disorders, migraine, rheumatism, arthritis, asthma, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, depression, allergies, infection, inflammation, skin diseases, fungal disease, some sorts of parasites, etc

Who is not allowed to do a colon hydrotherapy?

Under the following conditions you should not consider this form of treatment:

  • acute or chronic bowl inflammation
  • serious heart disease
  • tendency to bleedings in the stomach and intestinal area
  • morbus crohn (crohn’s disease)
  • fresh bowl surgery

What do colonics do to your colon?

Basically, a colon hydrotherapy has four main benefits

Cleansing the colon

Toxic waste, which has accumulated over your life time gets broken down and eliminated through your colon so it can no longer harm your body. Once your colon is clean it is rejuvenated and can begin to function properly again.

Exercising the colon

The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves muscular contraction, which means the process of naturally emptying itself becomes more efficiently.

Reshaping the colon

When you are someone who deals with digestive problems regularly, your colon may have altered its shape over time and bulged pockets have occurred, which in turn causes even more problems. However, colon hydrotherapy has the potential to eliminate accumulated waste in these pockets and inevitably help your colon to function.

Stimulating reflex points

As every system in the body is linked to the colon’s reflex points, it is possible to rectify problems in a certain part of the body by using a special method of colon hydrotherapy called the „Brunelle method“.

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Additional benefits of a colonic

  • removes some types of parasites
  • improves metabolism
  • hightens mental clarity
  • aids in the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall
  • preventive measure against cancer especially colon cancer
  • relieves pressure and pain in the abdominal area
  • improves circulation

You’re brave??? Do you wanna see how your colon may look like if you do not take good care of it? Here’s some footage of a colonoscopy (not colon hydrotherapy) which shows peoples colons in different health stages. This video was one of the reasons why I felt the NEED to clean my colon NOW as I didn’t want it to look like any of the sick ones as I get older!
I warned you, it’s … eye opening

How should you prepare for a colon hydrotherapy?

In order to achieve the best results possible, it’s recommended to stop eating 18-24 hours prior to your session and do a salt flush or enema in the evening the day before. Also you could start adding psyllium husks into your diet. This way your colon accumulates more water so old waist gets removed more easily.


This factor totally depends on where you’re living. From my personal experience I can say, that the first appointment usually costs more than the following ones as it includes an interview and you are going to fill out a questionnaire with your qualified nurse. Two appointments, including the initial examination cost me exactly 225€ which are about 280$ to this day.

Enema VS Colonic

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Why did I choose to do a colon hydrotherapy?

I chose this form of treatment for many different reasons.
Mainly because I am dealing with pain in my abdominal area, bloating and food intolerances from time to time due to my former eating habits. Also, I have suffered from acne half of my life.
Besides that, I have experienced several other symptoms mentioned in this post and therefore I thought it was finally time to wrap my life around and give it a try!

My intention was to to clean out my colon, in order to improve the absorption of nutrient, make it possible to heal prior damage and set a good environment for a clean, fresh start.

Our colon is our second brain. Every illness origins in your digestive system.

Book recommendation: The mind gut connection by Emeran Mayer

Is it true, that a colonic gets rid of all the beneficial gut bacteria?

Absolutely not! Colon hydrotherapy has a similar effect on the gut bacteria than having several regular bowel movements. It may wash out some good bacteria, but also gets rid of much bad bacteria. This way, the healthy gut bacteria is left behind to flourish again. Sometimes, in cases of candida or when antibiotics are taken, a person is advised to take a probiotic supplement to support your gut rebuilding good gut bacteria more efficiently.

What’s next?

After a colonic, the steps totally depend on you! What are your goals? What do you wanna achieve? What were you reasons to do it in the first place? How much do you value your personal health? Are you going to make a diet and lifestyle change?

What’s next for me?

I chose to do a few diet changes, as I noticed my digestive system deserves much more attention. Also: I have NEVER truly believed that chewing your food till it’s basically mash is SO IMPORTANT! In addition, I focus on rebuilding healthy gut bacteria and balance my acids and bases.
To simplify this answer I am going list my priorities below:

  • chew till it’s mush
  • take longer breaks between meals to give my digestive system enough rest
  • Eat my last meal before 6
  • Stick to a whole foods plant based diet (majority of the time)
  • Increase the proportion of raw food
  • Go with high fibre foods, whole fats and low sugar/ carb foods
  • Eat portions your stomach can actually handle (over eating = over exhausting your digestive track = tired after eating)

My opinion on colon hydrotherapy

In my opinion, it was a great and interesting experience. I learned about it’s prejudices, true effects and other people’s reasons to choose this alternative medicine treatment. Since my first session last week I’ve noticed a huge difference in digestion as everything goes faster now. Also, I’m able to feel the signals of my stomach and colon more clearly. Therefore I can adopt my diet precisely to my needs by listening to my body.
Nevertheless, I find, that a colon hydrotherapy alone is NOT the cure to all digestive related health issues. From my point of view, it’s a great additional support to an overall healthy plant based diet and a full detox of your organs, lymph system and body.

Check out my blog for more! I post as often as my creativity lets me😉
You may also be interested in my recent recipe which supports overall health and well being!

Until next time, be grateful, do what you love and follow your <3! BIG THANK YOU to you my steemian fellow for being a part of my journey!


I have heard about this and in natural medication this is being practiced in different ways in India. Good to know lots of details.

Great to hear that, I’m glad you like it thank you🙏🏻

Really love it, thank you for sharing...

Thank you so much, this means a lot to me✨

From the title alone, I thought, that this post would be full of 💩
..but I actually learned a lot! Thank you! 🙏😀

Hahahaha, glad I could surprise you😂 thanks for your fun comment 😉

Nice writeup.
Upvote my work too please.
Thank you

This was awesome Katy and so informative. Thank you for sharing. And wow I couldn't believe that video, really unbelievable seeing what goes on in some peoples digestive tracts. Now I just wonder how bad mine is...I have been having some trouble with my colon health lately and I just ordered the psyllium husks to help bulk my stools better. Thanks for the tips

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